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Everything posted by szef

  1. I see. Yes i want PNGs convert into separate BAMs with the same name as PNGs. However, it should only be one frame and cycle. The idea is for PSTEE to read these BAMs as portraits in the second (new) bestiary. It looks like this: bam lua "getBestiaryImage2()" From what I can see everything is working now .
  2. I'am trying (it's already done ;)) to convert PNGs into compressed BAMs. PNGs are in 'Nowy folder', and BAMs converting into 'compressed'.
  3. @Sam. I don't want to start a new topic... Is there a way compress .bam using PS BAM to reduce its size? After compression in NI it drops from 176KB to 60KB etc. (for .bam -> from 65KB .png ) No luck with PS BAM. This do nothing: --CompressionProfile "Max" There not even making Log.txt "PS BAM_x64.exe" "E:\Media\Gry\PS-BAM\Nowy folder\*.png" --ExportWithTransparency 1 --CompressionProfile="Max" --LogFile "E:\Media\Gry\PS-BAM\Log.txt" --Save "BAM" "E:\Media\Gry\PS-BAM to compress\*.bam” Ok now i know, should be: "PS BAM_x64.exe" --CompressionProfile="Max" "E:\Media\Gry\PS-BAM\Nowy folder\*.png" ...
  4. As title says. I want one button open some menu, and disappears, then click exit button closing that menu (by different button) - and first button again shows up... I think it is doable?? Thanks to lefreut: onopen " showButton = true " button { enabled "showButton" ... action " showButton = false " } button { ... action " showButton = true " }
  5. Can someone guide me where, or how to do it so that the slider setting, is saved and not reset to default position after restarting the game (or exit menu options)? slider { area 322 464 105 27 position "dboxSkinSLDR" bam 'SLDRSTAR' mosaic sliderbg settings 3 --pad 8 0 10 0 action " Infinity_ChangeOption( 69, dboxSkinSLDR, 6) selectedGraphicOpt = 0 selectedSL = 4 " } Have no idea how this may connect to saving position settings. It is have to do with: dboxSkinsSLDR = Infinity_GetOption(69, panelID) dboxSkinsCancel = Infinity_GetOption(69, panelID) for index, var in pairs(graphicsToggles) do var[5] = Infinity_GetOption(var[3], panelID) var[6] = 0 if var[5] == 0 then var[4] = 0 else var[4] = 2 end end ? Also I see this example option: Infinity_ChangeOption( 22, fontSizeCancel, panelID) Why 22 value, what is the reason? Found this: https://eeex-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EE Game Lua Functions/Infinity/index.html#infinity-changeoption SOLVED:
  6. Thanks to @Bubb indispensable help, the black layer problem has been solved.
  7. Yes, it does not support. No animation of putting on weapons / armor, etc. It had to be changed to a static picture ;).
  8. Hm ;), after configuring and run the game (gemrb.exe), I can not go through the character creator because the program closes after a certain point. Tested on bg1 and iwd2. In bg1 after clicking next should show the "appearance" up, but then the program closes after 2-3 seconds. In iwd2 also on the character creation menu. Loading game - same. Edit: I had to add to cfg: Something is definitely wrong xD. GemRB.log GemRB.cfg
  9. So I replaced the animations for PC using the e330 slot [monster_icewind], but the paperdoll not working. I changed bam files for this (CHMF1INV.bam and CHMFINV.bam for my animation name), and take a look at the screenshot. I guess that these bams are for [character] section only? How to do it correctly for monster_icewind?
  10. I need help. I copied for several characters and each time it comes out bad. Other soundsets are displayed correctly, only this breaks Edit: It was double character suffixs problem ... And some files are in another lang folder.
  11. Too bad it's so weird and complicated (cycles etc.) haha. Edit: Yeaa, all animations are here: [Resource Pack] Extended Animations — Beamdog Forums
  12. Yes, I tried importing paletts from other BAMs (male mage etc. from bg2ee & iwdee) it looks bad. Something is not right The size of the BAM can be changed with the BAM resizer and it is ok. But also setting the correct sequences of animation is a nightmare. (I think I'll giving up....)
  13. Let me quote from discord: (from Graion Dilach and CamDawg_G3): also: So maybe it's enough for animation to change the size of png and create a BAM with a correct sequences?? Hm. @subtledoctorThe issue of weapons is secondary for me, because my TNO will be carry a knife, or maybe fight with bare fists (as a mage) :P. I'll try a little for fun (when I find the time) but so far it's not working - mainly with palette...
  14. Please tell me, is there a way to export TNO animations from PSTEE to BG2EE, or IWDEE, but to make them available for PC(chr)? I tried in many ways and does not work. TNO has few 'sections', e.g. with bare fists, with a knife, an axe, etc. I tried export all BAM's, replace, add, rename ini, ids. Aaand nothing ;). Is this even possible to make it work somehow??
  15. For profiencies (from previous post) in inventory, it looks like that's enough: text lua "characters[id].proficiencies.pstDetails" As for: Solution (thanks to @Bubb) "characters[id].Stats.bestenemy.current" "Infinity_FetchString(41308)" "characters[id].Stats.partygamexp.current ..'%'"
  16. Is there any plan to implement the Scale of Souls mod into PST:EE? There is partial re-implementation: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/79303/partial-re-implementation-of-scale-of-souls-tweak I wonder what, and how to find out about (that) morale for companions... Is there some in-game/scripts(?) clues?
  17. I have a question: Is there (in TTA v16) an option "Stackable Rings, Charms, Bracelets, Scrolls" (from Qwinn's Tweak Pack) for PST: EE? If not, will it be added? This should not be difficult, since this option works without major modifications from non-EE to EE... Nevermind, I find it (Convenience Tweaks and/or Cheats).
  18. I need to print (and save it to txt, file) all items of one type, say armor (IDS 2 - if I'm not mistaken) in pstee. How can this be done? I have this fragment of code it seems that I need to modify it, or do it completely differently? [...] READ_STRREF 0x8 "gen_name" READ_STRREF 0xc "name" READ_STRREF 0x50 "gen_desc" READ_STRREF 0x54 "desc" PATCH_PRINT ~--- * %SOURCE_RES% * | %gen_name% | %name% --- %gen_desc% --- %desc% ~ ... Something with(?): READ_SHORT 0x1c Probably it's easy, but I'm a noob, sorry xD.
  19. Ending... Ghidra could probably handle it (but the debugger crashed with java version incompatibility error, hmm). However, I discovered some corresponding functions, while gdb gave some list (hmm):
  20. I'll try to "play" with it ;). Thank you for your comprehensive answer!
  21. Yeah, I didn't think that was possible for someone at our level. The more that I'm currently on linux, so dealing with some exe, would be difficult... If I'm not mistaken. As for the native pst files (for linux) also do not know how to sensibly approach with anything useful. I tried debugger (gdb, objdump), unfortunately, it really does not give me much hehe. Too bad . Edit: @aqrit I'm curious how you discovered that this function/offset - 0x00220F4F is responsible for the root inventory background/menu? In general, do you think that the example idea of inventory (grid/backround) on the left and the game-world on the right is possible to obtain in EE version?
  22. @aqrit No, we didn't modify the engine, only ui.menu. Looks interesting, thanks. I'm afraid, though, that it is way more complicated...? Hmm. How to start modding the engine?
  23. New idea - new problem, this time with disappearing "new" journal, after enter the bestiary :D. UPDATE: This issue was solved.
  24. Is it (maybe) something related to: text { area 744 58 218 421 text lua "recordHelpString" text style "normal_parchment" scrollbar 'cgscrl1' }
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