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Posts posted by MikeX

  1. 2 hours ago, argent77 said:

    I agree that the name of the default git branch ("v11") is a bit misleading.

    Yes, I saw the major overhaul and restructuring and was wondering whether it's already in shape for testing or not.

    2 hours ago, argent77 said:

    That's intentional. The backtick (`) is a synonym for BNOT in WeiDU, which negates a bit state.

    Ok, that makes perfect sense for the purpose it's used (to reset a bit), I should have looked closer.

    It just caught my attention, because 'BIT6' was not highlighted by your excellent NPP highlighter...

  2. May I ask, what the actual state of the BG2 Fixpack on Github is?

    It's a little bit confusing, the latest release is V13, but there are quite a few commits and a major overhaul since then in development, which, when downloaded is called V11.
    Can/should this version being tested?

    Also, I've found a little typo in 'core_item_bulk.tph, line 447':

        PATCH_IF (IS_AN_INT params_2) BEGIN // add/remove magical flag
          PATCH_IF (params_2 = 0)   BEGIN WRITE_BYTE 0x18 THIS & `BIT6 END // remove magical flag
          PATCH_IF (params_2 = 1)   BEGIN WRITE_BYTE 0x18 THIS | BIT6  END // add magical flag

    There's a char in front of BIT6.


  3. 14 hours ago, argent77 said:

    Is that a new TobEx feature? Normally you can't open the description for innate abilities in the original games

    Yes it is, with this:

    ~BG2IMPROVEDGUI\BG2IMPROVEDGUI.TP2~ #0 #3000 // Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen on Right Click (includes Icon/Item Abilities/Tooltip fixes and Innate/Ability text update by Prozh): 5.5

    But neverthless it wouldn't hurt (I think) to see the description at least in NI...

  4. 15 hours ago, MikeX said:

    That's what I did, but did not work:

    Part of my WeiDU.log:

    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #100 // TobEx - Core: v28
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #101 // Apply Concentration Check On Damage [WIP]: v28
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #102 // Awaken On Damage: v28
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #103 // Blindness As Spell Description: v28

    Part of the resulting yaml:

    - name: tobex
      language: 0
      - 100
      - index: 101
        component_name: '101'
      - index: 102
        component_name: '102'
      - index: 103
        component_name: '103'
      - index: 105
        component_name: '105'

    I used latest release v1.3.1.

    There seems to be a difference about the options that are showing with --help on my version...

    Sorry to bother again, but is there anything that can be done about it (regarding not showing adding the component names)?

  5. 16 hours ago, mickabouille said:

    You can try

    modda reverse --export-component-name true --output example.yml

    That's what I did, but did not work:

    Part of my WeiDU.log:

    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #100 // TobEx - Core: v28
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #101 // Apply Concentration Check On Damage [WIP]: v28
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #102 // Awaken On Damage: v28
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #103 // Blindness As Spell Description: v28

    Part of the resulting yaml:

    - name: tobex
      language: 0
      - 100
      - index: 101
        component_name: '101'
      - index: 102
        component_name: '102'
      - index: 103
        component_name: '103'
      - index: 105
        component_name: '105'

    I used latest release v1.3.1.

    16 hours ago, mickabouille said:

    In general

    There seems to be a difference about the options that are showing with --help on my version...

  6. Thanks for the tool. I'm playing with it on windows.

    For the 'reverse' command, could you also read the component names from weidu.log and put them into the yaml file?

    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #100 // TobEx - Core: v28
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #101 // Apply Concentration Check On Damage [WIP]: v28
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #102 // Awaken On Damage: v28
    ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #103 // Blindness As Spell Description: v28



  7. This is quite amazing!

    A suggestion:
    Change current naming from Base Armor Class to Armor Class and Armor Class to Armor Class Bonus.
    Switch sign of Armor Class Bonus by multiplying it with -1, then it's more intuitive (since lower numbers are better) to calculate the resulting armor class.

    Example result (current), from a cursed item:

    Equipped abilities: 
    - Base Armor Class: 5
    - Armor Class: -10 vs. missile attacks
    - Armor Class: +2 vs. slashing attacks
    - Armor Class: +1 vs. piercing attacks

    armor class vs. missile attacks = 5 - (-10) = 5 + 10 = 15
    armor class vs. slashing attacks = 5 - (+2) = 5 - 2 = 3
    armor class vs. piercing attacks = 5 - (+1) = 5 - 1 = 4

    Example result (suggestion), same item as above:

    Equipped abilities: 
    - Armor Class: 5
    - Armor Class Bonus: +10 vs. missile attacks
    - Armor Class Bonus: -2 vs. slashing attacks
    - Armor Class Bonus: -1 vs. piercing attacks

    or, even better and one line shorter:

    Equipped abilities: 
    - Armor Class: +15 vs. missile attacks
    - Armor Class: +3 vs. slashing attacks
    - Armor Class: +4 vs. piercing attacks


  8. 2 hours ago, jastey said:

    The encoding errors: I checked for installed mod (with most crossmod), is this after installation in the game texts or just the tra-files (which are still in English so editors tend to detect them as utf8 if no symbols are included)?

    Will double check again.

    After installing the mod in German, I checked with NI 'For String Encoding Errors'. There were clearly some malformed umlauts.
    So I opened all German tra file with Notepad++, checked the encoding and converted any UTF8 tras (see list in my initial post) to ANSI.
    Installed again and the issues were gone.

  9. Thanks for the update.

    Unfortunately it does not install on a BGT game, if BG1UB 'Mysterious Vial' is installed.

    brage_bg1ub_vial.d missing // in first line
    after fixing that -> 'no translation provided for...':
    brage_bg1ub.tra should probably be brage_bg1ub_vial.tra

    Also NI reports string encoding issues in tra/german (utf8 should be ansi):


  10. That is what I've gathered:

    Offical IR copied vanilla HELM02 'Helm of Opposite Alignment' to HELM02_ and then changed HELM02 to 'Helm of Despair'.

    Because some mods (including yours before V4.0) rely on/react to HELM02 being the ''Helm of Opposite Alignment', IRR changed HELM02 back to vanilla and made 'Helm of Despair' a new item code DVHELM02.

  11. 3 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

    @Salk Just be aware, whatever changes have been happening in Bart’s mod, are not reflected in Item Revisions, which remains consistent. Bart has repeatedly said that IRR is a personal project that he is sharing out of convenience, rather than a proper published mod. I would be wary of breaking compatibility with one mod (an official G3 mod, no less)  to gain compatibility with the recent changes of another. 

    Wouldn’t it be easiest if Bart simply let HELM02_ stay in the game? (He could still do whatever he wants with HELM02… but no need to remove a file that other mods evidently rely on.) Then Salk wouldn’t have to do anything. 

    As said in the linked thread above:

    IR 'breaks' (at least kind of, some dialog options make no sense) mods first, that rely on HELM02 being the 'Helm of Opposite Alignment' by changing the vanilla item to something completely different (Helm of Despair).
    Probably because it was unused in oBG2/ToB and IR has been originally designed only for this.
    It was used in oBG1, but very unlikely to obtain by the player.
    Now with BGT, mod(s?) (e.g. cursed items revision) make it available more easy for the player.

  12. Hello Salk,

    following this conversation

    @Bartimaeus changed HELM02 back to its origins and made the Helm of Despair now dvhelm02, which is IMO the way it should be.
    Unfortunatly this breaks the installation of your mod as of V4.0, because there is no HELM02_ with IR(R) installed anymore.
    So the compatibility code, you just put in for V4.0 needs to be revised to account for the change on the IR(R) side.🙁

    Also, could you maybe revise the installing order recommendation regarding ua (unique artifacts from @Magus)?
    I think this mod has compatbility code for your mod and thus your mod could be installed BEFORE ua, espacially since the latest recommandation for ua is now to put it after SCS.

    Thanks, I really like your mod.

  13. 49 minutes ago, Bartimaeus said:

    For the erroneous Armor Class Bonus line, I'll look into that as well, thanks. (e): I think the problem there is that vanilla's descriptions are so all over the place that the regexp can't catch all cases when IR's main component isn't installed.

    Just to clarify, I have the main component installed (in front of the other).

    I've found the issue with Salk's HELM02. His description says 'Protects from...' instead of the expected 'Protects against...'.

    So maybe this should be changed/added to description_updates.tra, line 589 (not tested):

    // Remove ~Protects Against Critical Hits~ from helms
    @100422 = ~[%LNL%%MNL%%WNL%]\([ %TAB%%emdash%]*\)\(Special:[ %TAB%]+\)?Protects[ %TAB%]+\([Aa]gainst|[Ff]rom\)[ %TAB%]+[Cc]ritical[ %TAB%]+[Hh]its~


  14. I investigated a little further, using NI:
    HELM02, as far as NI is telling, has no use references in oBG2 (That's probably why Item Revisions changed/used it?).
    In oTotSC (and clean BGT 1.22) HELM02 has two use references:
    1. jamie.cre, but it is not assigned to any item slot
    2. deathk1.cre, the death knight that appears outside Durlags Tower killing the tourists and disappears.
    So originally there seemed to be only a very small chance to obtain this item after all.

    But mod(s) change that and, as you said, it would be a good idea to leave the original HELM02 and make the 'Helm of Despair' a new item code.

    By the way, I stumpled across this while investigating item descriptions not properly updating when installing Item Revision component 'Revised Critical Hit Aversion'.
    The descriptions afterwards contained two lines 'Amor Class Bonus:', one with 'none' and one with '+1'.
    Changing line 59 in critical_hits.tpa from 'SPRINT t1 @100422' to 'SPRINT t1 @100423' seemed to have solved the issue.
    I use 'item_description_style = 1', there might be a similar issue for the other description styles.

    There's still an issue in this regard (not removing line 'Protects against critical hits') with HELM02 changed by Salk's Cursed Items mod, investigating further...

  15. @Bartimaeus

    Could you have a look at how HELM02.itm and HELM02_.itm are distributed to a BGT game, please?
    After installing BGT there is only HELM02.itm as 'Helm of Opposite Alignment'.
    After installing Item Revisions main component HELM02.itm becomes 'Helm of Despair' and it creates HELM02_.itm and makes this the 'Helm of Opposite Alignment'.
    There are at least two npc mods (Brage, Atjantis) that react to HELM02 as being the 'Helm of Opposite Alignment', so HELM02 should probably not be changed (at least for BG1/BGT).
    Salk's Cursed Items mod also seems to assume that HELM02 is the 'Helm of Opposite Alignment'.


  16. 50 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

    I think I've settled on a 50%/25% split. I want it to be a rare thing that you get something useful out of this, but very occasionally it's cool to find a really good spell that isn't readily available. Each spellbook I find might contain just a few spells, and of those maybe only one or two might be useful to me (i.e. not yet known). But I noticed that some spellbooks have no spells at all, especially at low levels. And that's just weird. Maybe it would be better to have fewer mages drop spellbooks, but have more spells in each spellbook? (25%/50%?) Or maybe drop both to 25% and really make it a rare treat.

    At my current BGT game run, I've it set to 75/75 and so far (end of chapter 4) I havn't got any empty spell book.

  17. In my German BGT installation all German 'umlauts' (äÄ/öÖ/üÜ) within words are deleted.



    game.tra (mod folder)

    @1   = ~Säbelrassler: Der Säbelrassler verkörpert die Begriffe des Wagemuts und der Eleganz. Er zieht Geschicklichkeit und List der bloßen Gewalt vor und zeichnet sich sowohl in Kampfsituationen als auch im sozialen Umgang aus, was ihn zu einem vielseitigen Charakter macht.

    GAME.TRA (weidu_external... folder and ingame)

    @1   = ~Sbelrassler: Der Sbelrassler verkrpert die Begriffe des Wagemuts und der Eleganz. Er zieht Geschicklichkeit und List der bloen Gewalt vor und zeichnet sich sowohl in Kampfsituationen als auch im sozialen Umgang aus, was ihn zu einem vielseitigen Charakter macht.


    Might it be due to German tra-files are ANSI coded and HANDLE_CHARSETS  expects them to be UTF-8 coded?


    From tp2:

        // On non-EE games, convert game content tra files from utf-8, move converted files to different path
        LAF HANDLE_CHARSETS INT_VAR from_utf8 = 1 infer_charsets = 1
                            STR_VAR default_language = ~english~ tra_path = ~song_and_silence/tra~ out_path = ~weidu_external/song_and_silence/tra~ noconvert_array = cdnoconvert reload_array = cdreload END





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