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Graion Dilach

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Posts posted by Graion Dilach

  1. 1 minute ago, CamDawg said:

    This was actually already in, but only if you installed them reverse of the order presented. This will now work in the natural install order.

    Could you clarify this in the readme as well, mentioning the compatibility at one of these components to make the order straightforward?

  2. I've been told that IR (or IRR? I dunno) changes stuff like the Gauntlets of Dexterity to not set a stat to 18 or so but to buff the respective stat instead with a few points.

    Generally I find what IR and IRR doing too much and too arbitrary so I'm only interested in this particular feature (especially if it also covers the kinda-unless AC bracers), but as far as the readmes tell me, this is impossible to be installed on it's own without all the other changes.

    Is this actually IRR-only? is it possible to have this separated out to a component?

  3. On 9/22/2021 at 12:46 AM, subtledoctor said:

    I have no idea how Beamdog's weird yellow-portrait thing works, so I can't really account for it. Frankly I wish we could turn that off, I mostly just find it annoying...

    I'll be returning this a bit, since IESDP actually explains this one - https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/files/2da/2da_bgee/statval.htm and expanding this one with additional values from stats.ids as suggested there might allow a fix. I'm not sure which value should be included in the calculation though.

  4. Installing the random weapons element with HQ weapons allowed turned all hobgonlins around FAI which are not the specific one dropping the Flamedance Ring giving out three HQ Scimitars in EET. The ones under Beregost work proper, so I presume it's something specifically with these ones.

    EDIT: Actually some of the other nonFAI hobgoblins sometimes doesn't drop a melee weapon. But they still use the ranged ones so it still seems all working.

  5. You need to pick one. You can mix the styles though, in a way like:

    [standard subtledoc-suggested install order with Tweaks Anthology before Scales]
    cdtweaks:2163;cdtweaks - IWD-Style Proficiencies with Weapon Styles
    scales_of_balance:124;Scales of Balance - WPO - Fighting Style Changes
    [other preferred Scales components]
    cdtweaks:2060;cdtweaks - Weapon Styles for All (alone after SoB)


  6. 1 hour ago, subtledoctor said:

    But EET lets you start a new campaign from the beginning of SoA, right? (Or SoD, or ToB?) So if you get s nice stable install it should - theoretically - let you play any of the games on their own terms, without modding them separately. 

    Exactly. That thought is really motivating in my head.

    1 hour ago, subtledoctor said:

    having areas from different campaigns available  (IMO it should be off by default)

    It is "off" by default though. If you start your game in say, BG2, you can't enter to Nashkel (EET creates a path between Nashkel and Athkatla to allow revisiting) to revisit BG1 or SoD. If you start in ToB you can't go back to anywhere beyond Watcher's Keep. You can only revisit a game area if you have finished the primary campaign associated with it. I think this actually works better than explicit switches.

  7. I say EET because at long install orders only that ensures consistency between BG1 and BG2, but my restartitis even prevents reaching BG2, so my opinion might not even matter. 😅

    And yeah, I know DSotSC-BGT/EET still needs polish (I'd like to go through the spells at one point to review compatibility with the 2.6 spell logic changes and deduplicate the IWD spells if they were imported already via IWDification's/SCS's respective components) but that one already has the benefit of being in GH to be able to accept thirdparty fixes which the EE version is less likely.

  8. 32 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

    (FWIW I’m a fan of .RTF format... I think the problem for me was that the web link tried to open it in Google Docs which apparently cannot do simple file conversions.)

    RTF is fine, but there's zero point in converting close 14 megabytes of plaintext (for RTF's credit, it only received 1.5 MB of additional formatting). Google Docs crapped itself because the whole thing was way too long for it's web renderer to handle (after 5 mins or so it threw me an error message and offered the document to download unprocessed). Which I just fed to a plaintext renderer thenafter.

  9. Well, I opened that mess of the whole installation's install log in a goddamned RTF format and you should ignore it outright. It has a faulty reference to a spwi-2001.spl spellfile. Your mods were installed with warnings though. The errored ones were clearly TDD and IWD spells (which probably broke down because of the SoD2BG2 Item Upgrade spells).

    This installation is braindead.

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