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Everything posted by Thacobell

  1. It should run pretty fast when she's not roamanced.
  2. Can you imagine if every tweak pack required every other mod to be updated to be compatible?
  3. They come with 2 pips in two weapon style by default as rangers. Give them a point in something single handed, or a second point for minsc, who comes with a point in something else.
  4. In a mild defense of Kivan, I still hate timed content in games in general, he at least gets an extra long timer if you get him right away. So its not "as" big of a rush.
  5. Oh yeap, second with subtle. There's yer problem.
  6. No, you get one dialogue asking them to be patient that resets the timer once. Thats it. With the exception of Minsc, you REALLY have to be taking your time to miss the timers. iirc, you get something like 14 days.
  7. We certainly did, thanks again. I haven't given up, it was just getting too stressful and I need to just play the game for a bit. My new issue is that linux weidu won't detect any tp2 files. When I'm in a bit better place mentally with it, I'll try figuring it out.
  8. I use Lutris, so I have both. Its supposed to autodetect, but I can also manually swap it as needed. Because I haven't had any success getting it to work like it should. Its something I'm still working on.
  9. I don't know how well know this is, heck it might be common knowledge, but over spending the better part of a year trying to get the Linux versions of the IE games and modding to work, I found an interaction with wine environment and weidu. In the time I've been messing around with it, I learned that you can't run weidu in wine. It just won't start. Usually. While weidu exes don't run, self extracting archives that install the files and launch weidu for you DO. So say, SCS and its executable will run in wine. But a zipped file that needs to be extracted manually with the weidu exe in it won't. This let me move the linux version of BGEE into a wine environment, run the installers for mods, and then move the game back to its home folder. I've played about 4 hours into BGEE with CDTweaks and SCS installed and everything seems to be working correctly so far. I know nothing of programming, so I can't even speculate on why this makes any kind of difference, but this works.
  10. I don't even know what the words you used mean.
  11. I thought saying I used wine would make it obvious that I was running the windows version. Because that's what wine is for. But I concede, I can see why that confused you. I really hope so. Its worth a shot. I'll re-download and find out.
  12. None. No message. Just nothing. I'm aware, but if the game itself won't run... Because I want to play the game with mods? That should be obvious. I can run the windows version in wine. I didn't mention it because I stated immiediately that BG Linux won't run. Why would I mention it if its already clear its not an option? The Linux version of BGEE does not work. It won't run. No error messages in console, nothing. Download from Beamdog, and its just broken somehow. Even tried the GoG version. *edited to add* Suy on the Infinity Engine discord tried to help me troubleshoot it. Best guess is that it ships with very old dependencies. Which I can't find, the distro can't detect that they are needed (a first for me), and are probably old enough to be a security risk anyway. I'm not asking for help in getting it to run because I've already spent weeks on it.
  13. I can't get the Linux one to run. At all. And I can't get weidu to run in wine. So no modding otherwise. Well darn.
  14. Okay, Linux user here, and I am apparently cursed. I cannot, for the life of me, get the Linux version of BGEE to run. At all. So, no Linux modding for me. I had the probably very foolish idea to try and run windows weidu in a wine prefix. No dice, just won't open at all. Probably saved me from borking my install anyway. Which got me thinking about the possibility of override folder mods. Some of CDTweaks components seem like they would just be small edits to existing files, and not necessarily weidu, so would theoretically be able to drop into override? If I'm not just being dumb, which components' files can I drop into the override to install?
  15. Species always has been, and probably will, always be hotly contested.
  16. Jarno's issue is a misunderstanding of descendants in taxonomy. Ducks are not monophylitic (share a single common ancestor) and thus are divided into many subgroups, but these subgroups all fall under the family "Anatidae." Mallards (domestic ducks) are very NEARLY monophylitic, but can still be subdivided if you really want to take a fine tooth comb to it. Ducks as a group are not a species, they are a form taxon. The scientific version of "If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc."
  17. Different species are still ducks. Domestic ducks are ducks. Wild ducks, are ducks.
  18. I'm going back to the duck thread. Ducks are cool.
  19. About as awful as making jokes out of disabilities.
  20. I really hope we're talking about actual autism here and not making memes out of a legit medical issue.
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