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Elder Enigma

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Everything posted by Elder Enigma

  1. I do not have it anymore, as I wrote in my previous post. But those are the mods I installed in this order: •EEex •Leufret's Enhanced UI •EE UI Tweaks •Bubbs Spell Menu Extended •Classic Movies •Icewind Dale Voice Pack •Icewind Dale II Voice Pack •Neverwinter Nights Voice Pack •Convenient EE NPCs •Improved Archer Kit •Forgotten Armament •IWDification •The Tweaks Anthology •Sword Coast Stratagems •jmerry Tweaks Collection •Klatu Tweaks And Fixes •BG2 Tweaks And Tricks •Enhanced Powergaming Scripts •Infinity Sounds I know it's not helping much.
  2. I've read the new 'Revised Resting' component description, but what are those 'provisions' exactly? Is it an item/number stored somewhere? And how do Druids and Rangers foraging? Is it a dialogue option? I've played just few minutes with v35, so I apologize if it's a stupid question.
  3. Hello and thank you for the new version. I encountered a problem with this component in BGEE while doing the classic basilisk cheese for EXP: even though my main character was under the protection from petrification spell, the petrification effect from the basilisk still got through (?), since I saw the sprite turn grey, but was still moving and attacking, turned on 1 HP and triggered a game over screen, all of this instantly. I'm not sure if it's the component's fault, since I installed other tweak mods. I don't have a weidu.log since I deleted the game in frustration. If somebody else is not having this problem then it might be some component from one of the tweaks mod I installed.
  4. I was wondering if is possible to add a component where if a party member leaves the party, because of the reputation or other motives, he/she drops all his/her equipment on the ground, or in the inventory of the party (just like in BGII where Nalia gets taken away by Isaea Roenall), before leaving forever or even temporarily, so atlest you end up losing only a party member and not a party member AND all the equipment. I would also really like when you install the Romance Cheats component, to remove gender requirements, to adjust the dialogues accordingly to the main character's gender, even though I imagine that requires a LOT of effort and time to do.
  5. Any plans to change the 'challenge' of the sahuagin King Ixilthetocal to something more fitting, instead of a single trash mob (Ettin)?
  6. I don't know if it's intended or not but 'Eye of the Sun +3' at the Guarded Compound drops already identified. Do you plan to add unique icons to the new items in the future?
  7. I do have the same issue, except it's 120,000 for me, and besides Forgotten Armament I do not have his other mods he's using.
  8. Any idea what happened here? WARNING enhanced-powergaming-scripts/baf/upload/mocore.baf - pattern not found: IF OR(2) Global("MO_BUFF","LOCALS",1) Global("MO_LONG_BUFF","LOCALS",1) !StateCheck(Myself,INVOKE_COURAGE) HaveSpell(INVOKE_COURAGE) // SPIN676.SPL (Invoke Courage) !CheckStatGT(Myself,0,CLERIC_INSECT_PLAGUE) !StateCheck(Myself,STATE_POISONED) !StateCheck(Myself,STATE_SILENCED) !CheckSpellState(Myself,WILD_MAGIC_AREA) !CheckSpellState(Myself,DEAD_MAGIC_AREA) THEN RESPONSE #100 ReallyForceSpell(Myself,INVOKE_COURAGE) // SPIN676.SPL (Invoke Courage) RemoveSpell(INVOKE_COURAGE) // SPIN676.SPL (Invoke Courage) WeiDU.log
  9. I encountered a problem: When giving Cespenar the Yellow Dragon Scales (dw#abyds.ITM) it creates another Greater Silver Sword instead of a Yellow Dragon Scale Armor.
  10. Can you move Black Blade of Disaster to the offensive script? I believe it's a waste of a spell as a prebuff and doesn't really fit as a prebuff spell in my opinion. I only use it in some situations, or with time stop.
  11. Little typo with 'Courtesan Blade+2' (MO1H04.ITM) missing space between Blade and +2.
  12. Yeah, I forgot to say I have EEex installed. Now it's smooth again. Dunno about this issue, most likely this version fixed it too, it's a bit tricky to spot.
  13. There are some problems regarding player actions while using these script: •if you drink a potion for example you can't queue another action, it gets cancelled after a second or two, this include moving the character, I always have to spam to make him move until 1 round passes because the character keep stopping in place. •Sometimes a character can spend 1 round for an action without actually doing what he was told to do. •Maybe adding Shield Amulet to the pre-buffing scripts could be useful.
  14. You can simply set the experience with the console. Select only the party member/s you want to give the experience points, enter the number and click 'GIVE XP'.
  15. Nobody can help you if you don't give more informations. What game and version are you running, what other mods did you add and in which order you installed them, WeiDU.log ecc...
  16. As I mentioned I used this mod before just fine, so yes. I'm not using EET as I already said in my previous post. It must be something broken or missing on my end, I really don't know.
  17. Does someone know how to fix this issue? I'm not playing on EET as the topic's title says. It's not the mod's fault since I used the same latest version without problems before I re-installed my PC (Windows 7 x64), so it's something on my side. I have Visual Studio 2015-2022 installed, both 32 and 64-bit, along all the other versions. I'm just using EEex, no other mods.
  18. I noticed that a thief with 'Attack Enemies' and 'Find Traps' both active will not attack enemies on sight but keep lookings for traps only. Is that an intended behavior?
  19. I just noticed that the scroll bars are broken, the bar/dot or whatever is stuck at the bottom and can't interact with it I can only use the arrows up and down. I'm using BGEE 2.6.6 and LeUI BGIIEE Skin 4.5. I thought that was another mod breaking it but I just installed EEex and your UI mod, and is still broken, the same for BGIIEE.
  20. I don't know what is up with the attached file but I got two .exe files from it, I made it work tho. Now it gives me another error: ERROR at line 120 column 8-16 Near Text: ACTION_IF Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: parsing [enhanced-powergaming-scripts/components/BG2EE/initialize.tpa]: Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error I modded BG1EE so I don't know what BG2EE/initialize.tpa is about.
  21. I tried installing 10.0 and I got this error: ERROR: Failure("resource [SPIN645.spl] not found for 'COPY'") then I tried 9.2 and it installed without problems.
  22. I spotted another problem, if a target dies from the bleeding effect the party is not awarded with experience. Also the bleeding/acid effect looks weird and is confusing, since I'm using the damage animation effects from IWDification, I hope it's possible to change it to something else in the future.
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