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Everything posted by grogerson

  1. Finished the Severed Hand. Add AR5301 and 02 to the list of blinking enemies. Common to all are they are shadowed, and spawned after crossing a floor trigger. Also Sheemish failed to give me the key to the chest, or even mention it. @ decado - just to make sure, you're using v8, not v7? Also, did you agree to Kresselack's demand to kill her? She won't appear until you do...
  2. AR5202, 03 - Some of the elven acolytes and clerics blinked in and out, though slower than happened in AR5201 and 02, and they could attack...
  3. No. Upon entering AR3602. As for Red Toe, he was still there when I left the temple only this time he went hostile. I've entered the Severed Hand. All the "ambushes" encountered had problems. AR5201 - West side of outer ring, the enemies appeared but began blinking in and out. No discernible pattern or speed. It made it difficult to attack them or they to attack the party. AR5202 - Same as above with the wargs. The ambush in the northern chamber failed to trigger. AR5203 - Southwest outer ring same as AR5201, only the armored skeletons were able to attack. The second in the northwest of the outer ring failed to trigger. Some of the creatures that spawned where they couldn't be seen did not blink, some when hidden by the fog of war stopped blinking.
  4. Finished Dragon's Eye and returned to Kuldahar. The orogs did not attack though they were red. Also of a late note, when I entered the second level of the Temple of the Forgotten God I was attacked by only one verbeeg. Shouldn't there have been three?
  5. AR4004 - I didn't encounter any yuan-ti mages or archers - on core difficulty. Am I missing something? I recall encountering them in v7 at this setting.
  6. I also noted them in v7. I'm referring to vanilla IWD, not this conversion. I guess I'm going to have to replay the Vale of Shadows in the vanilla game to see if those Shadows function correctly or not...
  7. I have now, and checked the areas with NI. Gotta wonder about the Shadows, though. In vanilla IWD I don't recall them ever appearing, or else they didn't function properly (no immunity to normal weapons or strength drain). Maybe this is one of those things the conversion actually fixes...
  8. AR3502 - the three skeleton archers from a random encounter on rest had no ammunition. AR3503 - found two more full Shadows in the northern alcove. Holvir (L4 paladin) showed "Diseased" after being hit by a mummy, though he didn't seem to be affected (no continuing HP loss, healing worked). AR2113 - Gerth still doesn't buy keys. AR3600 - the Verbeeg Red Toe doesn't move to flee the area.
  9. AR3301 - Therik and the two zombies when you enter do not attack even though they're hostile, even while being attacked.
  10. Verified picollo's observations, and ran into a nasty surprise in the Vale of Shadows near the entrance to Kresselack's tomb - a full Shadow. Just glad I'd found a couple magic weapons in the tombs and saved the +1 arrows from the beetle cave...
  11. Just finished my first run through Planescape Torment, now I'm on to this. I've reached Kuldahar and so far the only items of note are from the level-up screen. Here's my WieDU.log: Thieving skills: I see only four, and it won't scroll to show any more. Is this intentional, using IWD1 instead of BG2 skills? If so you should also reset the skill points gained from 25 to 20 per level. Details window: It doesn't scroll, showing only part of the information. The rest is somewhere outside the window.
  12. @ CamDawg - Wish I'd thought of this. Hope you don't mind my stealing it for BG1 Tweaks (with permission of course). The Lighthouse and Shipwreck areas are especially needful when entering them from the south (my normal path).
  13. There are still some of us who prefer vanilla BG1 to BGT/Tutu. And thanks for the info. I've posted your PM in the work room.
  14. @ w221 - Fact is, plainab hit burnout, and he may or may not be back. Others are still involved, but progress is much slower since Miloch and the others are involved with many other projects when real life isn't sucking up their time. Though as a vanilla BG1 player I'd like to see the last BETA hosted here as well (with Github being a data nexus for finalizing the project). If you want to get involved, even if just testing or looking for game problems, PM me with your observations and I'll post it in the workroom here.
  15. Wonderful artwork! Maybe it'll see use in the intended setting with IWD-in-BG2 progressing. It would be nice to have another mod to join Kulyok's IWD NPC's.
  16. Thanks for the explanation, Miloch. The tp2 is updated. I finally got the bard to spawn in an unmodded game. I was running Zed's area check emulation, and when I removed it he appeared. I tried it in a modded game (with the area check emulation running) and no spawn occurs. I'll do some more checking, see if installing before the emulation to see if it will run if it's before the emulation in the baf file or not. If the former, then I can still incorporate it, but if the latter, then there may be a problem to work out. Edit: It seems my character spawning is blocked by the area check emulator somehow - if it's after the code in the bcs file. It runs fine if before. It's something that may need looking into. Can someone validate this result, or get the opposite result?
  17. This may be necro-posting, but I believe it's appropriate for this thread. I'm converting a component from BGT/TUTU to BG-TotSC, but for some reason the spawn does not occur. Help here would also give a concrete example of BG1 coding of spawns. From the tp2: /* Area Scripts for spawning */ COPY_EXISTING ~ar2301.bcs~ ~override~ ~ar4809.bcs~ ~override~ ~ar0705.bcs~ ~override~ EXTEND_BOTTOM ~ar2301.bcs~ ~Bardic/baf/X#LP1REPAS.BAF~ //The Friendly Arm Inn EXTEND_BOTTOM ~ar4809.bcs~ ~Bardic/baf/X#LP2REPAS.BAF~ //The Belching Dragon EXTEND_BOTTOM ~ar0705.bcs~ ~Bardic/baf/X#LP3REPAS.BAF~ //The Elfsong From the creature's baf file: IF Global("X#LP1RExists","GLOBAL",0) Global("X#LakeP1RepTalk","GLOBAL",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 CreateCreature("X#LP1REP",[542.592],0) // Lake Poet Sam Friendly Arm Inn SetGlobal("X#LP1RExists","GLOBAL",1) END IF Global("X#TT1Deactivate","GLOBAL",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("X#TT1Deactivate","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobalTimer("X#TroubadorTimer1","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS) Wait(4) Deactivate("X#LP1REP") END IF Global("X#TT1Deactivate","GLOBAL",2) GlobalTimerExpired("X#TroubadorTimer1","GLOBAL") THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("X#TT1Deactivate","GLOBAL",0) Wait(4) Activate("X#LP1REP") END I'm focusing on this code since the creature, script and dialog all seem to install with no problem. I CreateCreature and everything works fine, it just does not spawn. The spawn code looks right to me... Edit: I notice there are two GLOBALs called before the CreateCreature command. I don't find them created or set anywhere. Are they created when called, or do I need to create the GLOBALs somewhere?
  18. I've been inspired to create a tweak to make him a generalist mage, thanks to Kulyok's Xan mods. What I currently have: COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^_?xan[0-9]*.*\.cre$~ ~override~ PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE > 0x2d3) THEN BEGIN // protects against invalid files WRITE_BYTE 0x246 16384 // change mage type to generalist mage END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES What I get: Any guidance would be appreciated.
  19. No need. It was caused by an extra tilde. The tweak now works fully, and I've been given permission to include it in the next release of BG1 Tweaks. Thanks for your patience and help.
  20. Now I have another problem, which I believe is linked to the area check emulator. From the DEBUG file: When I had it working without the emulator, this problem did not occur. I can find no "!" in any of the base code to create this problem. I'll try creating the globals without the Z! in the code just to be sure. If it works, I will be certain to give proper attribution within and follow up on this post.
  21. Thanks, Mike1072. The BAF files were missing Z!, so no wonder it wouldn't work! Now it does!
  22. Thanks for the variable correction, jastey. Fixed. Strange as it seems, I can't get that error to go away, even though "newtweaks/baf/Z!EmulAreaCheck.BAF" is properly pointed to. To make matters worse, I've another tweak I'm working on using this emulation, and it works with no trouble. I even copied the working code over with no effect. The only difference is the non-working is vanilla BG1, the working is with TotSC...
  23. I've been working with the SCS component Send NPCs to an Inn. I have found you can use: IF ~~ THEN DO ~RunAwayFromNoInterrupt([PC],2) LeaveAreaLUA("AR3304","",dmwwbereloc,0)~ However, to be able to limit it at the Gnoll Stronghold, Ice Island and the lower levels of Durlag's Tower, I've attempted to use this emulator. I've run into a problem. I've used the code from both this thread and from the Ajantis Friendship mod. It fails. Here is the relevant portion of the Debug file: Have I missed something? I assume it can but just to make sure, can it be used with a negative such as: !Global("Z!EmulAreaCheck","GLOBAL","AR5100")?
  24. There's a lot of info here to sort through, especially for a non-coder like me, but I found this...
  25. Now that the BG1 Tweaks is up for testing, I'm back to good ol' Baldur's Gate for playing/testing. If you need an extra pair of hands/eyes/whatever, I'm on the available list. We need to make sure the tweaks don't overwrite the fixpack stuff, so can you get me access to the workroom?
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