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Everything posted by ptifab

  1. Hey @Bartimaeus, i think i've found a small bug in the ring of gaxx magic ability (RING39.SPL) -> the cast spell opcode (146) point to RING39B.SPL wich does not exists. It should be RING39D.SPL i think ?
  2. Hey @subtledoctor i've found minor bugs (EET installation) Component 1323: Tweak Exaltation and Spiritual Clarity -> The description of Spiritual Clarity says "Duration : Instant" instead of "5 rounds". (Remove Affliction is correct though) Component 2105: Tweak Color Spray -> typo in your code "random_spell_tweaks.tpa" line 40 : LPF DELETE_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcocde = 128 END Component 2209: Tweak Luck -> The description still says it's for one creature only where it should be party ? Duration is at 300s for me, instead to 30, maybe there was an update to SR for Luck spell duration ? Component 2413: Tweak Otiluke's Sphere (EE-only) -> Protection from resource opcode 318 in SPWI413A.SPL and SPIW413D.SPL has incorrect resource type (mine shows a %SOURCE_.EFF) Component 2518: Tweak Phantom Blade -> additional magic damage is still 1d12 instead of 1d8 (maybe change the code for the hex version ? i think yours is match_parameter2 = 64 where it should be 4194304 ?) Component 2523: Tweak Sunfire -> Description says "each one does 1d6+1 magic damage" where based on SR version it should be "each missile deals 1D4 + 1 magic damage" Component 2708: Tweak Mantle (EE-only) -> Description does not reflect the missile and non magical weapon immunities. Maybe adding a small line about those protections for better understanding ? Component 3020: Tweak the Gloves of Missile Snaring (EE-only) -> typo in your code "random_item_tweaks.tpa" line 79 : LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 177 target = 1 parameter2 = 2 timing = 2 STR_VAR resource = ~d5misgl~ END -> should be d5misbl Component 3060: Tweak the Cloak of the Gargoyle (IR-only) -> typo in your code "random_item_tweaks.tpa" line 184 : LPF ALTER_ITEM_HEADER INT_VAR headcer_type = 3 charges = 2 END
  3. Just for information, the 1st page of this topic has not been updated since 2019, and the links to this mod and its readme are outdated, maybe you'll want to update them ?
  4. ok, so i checked and there are some projectiles that do not have those flags correctly assigned: - armor of missile attraction -> leat06.pro . No flags assigned, but the description says "everyone" so i think this one should be correct (both allies and ennemies) - Blade of roses +1 -> sw1h40.pro. "affect only allies" flag but not the enemies flags, the description says "allies within 15ft" so i assume there"s a missing flag on this one ?
  5. Hey @Bartimaeus it seems that shld26.eff and .spl are not copied during installation, although they are in the mod folder so I don't know if there's a bug somehow during my installation or is that a bug in the installation code ? also, i was studiying your aura effects and the projectiles attached to them, i see that sometime the area flag is mark to affect only ennemies, sometimes only allies, and sometimes both. for example shld07.pro although it should only affect allies if i understand correctly the behavior of the effect it is marked to also affect ennemies ? Is there some hidden behavior from the game to set those flags like this ?
  6. I don't have any clues for that. I'll try on a fresh EET install to check that out.
  7. In game, the effect does not apply the AC bonus on my party with the actual setup. If i switch the projectile SHLD07.PRO from SHLD07A.SPL to SHLD07.SPL, the AC bonus is correctly applied. I dunno why it has to be like this, but it's the only way in my game for this to work correctly. Maybe it's an engine difference between the enhanced editions and the base games ?
  8. Minor bug: Shield of the Falling Star (SHLD07A.ITM) the shld07.pro should be on the first spell (shld07.spl) for the aura to take effect (instead of shld07a.spl, wich does only apply the actual effect)
  9. Woohoo, thank you Bartimaeus ! This release will certainly be the last one before anyone silly enough to go through all your edits again and comes with a bug list of a 1000 items, i hope ? A pearl to ya ->
  10. thanks for the explanation ! I understand this is such an edge case that you don't want to bother with it, i just wanted to write it down if anyone was looking for that specific weird moment in-game
  11. Hey @Bartimaeus, i found another "bug". Aura's spell act weirdly with the actual setup. I was wearing doom plate +3 (PLAT12.ITM) with IR dooming Aura, and for some reason i had to separate from my character wearing it, becoming neutral near my party as usual. But i realized that just a second after that, the dooming effect from the aura applied to my team ! I dunno why, but the .PRO parameter "affect only ennemies" from the aura spell doesn't seems to work in that case, triggering also on neutral, or is that an engine bug ? I have tested some ways to overcome that issue, and the best and effective method seems to add a secondary eff before casting the aura spell that will check if it is an actual enemy or not. The order if that can help you: plat12.itm: #opcode 272 use eff file on condition -> resource = plat12.eff plat12.eff: #opcode 146 cast spell -> resource = plat12.spl plat12.spl: #opcode 177 use eff file / target: preset target / parameter1: enemy / parameter2: EA.ids -> resource = plat12a.eff plat12a.eff: #opcode 146 cast spell -> target = preset target / resource = plat12a.spl plat12a.spl: same effects as original plat12.spl -> calls aura effect once per second -> header target = living actor, effect target = preset target / resource = plat12b.spl plat12b.spl: same effects as original plat12a.spl (aura effect) plat12b.eff: protection from spell -> resource = plat12b.spl I also changed the .pro to be on the plat12.spl (wich calls the EFF on enemy only) and changed the target on the aura called to preset target (2) instead of self. I'm in actual gameplay testing now so, if i found anything else, i'll let you know !
  12. i hope not, as i just want to play now ! It has been quite easy to find all those bugs because i was modding with an IR/IRR/SR/SRR install as base, so, as i scrolled through items, i just found all those little errors. Won't happen anytime soon since i'm done on my part. Was a hell of a job on your part too @Bartimaeus, because it's hard to go again and again on the same project. So, a big thanks to you
  13. Yeah i know, it's hard to check everything, mostly when you update many files like with your mods ahaha. Thanks again for your time !
  14. hey @Bartimaeus it seems you forgot to add the sw1h40.eff file from blade of roses in your latest release ?
  15. Wouhou ! Thanks a lot @Bartimaeus Time to reinstall one last time and play... maybe ?
  16. Last report (minor) Bolt of Polymorphing +2 (BOLT05.ITM) is missing the kensai and cavalier restriction flag (byte 0x2f) Chain Mail +3 ('CHAN07.ITM) has incorrect IR stats bonuses/penalties from components 3+ Allow Spellcasting in Armor->With Casting Speed Penalties, 1040+ Revised Armor->With Movement Speed Penalties and/or 1101+ Allow Thieving Skills in Armor->Stealth is Penalized by Armor and Shields) : hide in shadows/move silently penalties are -10 should be -40, casting speed penalties are AG#IRS1.EFF should be AG#IRS2.EFF, increase attack speed factor penalty is -1 should be -2, and no dexterity penalty, should be 5%. Dagger of the Star +5 (DAGG22.ITM) small typo in stardust desc (1 rounds, should be 1 round) Armor of Missile Attraction +3 (LEAT06.ITM) missing LEAT06A.SPL, file is in the archive but was not imported during installation Spell Absorption from Dak'kon's Zerth Blade +2 (DVSPABSR.SPL) has a restore spell level set to 4 (opcode #261). Is this maximum intentional to avoid abuses ? Aura's Spells (LEAT06/LEAT13/SHLD07/PLAT12/STAF09/STAF10/STAF14.SPL), Have no target assigned to their opcode #146 (should be preset target (2)) i've tested them ingame and the effect won't apply if target is set to none (0), i've set them back to preset target (2) and everything is functional That's all
  17. Thanks a lot @Bartimaeus I'm reinstalling everything right now, and i'll test everything then. I'll report to you if i find anything. Maybe some time, at last, i'll be able to play again for real xD
  18. Here's my second batch of bugs/inconsistencies found : Items: Spells called from items: Sorry for the big lists, i didn't think it would get so long... but i think i got them all this time !
  19. Hey ! Thanks a lot for your corrections. I don't have the exact setup as yours, and my installation is not a perfect vanilla, but i can see that a lot of bugs have been adressed already, thanks again for your time. I have a second list of bugs but i don't have finished my own item revision yet so i will post it here as soon as i can. It's not as long as the first though ^^ P.S: for the EFFs, there's not target usuallly because it is overwritten by the ITM/SPL that launched it. I d'ont think that it needs to be set, or even if it was it would'nt changed anything (taken from IESDP site)
  20. Here's my bug report that i've found so far. Hope it will help you. I'm working on Enhanced Edition btw
  21. I'm aware of all that, i just asked if the fact that the target flag is set as "none" (0) instead of "self" (1) or "preset target" (2) has actually a consequence on the effectiveness of the effect itself. To be simple, is it effective or not on the creature ?
  22. I don't fully understand your answer, but the tool i'm using is near infinity. I've been modding for a year now but i never encountered this. I always set a target flag for all of my effects, but in this situation, a lot of creatures files have some effects that do not have it specified. I was just asking if that was for a particular reason ?
  23. Hi everyone, Doe someone knows how targetting is working in Creatures effects ? I've looked at a bunch of cre files, and it seems a lot of them does not have the target flag specified (its always set to none instead of self). I have seen this problem in proficiency modifiers effects (opcode #233) for example.
  24. @Luke @Ardanis and in the same code: ADD_SPELL_HEADER: this should be WRITE_SHORT instead of WRITE_LONG ?
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