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Everything posted by Luke

  1. Is the brand new "sfo2e" a new version of your library or just something you use for the first 2 components (i.e., importing and editing IWD resources)?
  2. Yes, even though there's nothing wrong (at least in principle) with using all your 4-level slots to cast, say, Ice Storm... But that's debatable of course...
  3. I agree with you. I mean, blocks like this one IF TRIGGER TargetBlock(PCMages|PCsInOrderShort) TriggerBlock(Paralyse|MR) THEN DO Action(Spell,WIZARD_HOLD_PERSON|100|50) END are perfectly fine for both Mages and Sorcerers. Randomization (|100|50) should prevent them from casting the same spell twice or more times... And you can always add more randomization via something like IF TRIGGER TargetBlock(PCMages|PCsInOrderShort) TriggerBlock(Paralyse|MR) OR(2) !Class(Myself,SORCERER) RandomNumLT(4,3) // 50% chance if I'm SORCERER THEN DO Action(Spell,WIZARD_HOLD_PERSON|100|50) END Finally, FWIW, there are some enemy Shamans (which are spontaneous casters like Sorcerers) in SoD. They're scripted ("BDSHM00.BCS") no differently than ordinary Druids, except that there is little to no randomization, so in this case they will tend to use the same spell...
  4. So this flag no longer breaks only Sanctuary...? Also, it is useless to set both flags to 1 (see for instance WIZARD_FIREBALL), right? It should be either one or the other, mainly depending on how they should interact with op102 (so in particular with (Minor)?Globe of Invulnerability and the like)...?
  5. Removing the C one is probably useless (or extra precaution) since it applies a single instantaneous effect (op12), so there would be nothing to remove for op321...
  6. I too prefer the IWD-version of these spells, they're easier to use. Also, the NPC/AI version of these spells (ENEMY_CLERIC_SLAY_LIVING, ENEMY_CLERIC_HARM) is IWD-style (non-touch) in BG2, but that's probably because it's (much?) easier to script / instruct a creature to use a non-touch spell rather than a touch one... Finally, I'd like to point out there's an unused / unimplemented Touch Projectile flag. You might want to do something about it, it may be relevant in this kind of situations...
  7. I see now, thanks. It was something subtle then... However, if that's the case, I expected the game to crash upon spawning such creatures...
  8. Ops! For some unknown reason, I've always thought it was 3d6 > 2d6 > 1d6, that's why I proposed `p1=3` along with just the Decrement mode... Do you think the extra die of damage for the first two rounds makes the spell too OP...? Personally, I don't like this... Additionally, the standalone op12 effect does not cast the subspell, which means less chance of spreading the mold... Also, forgot to ask the following: why do Mold Touch mode(s) deal MAGIC damage? Shouldn't they deal POISON damage...? That's probably another thing you might want to look at for v2.7...
  9. To tell the truth, Earthquake doesn't really bypass MR. In particular, the Damage opcode bypasses it, whereas the Sleep one does not, so once again I'm not sure about the original intentions here... However, as you said, they're supposed to change the surrounding environment, so they should probably bypass MR...
  10. So to sum up, the top level script (OVERRIDE) of such creatures should be something like:
  11. Interesting. So I guess that this trigger can be safely used when attempting to cast WIZARD_LIGHTNING_BOLT and the like...?
  12. Could you please tell me what was the issue? Yes and no. The key point here is the "Hostile" flag (ITM / SPL / V2 EFF) => since Fireball is flagged as "Hostile", then there's no need to add an op206 for it (and in fact, MGOI does not have one). However, that's not true for all offensive AoE spells, that's why MGOI needs an op206 effect for spells like Stinking Cloud... Having said that, as you correctly said, In Antimagic Shell's case they aren't necessary since spellcasting is disabled anyway...
  13. Yes, this is certainly a valid argument... Anyway, As Galactygon said, whatever the case, mechanics should be consistent across the board. Really? There's "Increased Movement Rate" (index #195 in BG(2)EE, index #193 in IWDEE), but I'm not seeing a "Reduced Movement Rate" status icon... Do you know why there are a lot of op206 effects protecting the caster from all those AoE spells? Unless I'm missing something, op102 (Immunity to spell level) is perfectly able to block effects delivered by AoE projectiles... As a result, they seem to be redundant and should probably be removed...? Thankfully, it is not so problematic. I provided a quick hotfix here... The LIZARD_MAN\(_ELITE\)? animations (used by "SS1LIZ3.CRE" and the like) wield invisible weapons in BG(2)EE, and I really can't understand why it is so (already reported here some years ago...). I mean, their weapon "#S1-12.ITM" is using a valid weapon appearance (namely "QS"). However, it is completely invisible... Also for the record, everything is fine with existing Lizard Men files (such as "BAZLIZ03.CRE"), so what the hell is happening here...
  14. I see. So basically the subspell is needed in order not to prevent visual feedback (op215) from displaying. But for the same reason, the targeted creature should be able to evade the subspell, not the main spell... Ditto for all related spells...
  15. True... So basically it's a matter of personal tastes... But if that's the case, then you should also "fix" all those leading op318/324 effects (filtering GENERAL/RACE/CLASS/etc...): they usually bypass both MR and Saving Throw checks... It's probably better to leave things as they are...?
  16. Noted. Yeah, me dumb. I forgot about about Sequencers and the like (and also op#188...) OK, fine. Yeah, me dumb. I forgot about about Sequencers and the like (and also op#188...) Exactly. If you give a name (@ 0x8) to the subspell, remove the "Ignore Center" bit from "IDMOLD.PRO", and cast the spell at someone that is standing really close to you, you'll see Caster : Damage Taken (x) upon a failed Save vs. Spell. So it's always the original caster that casts all the subspells via op78... That op318 (p2=SPLSTATE=MOLD_TOUCH) effect on the subspell is probably redundant since "IDMOLD.PRO" already checks for that (@ 0x3E)... Having said that, you might want to address the following: On the main SPL file: op215 and op174 offer no Saving Throw. Guess that they're there for providing "visual" and "sound" feedback, right? If that's the case, then they should also bypass Magic Resistance (`resist_dispel=2` or 0)... On the main SPL file: please remove op78 (Disease type: Mold touch/Single) and alter `parameter1` of the second op78 (Disease type: Mold touch/Decrement) from to 2 to 3... The `Delay/Permanent` timing mode of op78 (Disease type: Mold touch/Single) is still causing issues (it leaves a permanent Diseased portrait icon along with the corresponding spell state...) On the subspell file: make sure `spell type` (@ 0x1C) and `primary_type` (@ 0x25) match the values of the parent spell (this is already the case for `secondary_type` (@ 0x27)). I'm not sure if this is relevant or not when the subspell is cast by op78, but just in case... Yes, you're right, but simply because in all these cases the splprot filter is an "IF" "ELSE", so everybody is affected by one of the child spells (as mentioned above by Galactygon). However, generally speaking, it would be better to move those checks from op326 to the subspell... In fact, it does matter for spells like CLERIC_WALL_OF_MOONLIGHT, where the splprot filter is not an "IF" "ELSE" (see the file in IWDEE). So please move the MR checks from op326s to the subspells (also, that final op318 should bypass MR as well – "A creature that has passed through the wall can only take damage from it once." So If the target fails its MR check, good; if it does not, then the spell is wasted...).
  17. Somewhat related, though minor: as you may have noticed, after executing that command the various columns may end up quite a lot separated (see "SPLPROT.2DA", where "V1.0" is aligned with the "STAT" column. That's probably unnecessary since it's not a "real" column...) To sum up: I was wondering if there's a way to perform / execute what your NearInfinity calls "Align table"...
  18. And the same occurs with Haste, i.e., you can benefit from it even if the "fatigue" period has not expired yet... OK then, so be it (120).
  19. You're forgetting about that op44 setting STR to 3 ("... the target becomes fatigued and <PRO_HISHER> Strength drops to 3 for 2 turns."). This one is not applied permanently, and that's why 240 is correct...
  20. OK, makes sense, thanks for clarifying. CLERIC_BLOOD_RAGE: duration of op206 should be 240 (the fatigue period kicks in after 120 seconds and lasts for 120 seconds, so 120 * 2), otherwise you can benefit from it while being fatigued...
  21. I agree. Also look at Ghoul/Ghast/Carrion Crawler attacks: they all use op109.
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