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Everything posted by RoyalProtector

  1. Ahhhh, I love the taste of condescension in the morning. Good point about the minions, I grant thee that much. I still find it rather dumb that a feature like that is essentially invalidated by some enemies. Also, realistically it's rather dumb. Can you imagine Drizzt fighting Demogorgon and getting hit every time? Hilarious. No one said anything about the system not being simple, regardless.
  2. ... But at least we can all agree, I think, that the THAC0/AC system as such is trash and absolutely beyond hope [in ToB].
  3. Off the top of my head, and apologies for the lack of specificity, but this type of creative work is not in my skillset, some things that could be worked on: - The Elf-hating human racist in Waukeen's promenade could get different lines for different subraces of elves (and half-elves, when and if that happens, i.e. half drow). He could have a different type of drivel for each elf (drow excluded I guess) - Raelis Shai and the actors should probably have at least some interjection in response to charname being planetouched, maybe also in the planar prison/sphere. (I'm not including Haer'Dalis, since perhaps including joinable companions is out of scope or complicates things...?). - Deep gnomes in the Underdark should probably have a small interjection if charname is a deep gnome too. Hopefully someone more creative can inject something creative here for those events.
  4. Not an interaction, but this general idea could add to the immersion of being a different race: Biographies could be tweaked, at least in the cases of races that instill suspicion. Duergar and Tieflings (perhaps Deep Gnomes too). I can envision that the first part of the biographies mentioning something along the lines of "Gorion protected you despite the suspicion of the rest of people in the Keep at first, but over time people learned to accept you". Perhaps even in positives senses, such as with Aasimar since they have a tendency to be good/likable/trustworthy/inspiring. BG2 doesn't mention races in the first place, so it only really applies to the BG biography defaults. To be fair, the default biographies make no mention of the moral character of your charname (with the sole exception, I believe, of blackguards, added by Beamdog), so maybe it's out of place. This is just what I would do for my enjoyment, tailoring biographies is one of my rituals for serious playthroughs (I even do this for kits that are substantially different from the base class). As for interactions, I can't really remember a single race-based interaction in BGEE, so I don't have anything to say on this for now... Cheers. Sorry if this isn't useful or desired, since it's generic, but I don't know if tweaking biographies isn't contemplated.
  5. I would prefer instead to decrease class base saving throws instead, and as such making the stat bonuses more critical. (And then it makes choosing stats a more important decision)
  6. I've said this myself before, and I'll include myself here noting that I think the THAC0 that rogues and clerics can reach is too low. It blends too much with fighter classes. I would suggest limiting it to perhaps 5, which improves clerics slightly, and rogues significantly (which they needed, since their THAC0 was always trash).
  7. Not to derail the discussion, but has someone made some addon for any text editors to code in WeiDu? Talking mostly about syntax highlighting, I'm not expecting intellisense.
  8. Really cool stuff over here. Thanks for the mod.
  9. Wyvern Poison Blue Whinnis Deathkiss Carrion Crawler Ichor Nerve Venom Nightmare Paste That's a lot of combinations, although Wyvern Poison is always present.
  10. I've seen my share of screwups with image generators, particularly generators of portraits or character concepts. The most common issues in my experience are incorrect number of fingers, awkward hand holding of objects, messed up eyes, unnatural positions, lack of continuity in objects that are partially covered by something else, and sometimes also inconsistent skin tones or eye colors when the prompt is very specific about it. My Pinterest has some examples of this though I mostly upload things after fixing them. It has issues but it also can produce a lot of good stuff. Thankfully I'm good enough to fix the majority of issues with Photoshop. The part about text is very true, I've tried generating things like "evil priest of Shar" to find the generator very poor attempt at writing that very sentence at the bottom of the image... Which of course I had to remove. With AI I might add. Photo editing gets more consistently better results in my experience, particularly when removing stuff from a picture. Generating, not as good. But I digress.
  11. Sounds barely worth it, but I get it haha.
  12. Fair but at least you have tools to encapsulate information and functionality, since that is part of the language as such. Since we're talking about this, are there "libraries" out there for WeiDu (i.e. collections of commonly used functions, or something along those lines)? It would be a nice project to create a repository of code like that from many knowledgeable contributors.
  13. Hah, funny, I was having that same conversation today with a friend. I agree. It's a fancy, complicated and useful machine that sort-of mimics human intelligence, but it doesn't have self awareness, and/or reasoning capabilities (really). People got a bit too insane with the claims about AI. I also think the claims that it will take their jobs are overblown, but I digress. My goodness. Total disaster!
  14. I also want to report that it looks like with Poison Weapon, if you are using Carrion Crawler poison in a fight, then switch to Wyvern Poison, and activate Poison Weapon again to make the switch, it doesn't work out, keeps using the previous one. I did not notice this issue when switching from Wyvern Poison to that one in combat, nor there seems to be an issue shifting to Wyvern Poison before Poison Weapon is activated for the first time. Perhaps there's an issue with the poison switching. Have you thought of making Poison Weapon instead a spell selection ability instead that lets you choose the poison? I think it might be technically challenging or impossible, not sure, since it would need to be aware of which feats you have, but throwing it out there anyway. I'm mostly mentioning that last point because otherwise, you need to wait one round before switching to the other one. Which might be by design, I don't know. (I would prefer it the way I described, but that's just me)
  15. The examples given for mainstream, general-purpose programming languages tend to be on point more often, although they sometimes miss crucial context experienced developers would take into account. I guess WeiDu being a fringe programming language, the examples would degenerate significantly, since it was fed much less information. I was kinda hoping I could use it as a useful learning tool, but it doesn't look like that will work out. Oh well
  16. From my outlook as a developer, the impression that WeiDu gave me is that it's annoyingly low-level, without much in terms of high-level utilities. And very limited in terms of design. Whenever I look at the code, all I can think of is something along the lines of "I wish I could encapsulate every annoying thing here, and every convoluted stuff in high level sets of classes and functions, and never have to touch it otherwise." Heavens and hells, I'll take C and C++, at least there is more high level stuff there. But I don't understand what the point of the discussion is regardless, since it doesn't seem like it's possible.
  17. Out of curiosity, I asked it if it could produce a script to make Magic Missile do 1 extra point of damage per projectile. This was the result: // Define the spell resource name DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION modify_magic_missile BEGIN // Extract the spell resource COPY_EXISTING ~spwi405.spl~ ~override/spwi405.spl~ // Read the spell's properties READ_SHORT 0x1e num_projectiles READ_BYTE 0x20 projectile_dice READ_BYTE 0x21 projectile_sides READ_SHORT 0x22 projectile_bonus // Modify the damage WRITE_SHORT 0x22 (%projectile_bonus% + 1) // Write the modified properties back WRITE_SHORT 0x1e %num_projectiles% WRITE_BYTE 0x20 %projectile_dice% WRITE_BYTE 0x21 %projectile_sides% WRITE_SHORT 0x22 %projectile_bonus% // Display a message indicating the modification SAY NAME1 @100 SAY ~Magic Missile damage increased by 1 point.~ // Apply changes COMPILE EVALUATE_BUFFER COPY ~override/spwi405.spl~ ~override/spwi405.spl~ // Clean up DELETE_FILE ~override/spwi405.spl~ END ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~spwi405.spl~ THEN BEGIN // Execute the modification function modify_magic_missile END ELSE BEGIN // Display error message if the spell file is not found SAY ~Error: spwi405.spl not found!~ END Is this even remotely accurate? Anyone has had some success getting coding help from AI for WeiDu? Just curious. Cheers.
  18. Even better. Let's make a mod where you can save Farthing from the carnage, make her your adoptive daughter, take care of her (have a trusted caretaker for her, sometimes, of course), teach her the ways of the civilized folk, cure her of her lycanthropy, the group-think and the rest of the ailments, leading her to a bright future. It's like another way of spawning [adoptive] progeny without Aerie... (Ugh, I want to experience her romance, but I never play as a male Bhaalspawn). One mod per game in the saga. And you can be kind to her or mean, teach her to be cruel, or good and compassionate. I would play it, probably.
  19. I don't think this matters much. "Believable" in the context of the forgotten realms fantasy we're currently playing or trying to immerse ourselves into. If it's just two more people (and not the whole village, as I thought this was about) so the quest has some more extra feel-good vibes, or a less bitter resolution, that's cool too. In a way I do like that Farthing (what a terrible name) transforms and tries to kill you to be honest. It's downright creepy that everyone is behaving in such a savage and cultish way with no questions asked.
  20. I reported this in my BG2 bug thread but I didn't look into the specifics in Nearinfinity or the code.
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