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Everything posted by ptifab

  1. Thanks kjeron, i think the IESDP site needs an update for that because it's said nowhere that saving throws are a part of that opcode.
  2. Thanks for your answer lynx, i just wanted to know if there were a hidden effect bound to this opcode #219 as some serious modders like @Demivrgvs used it that way.
  3. I have a question on opcode #219. When i looked at the code from item revision, the silver charm (AMUL18.ITM) is specified to get +2 AC and Saving Throws vs. creature type (here obviously lycans and vampires). My point is, when i look at the item in NI, there's only opcode 219 used, and IEDSP clearly says it's just a bonus AC vs. creature type. where Item Revision item description states there's also a bonus saving throws. Is this something hidden within that opcode or is it a functionality that has changed ? Edit : there's also the Human Flesh (LEAT21.ITM) that has the same effect (against humans) but it's the same opcode used.
  4. Hello, i have a question regarding variables. When i try to run this code : When i look in NI, the resource is not set correctly (i read %SPELL_R.SPL at the resource offset) what am i missing here ? I'm just trying to set the resource in the ALTER_EFFECT function as the new resource created while doing the ADD_SPELL_EX function, (wich is working fine while i'm doing the COPY_EXISTING.) Do i have to run something to get the new IDS resource entry ? i have tried using IDS_OF_SYMBOL but it's not the IDS value that i want, it's the new resource name.
  5. Found 2 smalls incorrect values on AMUL23.ITM. The two opcodes 142 have both probabilities to 100, wich cause the icon to not appear on the character portrait. Setting probability2 to 0 correct the issue.
  6. Nope, results are the same, it gives me the same error. I tried without the # and with Long or ASCII, always a Parse Error. Maybe the variable is reset when you do another COPY action ? nevermind i'm blind, during my night of coding i forgot a small part so it couldn't work... 2 days try and repeat. Let's move forward, thanks Jarno
  7. This code throw me a GLR parse error : "Parse error (state 1143) at #" what's this "#" for anyway ?
  8. I would like to copy the strref from an item to apply it to a newly created spell. I've read a lot about strref, but i'm struggling at how keeping it into a variable to copy from a file to one another. Do i have to copy the strref from the first file into a global ? or an exterior file (like ini) ?
  9. Thanks for your explanation Mike1072, but is it possible to change that ? Because as i remember, this code seems to be accurate for a vanilla installation but not for enhanced editions that have changed the descriptions. In fact, those precisions about specific damage types weren't in the vanilla game but appeared in the Enhanced Editions. Maybe this code hasn't been revised to reflect those changes ? Same reason goes for the critical hit aversion removal from helms component. The code is not working for me except if i change it (as described in my first post on this page)
  10. So i've decided to do a clean EET installation with the following options 1- vanilla EET 2 - EET + IR v4.0b10 (with critical hit aversion removed in favor of a +1 bonus to AC from critical hit aversion component and revised armors with allow arcane spellcasting in armor and thieving penalties components aswell) 3 - EET + IR v4.0b10 + IRR github latest relase (same options) 4 - EET + IR v4.0b10 without Revised Armors but with Allow Spellcasting (casting speed penalties) and Thieving maluses in armor components 5 - EET + IR v4.0b10 without Revised Armors and Allow Spellcasting components but with Thieving maluses in armor components 6 - EET + IR v4.0b10 without Revised Armors and Thieving maluses in armor components but with Allow Spellcasting component 7 - EET + IR v4.0b10 with just Revised Armors components but without Allow Spellcasting or Thieving maluses in armor components and i've noticed two major problems. With both options 2 and 3, the critical hit aversion from component 47 doesn't work, i.e the description is correctly handled (AC +1 specified and the critical hit is removed), and the AC bonus is added in the effects, but the critical hit aversion option is still active. Also, i've tested a fresh BG2 EE installation and in the vanilla game, the description from armors specifies the bonus/malus against specific melee attacks (e.g the leather armor leat01.itm is specified as : but these bonuses/maluses descriptions are removed in all installations and it look now like this no matter the component (4, 5, 6 or 7) that part is always removed. So it seems to have something to do with the descriptions updates by this component. I've managed to isolate ~item_rev\lib\descriptions.tpa~ that handle it but i'm not really understanding the whole thing. Maybe @CamDawg could looked into it as that part of code was taken from BG2 Tweak Pack ? Now i know it should be posted to the original mod thread (Items Revisions) but as this mod seems to be more active, i suppose i had to post it here. If i'm wrong feel free to correct me. If you need some help, i'll be glad to help you.
  11. I have to make a new install, so i'll try to install it both ways (IR alone then IR and IRR) to check if i can reproduce that bug. Like i said, that's maybe a misunderstanding from own installation.
  12. Thank you lynx and Mike. I am struggling with bitwise operations for now so i'll have to take my time to understand the logic there (i am clearly not a math or code addict)
  13. Hey Bartimaeus, i don't know if it is me or if i didn't understand everything, but in the critical_hits.tpa of IR and IRR the code to untick the Critical hit aversion (Line 71) doesn't seems to work for me. Maybe i'm wrong in my setup, but when using my own mod to do this (second quoted code) it worked. Maybe this is an old code or is not usable with EET ? The code in IR & IRR and the code that has worked for me I'm just starting to code so maybe i've overlooked something, sorry if i've done any mistakes, but i wasn't sure if that has something to do with my experimentations or if the code was outdated.
  14. Thanks a lot ! Is there a tuto that explains me this kind of coding because i'm kind of realising i'm a big newbie in that weidu coding world... The WEIDU readme is really entertaining and i've red other's tp2 to learn more, but i feel sometime that i lack some basics in hex coding and read/write stuff.
  15. I'm having difficulties to find the right code to disable the flag for Critical hit aversion. I've found how to enable it but what is the reverse of that code ? If i want to unset the flag ?
  16. Thank you Mike, for this confirmation.
  17. Thank you for your answer but this has not changed anything. Maybe i've not explained it correctly. I am looking to clone a specific effect with opcode 206 in a list of 5+ of them, so to isolate the one i want to clone, i try to specify the resource to get a match, but so far with my code i have no results. Changing the syntax as you recommended Jarno didn't changed anything. Maybe my code has an error ? Do i have to specify something for the resource (like extension .itm, .wav, etc.) ? Edit : my bad i'm blind, i was not on the correct header level, so that could'nt work, sometime you need to go to sleep before looking correctly on things. Thanks for your time
  18. Hi again, instead of creating a new topic i'm editing this one. so, when i am trying to clone an effect and get a match by resource to select wich header to clone, i have no results so far, so i must missing something. Here's my code i have checked in NI everything is spelled ok, but i have the impression that the code doesn't read the resource, so it can't clone and replace the resource with the new one. Am i doing something wrong ?
  19. Hi, i'm editing the properties of some items, using WEIDU, but when i look at the documentation, there's no parameters to the damage type in the opcode (12). for example : with a bow, the first ability effect is ranged opcode 2, then inside it there's some damage effect opcode 12 (like adding 1D2 magic damage). When i try to edit this effect, there's no parameter to alter the type of damage (acid, magic, etc.) My code : Do i have to modify it using another method ? or is there a special parameter i cannot see ?
  20. A really minor mistake, in potn19.spl, the effect 2 (playsound for duration is over) has an incorrect value of 600. Should be 60 (1 turn). Dunno if its IR or IRR related though (i have both installed).
  21. Just to add my own experiments using your post @Lightbringer, i had already spoke to Thalantyr, so i had to change the value in action state 6 to 0 only (not needed in state 18 for me as it was for you), and i had to edit my save using EE Keeper to change the RumorTalkThalan global back to 0. After that, the rumor topic is back again and i can sell or upgrade my items. Thanks for your help !
  22. I have some troubles after having installed this mod with a megamod. I've already spent two days readings faqs, readme's and forums as to which mods could go along others, so my (3rd) installation was quite succesfull. Now i'm looking for bugs and i found that Imoen don't get her adventurer's kit at all. Here's my log from the installation https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_CEJ7LDWDWsw5CKkNtCoZeW_aVMa_yCt?usp=sharing All components have been installed without errors, but Imoen is still considered a thief. Did i missed something, or is there still incompatiblities between RR, S&S and this mod ? Edit : So i've made some further investigations, like a fresh installation, and if i try to install it manually on a BG2 EE only some component's don't work at all, I can now choose the Battlerager class at character creation, but not the adventurer, and neither does Imoen. She seems to have the +20% bonus from the class but she still has a backstab x3 mult although the Adventurer is supposed to set it at 1. I'm quite disapointed right now. How is that possible that only some components are working ? Did i missed something on proper installation ?
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