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About yota13

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  1. Yes, I confirm this translation update. And Ulpian is a full-fledged translator from https://arcanecoast.ru.
  2. When will the mod finally be traified? I turn first of all to @Lava & @jastey.
  3. This manual can be consulted and you can try to make a traify based on it. http://www.shsforums.net/files/file/951-traify-tool/
  4. Congratulations on the long awaited release! One request: please make traification, to be able to translate the mod.
  5. I installed version 4.0 on clean EET without any UI mods. Revealed that there are still some texts in English for the non-English version of the game.
  6. elseif currentlanguage == "ru_RU" then -- Russian JFStrings = { JF_All = "Все", JF_Active = "Активные", JF_Completed = "Завершенные", JF_Notes = "Мои заметки:", JF_Edited = "Изменено:" } This block must be added to the file: EEUITweaks\copy\Mr2150JrnlFix\M_JFlang.lua. Otherwise, when Mr2150's Journal Fixes component is installed, the diary titles are displayed in English when using the Russian language.
  7. Is this issue resolved in v5.0? https://github.com/jmaeq/TheBeaurinLegacy/issues/1
  8. A couple of questions about EE_Fixpack. 1. Will EET compatibility be added? 2. When will other languages be added besides English (for translation)?
  9. When will you traify the mod and it will be available for translation?
  10. When trying to install this mod in EET an error occurs. SETUP-GAENEMYRANDO.DEBUG
  11. What's the problem with adding an updated Russian translation? https://github.com/UnearthedArcana/refinements/pull/5
  12. Is this bug fixed in this update ? https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/topic/29976-angelo-v6-released/?tab=comments#comment-289457
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