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Everything posted by DavidW

  1. Can you give more details? Do you mean: fiends summoned by the party?
  2. I'll consider, but it's unlikely to happen soon. You can do it for yourself by editing "stratagems/spell/extra_healing.tpa" in a text editor.
  3. Almost certainly highest level.
  4. Initial tests reveal that the game hangs on the Gorion/Sarevok cutscene, which basically goes on forever. I left it running overnight, and came back twelve hours later to find that Gorion and Sarevok had decided to take a breather and were sharing a bottle of whiskey and reminiscing.
  5. I think the general consensus in BG2 modding circles is that 'cheating' isn't really a meaningful notion in a single-player game. Some mods, like IR, make the game easier. Others, like SCS, make it harder. Choose your own preferred playstyle and difficulty level. If using IR is making the game too easy for you, try installing SCS. If that becomes too hard, lower its difficulty. Concentrate on a playstyle that works for you.
  6. OK: if I hardcode an initial pass through spells/items to identify damage effects, rather than relying on the CLONE_EFFECT function, I can get the loop time down from three minutes to about three seconds (with another 15 seconds to go back through the list and actually apply the effects). @subtledoctor: if you want to try it out on your install (which would be helpful), grab the copy of pf_trolls from the SCS repo.
  7. It takes 3 minutes on an all-of-SCS, otherwise-basically-unmodded BG2EE, which, yeah, is kind of on the long side. I'll have a look at whether the loop can be optimized. (It needs to patch every fire damage effect in the game, hence the need for a loop like that.)
  8. It's a typo in the readme. It installs fine on EET. Are you sure it wasn't offered? I've just installed it on 33.1 fine, and the relevant install code hasn't changed since 32.6.
  9. No, Jarno is right. We're talking about original BG1 here, not BGEE. There are no 2da files controlling trap xp, that functionality isn't in the original BG1 engine.
  10. It would be relatively easy to fix the SCS-compatibility - but in any case, Oversight's version isn't really a restoration, it's a reimagining. Thanks for the offer of inclusion: I haven't decided what to do with it yet but I'll keep it in mind. UB is clearly at least one natural place to put it.
  11. That should be exactly the right way to do it. Good idea - I'll try to remember to include it in the next release.
  12. I'm totally incompetent to advise on how the gender of 'maitre' works! But I don't want to end up editing the English-language text for this sort of reason. In principle I could detect the caster's gender (in fact for this version, the caster is always a hostile NPC mage) and use two lines that are identical in English, but I'd rather avoid it if I can. My suggestion would be: if the literal translation of 'master' is unavoidably gendered, find as near a term as you can that's gender-neutral. That said: reviewing the text, I'm not sure 'my master' is quite right, even as English - it doesn't quite match the tone of the PC-summoned wish djinni. I should probably look at changing it (this is ancient SCS dialog for the most part). I don't think it would do any great harm just to remove the 'my master' bit entirely, and I might actually do that to the English-language text next update. Then you'd just have @1205 = ~Then I shall sweep them away!~ @1206 = ~Then speed you shall have!~ @1207 = ~Time is now your ally!~ @1208 = ~Then none shall harm you!~ @1210 = ~It shall be as if you were never harmed!~ @1212 = ~It shall be done!~
  13. I’m not sure I understand. In modern English, ‘master’ here is gender-neutral. (At one point, ‘mistress’ would have been the feminine form, but that’s archaic and has sexual connotations.)
  14. It is a Wheels or Prophecy bug. DW#BALC2 is a Wheels of Prophecy file.
  15. Ascension needs to go before SCS (it won’t let you install it after). Both Item Randomizer and SCS like being installed late, since they respond to the resources they find. Putting Item Randomizer after SCS will probably cause (minor) issues - some enemies will lack proficiencies in their weapons. I’m not aware of problems the other way around but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any.
  16. No, that is not what that sentence means. It just means what it says.
  17. In case this is any use to anyone, here's an immutable wrapper for HANDLE_AUDIO: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// immutable version of HANDLE_AUDIO //////////// //////////// Assumes "ext_music_loc" and "ext_audio_loc" have been set appropriately //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION handle_audio_immutably INT_VAR music=0 STR_VAR oggdec_path="%MOD_FOLDER%/audio" sox_path="%MOD_FOLDER%/audio" audio_path="%MOD_FOLDER%/audio" BEGIN OUTER_SET new_files=0 ACTION_IF music BEGIN ACTION_IF !VARIABLE_IS_SET ext_music_loc BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT ext_music_loc "weidu_external/music/%MOD_FOLDER%" END OUTER_SPRINT new_audio_path "%ext_music_loc%" END ELSE BEGIN ACTION_IF !VARIABLE_IS_SET ext_audio_loc BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT ext_audio_loc "weidu_external/audio/%MOD_FOLDER%" END OUTER_SPRINT new_audio_path "%ext_audio_loc%" END MKDIR "%new_audio_path%" // copy everything over ACTION_BASH_FOR "%audio_path%" ".*\.ogg" BEGIN ACTION_IF !FILE_EXISTS "%new_audio_path%/%BASH_FOR_FILE%" BEGIN OUTER_SET new_files=1 COPY_LARGE "%audio_path%/%BASH_FOR_FILE%" "%new_audio_path%" END END ACTION_IF new_files BEGIN PRINT "handling audio" LAF HANDLE_AUDIO INT_VAR music STR_VAR audio_path="%new_audio_path%" oggdec_path sox_path END END END To use: just call handle_audio_immutably, with the same arguments as HANDLE_AUDIO. (Not extensively tested yet!)
  18. I'm not sure I see the issue. Why would you think unchecking the box would disable SCS? That's not mentioned in the readme. SCS ignores that box, in any case.
  19. That probably isn’t doable (at least, I don’t know how to do it). Zoom is disabled in cutscenes for a reason: funny things are often happening offscreen!
  20. Originally I thought it mattered a lot, and was going to code something to fix it. Then I realized that if you’re playing on full screen mode, the zoom is already sensible. It’s only if you’re playing with a small window that it’s egregious. So I’m no longer inclined to bother. (Do you have views as to what should be done?)
  21. I have basically no idea how Legacy of Bhaal difficulty plays out in practice. I think I agree with Slick85: if you want the maximal challenge: play on Insane, uncheck 'no difficulty based damage increases', and also use the 'fine-tune difficulty' to set the difficulties of the mage and priest HLA components up to 'legacy of bhaal' level (7). I don't actually recommend playing at that difficulty - it's way harder than I like my own games to be - but it's probably the most challenging SCS setting.
  22. IWDEE came out of (CamDawg's and my) IWD-in-BG2 project (which moved IWD over to the original ToB engine) - IWD-in-EET came later. There actually is a version of IWD-in-BG2 that moved vanilla IWD over to the BG2EE engine, but it was never released publicly - I wrote it and gave it to Beamdog, and they used it as the starting point for IWDEE.
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