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Everything posted by Luke

  1. You and I have different ideas about what "incompatible" means... Yeah, I should have clarified better : the mod itself installs correctly, but the enemies don't make use of the new spells, which is bad for obvious reasons...... This is something that will hopefully be addressed in the (near?) future...... The same holds for IWDification........
  2. How can I check if this issue has been fixed on macOS? The latest version of your tool (i.e. v3.2) still has some issues on macOS..... Only by installing the PowerVR SDK. You only need to install the PowerVR Tools > PVRTexTool part though. The tool binaries can be found in the "CLI" subfolder. Simply replace the tool version from the mod. Still no luck (I'm talking about 2018 Release 1) I'd like to try it on a Linux VM. Could you provide me with instructions on how to install WeiDU mods on that system? If I am not mistaken, it's a real PITA ......
  3. Yep, you're right...... But I don't understand why in your mod (Scales of Balance) you patch both the CLABTHxx tables and the .CRE files with spellstate 252..... Why not just the CLABTHxx tables for example? I mean, if a .CRE is coded as a Thief (or kitted Thief), it should automatically receive the spellstate once it reaches the appropriate level.....
  4. Are you sure you weren't taking the delayed damage from a previous un-evaded arrow?If I set the characters Breath Save to 0/1, it becomes 100% consistent for both spells. Let's say it seems to be intermittent..... Sometimes it works as expected, other times I take the damage (I'm talking about the instant damage, not the delayed damage from a previous un-evaded arrow) and the Evasion feedback message is displayed in the combat log.....
  5. So, I didn't test this for 30 or 40 times, but it does seem that opcode #328 is not necessary..... In my tests, Coran managed to evade all the effects from Melf's Acid Arrow (I put opcode #324 (param2 = 63) as the first effect in the spell header). When speaking of Magic Missile, things are different: it may happen that you manage to evade all missiles or just some of them.... But this is not an issue, I think it makes sense..... Moreover, the Evasion feedback triggers exactly when the projectile hits the target (no mismatch), so everything is working as intended..... To sum up: simply put opcode #324 (param2 = 63) as the first effect in each spell/item header and you have IWDEE Evasion ----> Very simple, but not flexible as you pointed out..... And, yes, it works with items too...... EDIT: nope, you're right, I detected something wrong. It may happen that the very first Melf's Acid Arrow that hits Coran triggers both the Acid damage and the Evasion feedback...
  6. My tests indicate that opcode #328 is not necessary (tested on BGEE v2.5 beta) Just to clarify: what do you mean by "without the spellstate the check is not fully functional" ?
  7. How can I check if this issue has been fixed on macOS? The latest version of your tool (i.e. v3.2) still has some issues on macOS.....
  8. Yes, I think the UI was all screwed up mainly due to the wrong format.As a matter of fact, I managed to successfully install a custom Record Screen, Inventory Screen plus some minor adjustments to the Journal (I'm talking about the mod "EEUI Tweaks") simply by converting the relevant PVRZ files in the appropriate format. The Screen Resolution of my iPad is 2048x1536. Yes, I didn't install many things, but it does sound promising.....
  9. Do you think this mod is compatible with SoD? EDIT: No, it's not compatible ------> enemies don't make use of the new spells (as expected.....)
  10. I'm sorry, but I think you're wrong.... If I'm not mistaken, it was @kjeron the one who found out that it is sufficient to patch a spell with opcode #324 (param2 = 63) to replicate vanilla-style Evasion ---> Might & Guile thread, May 1st from kjeron: "It seems that IWDEE misleadingly applies the EVASION SPELLSTATE to thieves at level 7 through their CLAB.It's entirely pointless - any Thief L7+ automatically qualifies for an evasion check." There shouldn't be any problem since the resource of opcode #324 can be either a .SPL or an .ITM....
  11. This may be true for your version, I was talking about the existing IWD:EE feature... Anyway, you may wanna add something else to the list of evadable spells. For example: Arrow of Detonation, The One Gift Lost, Potion of Explosion, Oil of Fiery Burning (only if IR is not installed) and so forth....
  12. Yes, you may be right. Enemies cannot know which potion you drank since Item Revisions removes opcode #328 from all potions..... Anyway, this is not fine because the player knows that Breach can remove the effects granted by Potion of Clarity...... I'll try to see what happens in SoD as soon as possible.....
  13. Yeah, you're probably right...... Anyway, even if you added that opcode, there could still be cases of suboptimal behavior ----> For example, enemy mages may cast either Remove Magic (bad choice) or Breach (good choice) at a party member who gulped a Potion of Clarity.... @Ardanis is one of the dev behind SoD AI, right? Maybe he can enlighten us on this topic.....
  14. Are you sure Item Revisions is compatible with SoD? If I'm not mistaken, the simple fact that the effects granted by potions are undispellable should be enough to break the AI.... For example, let's consider Potion of Fire/Cold/Electricity Resistance. The effects of these potions can only be removed by a Breach spell but all of them lack opcode #328 (param2 = 65, i.e.: BUFF_PRO_DAMAGE) ----> As far as I know, SoD AI relies on said spellstate for casting Breach.....
  15. From the Beamdog forums: "If we are talking about SPWI618.spl then it's only the first effect in each header that was changed, the reason being is that SPWI618B.spl is cast when the spell deflection is exhausted which dispels the parent spell (SPWI618.spl). I cannot comment any further since I don't know exactly what is broken by the mentioned mod. This change btw applies to all other spell deflection, turning, and trap spells. The reason those spells were changed is due to the hardcoded nature of the exhaust spell deflection/turning/trap spells. Once those spells are exhaused any remaining effects in the parent spell need to be removed (i.e. if a splstate is set). Otherwise, those extra effects will still remain when the spell becomes inactive. In other words, opcodes 200, 201, 223, 226, 227, 228, and 259 now apply '(Resource).SPL' when they terminate. ----> Yes. Usually only one instance per header is enough if you've got more than one decrement opcode in the same header (i.e. for different spell levels)."
  16. That's because this mod needs to be updated in order to take into account the recent engine changes to "spell deflection, turning and trap spells" (the same holds for SCS.....) Please follow the instructions provided in the first post of this page ---> https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/61886/sword-coast-stratagems-scs-threads/p2 They should work for both this mod and SCS......
  17. Ok, you convinced me....... Now, what about AROWKC.itm (Fire Arrows used by Elite Kobolds)? Why should they be different from those used by the player (i.e., AROW08.itm)? You or Mike (or both) may want to make these two resources identical in terms of damage output, enchantment and so forth.....
  18. Make this change in the lib file and save before installing. It will fix the problem I'm pretty sure. "The spin203.spl issue is on line 2924 of /spell_rev/lib/kreso_eestatSR.tph: ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~spin105.spl~ THEN BEGIN // innate bhalpower COPY_EXISTING ~spin203.spl~ ~override~ LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT It should COPY spin105, not spin203."
  19. About Icewind Dale Casting Graphics: I think it'd be nice to have not only the casting graphics but also the various projectiles.....
  20. To me, this means nothing... except bad writing in your part. I was simply saying that now the effects granted by potions are flagged as Natural/Nonmagical (instead of Dispel/Not bypass resistance). So I was wondering why magic should be able to remove something that is not magic in nature..... Anyway, as you said, the game doesn't portray a phisycal link between matter (it's written without the final 's') and magic, but it could very well be there......
  21. So, potions are of alchemical nature instead of magical ----> Nevertheless, their effect(s) can be removed by magic (e.g., by a Breach spell). Why!? What's the idea behind this?
  22. I noticed that Carbos and Shank (and probably all Assassins) don't use their Poison Weapon ability if RR v4.92 is installed..... It seems they're scripted to use SPCL423.SPL (i.e., unmodded Poison Weapon) instead of FL#TAS02.SPL.... Since previous versions of RR modified the Poison Weapon ability of Blackguards along with that of Assassins, now Assassins use FL#TAS02 (i.e., a new .SPL file) ----> The problem is that Carbos and Shank have FL#TAS02 memorized but are scripted to use original SPCL423, so they basically don't use Poison Weapon.....
  23. Well, actually this is the only opcode that really matters if you're interested in porting IWD:EE Evasion as it is (since opcode 328 is useless once you patch evadable spells with opcode 324 and parameter2 = 63....)
  24. @subtledoctor I see, thanks for the clarification about opcode 72. What do you think about 1), 2) and 3)?
  25. Well done!I report here what I've already said on forums.beamdog.com: 1) you may wanna add an opcode 139 to D5EVADE.SPL in order to display "Gained Passive Ability: Evasion" or something like that... 2) TRAP_FIREBALL, TRAP_LIGHTNING_BOLT, MEPHIT_LIGHTNING_BOLT and the like should be evadable. 3) [PATCH_IF (level_1 > 7) OR (level_2 > 7) BEGIN] -> You may wanna replace ">" ("greater") with ">=" ("greater or equal"). 4) In IWDEE there is no opcode 72 (Change AI type). What is it for? Moreover, I think it's currently useless since it has a duration of 0.....
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