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Everything posted by Thacobell

  1. That tripped people up for a long time. For awhile, "How are mod kits going to work when you can't scroll SoD's kit list?" was a point of discussion. Nobody really thought to try click and drag for awhile.
  2. If you're on SoD, you can also click and drag to scroll the list. Even not on mobile it has that functionality.
  3. I mean, we can still thank her for all the work she's done for the community.
  4. I read "problematic" and was bracing for a very different discussion.
  5. The problem is that a properly prepared mage will hard counter literally everything else in the series. So having a few options that also hard coutners them is only fair. They're already at the top of the power curve before SCS. SCS takes away options to the gain of...nothing else.
  6. Oh right, this Ascalon's mod isn't it? Jastey was only maintaining it. Is this still a good place to go for questions or issues?
  7. Heya! Big fan of SCS, but I was always a little perturned by how much mages are buffed to the detriment of other classes. Arcane classes are already the strongest ones in the games, and nerfing all non-arcane counters to them feels kinda bad. A big part of that is spell changes that are automatic when the mod is installed. Things like nerfing the insect spells, changes to breach (though this one is a straight buff). I find it strange that the only good counters to a mage under scs are...another mage. One of Druid's big niches is anti mage spells, but the changes makes their biggest counter completely blocked by the most common defense spells. I find that it really hurts arcane/non-arcane interaction. So I guess what I'm asking is: Can spell changes be a separate and optional component? I don't even know if this is feasible, but it couldn't hurt to ask.
  8. Amen to that. I'm not one of those players that likes to make alreaady strong enemies even stronger, but I love when I can make non-encounters into something.
  9. The tougher kobolds component is my favorite single component in the tactical challenges. Please don't nerf it. Naskel is just boring otherwise.
  10. There's also that fun engine bug where a caster can be un-interruptible is they are facing juuuust the right way.
  11. There's nothing "purist" about not altering an author's work without permission. Writing new dialogue is not a bug fix. The mod is not broken because it lacks this interaction.
  12. Well, its new content. Its not just adapting the mod to make it run, its a whole new character writing. Even if its minor.
  13. Its a permissions thing. Its considered rude and disrespctful to alter a modder's work without them giving the go-ahead.
  14. Oh great. Now I'm gonna lose the only source of SoD that doesn't package it as DLC and to replace it, I'm gonna get a key for a service I don't use.
  15. There's also the issue of Beamdog's launcher, required by them, just doesn't work on Linux because it used libs so old, they are flagged as security risks. No modern OS can run it.
  16. Okay, I think its definitely the CHA min having wonky interactivity with using a race that gets CHA penalties. I was assuming that the game would hard cap minimum attributes despite any penalties. But I guess its not happening for mod kits? Choosing a race without CHA penalties allows me to pick the class.
  17. Interesting. Will re-install that component and see if raising CHA fixes the issue.
  18. The kit has lower maximums on a couple stats, but not minimums. Off the top of my head, I can't think of what would conflict here. Its specifically the stat overhaul component as well, it runs with everything else. The whole situation is bizarre.
  19. AionZ likes to do the occasional kit that has some extra abilities, and trade those off with reduced stats. Is it possible stat overhaul is tweaking something so that a class minimum is clashing with a lowered stat maximum somewhere?
  20. Bug Report: Stat Overhaul is breaking something with Artisan's kitpack. Installing the stat overhaul component causes the game to crash when trying to make a hivemaster druid from the kitpack. Uninstalling the component stopped the crash. So I'm pretty sure that's the issue.WeiDU.log Attached WeiDU log
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