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Jarno Mikkola

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Everything posted by Jarno Mikkola

  1. Well, there's the summon limit set to the .2da file called summonlimit.2da ... yey. The thing is there cause generally you want to limit the excess AI rounds, to conserve resources. Ask... and you'll get as an answer to try the SCS with 1000 creatures on the field ... now if only they would go hostile on each others...
  2. But to initiate as one, you needed the player to select them as something else than a monk... or annoying other stuff. Yeah, I too made a cleric that casted mage spells and a "mage" kit that casted cleric spells(it was selected by starting the game with a Fighter kit that switched itself to be a mage and got the cleric spells from a second kit) ... and so what, that's nothing special, well it's the hack that needed to be resorted to to get around the old engine chinking.
  3. When you say "make the BGT-weidu", do you mean "to make the BGT conversion mod itself", because I was playing BGT years before I finally got TotSC from a sale at GOG in 2013. Hmm, well the BGT-weidu does require the BG1 to have the TotSC and be patched to the v1.3.5512 or ...5521, and you can't get that without the TotSC. You might be miss remembering the old days to the BG1Tutu that doesn't require the expansions. I can't say for sure if the original BGT required the TotSC, but my memory would say that indeed it did.
  4. It already exists - the name is BGT. So that has the zoom, sorcerer/mage/monk kits etc ? I sense a lack of logic and knowledge here. It seems you haven't even started the game ones... Yeah, ok, that was a lot of exaggeration.. but it was mean to be funny, not to mock you. So I hope you can view it as such. Back to the idea, I hope that it will be made too.. not that I would use it ever, but that it can be an option.
  5. Erhm what's confusing about that ? Except the fact I had to edit your post just a bit.. the normal BGEE is not the SoD, as it doesn't include the expansion, so you can't use it... exactly like you can't use just the BG1 to make the BGT-weidu, as it also requires the TotSC expansion. And the ToB expansion... to the BG2:SoA. So to say it accurately; the BG1EE:SoD is required. Or like K4thos says:
  6. Erhm, what are you talking about ? You probably mean the BWP .pdf file from Nov 2015... the BWS is the Setup program that's update to the BWInstall.bat program, that also downloads and makes the games for you. Though it doesn't have the EET yet..
  7. v4 Readme: Actually this is in the BGT Tweaks, and not in the default BGT-weidu game, so you probably should add the component to be available for BGT too. If it's not already that is.
  8. Yeah, you can have duplicate IDS entries, so long as they are known to refer to the same exact .ids number. And hope the cheese that no one goes around applying .ids fixes that break things. They cannot be, the game doesn't carry a spellfile name conversion model that could do that. But like implied, if you have a both KAISHAS_CHANGE & WIZARD_COMET identified as the same .ids entry, aka the same .spl file in the spell.ids, the compiled .bcs and .dlg etc things will then always refer to the correct & same spell file. Then why is the comet not set to be say spwi925.spl, as there's plenty of room for it there... I haven't got a clue.
  9. Like I said, it will work in EET as well as it does in if it's not in EET, aka if it's in the BG2EE.. The version you have of the ascension could be faulty on it's own. That's what the above informs you about. Well, sorta. @K4thos, can you make sure that the COMPILE commands you have won't try to compile .baf files that are not in the off directories, aka if for example you use this command: COMPILE ~modfolder/ijbah.baf~ ~override~ As it tries to compile everything in the override folder too... as the command doesn't need a compile-to folder, just the source. I am not saying that you have this... just try to make sure that you don't.
  10. It won't break anything that was not broken already before this. Aka the Kaishas... spell can't happen but that's not because of this, but because of other stuff.
  11. What do you mean by "is still present in the current BWS"? If there isn't BWFixpack patch for this problem then it will happen. Also editing .BCS is not the same as "fixing" mod source files so I can't really do anything about it. Just what's said in the tin... aka if you install SCS with BWS, there needs to be a script that runs that will remove the item... for example: IF Global("DMWWSarevokFight","GLOBAL",4) THEN RESPONSE #100 DestroyItem("monhp1") Continue() END At a top of a script... you don't need to edit the base SCS for that, that's for DavidW to do if he ever comes back just like all the other fixes you keep up to the mod, well perhaps Demivrgvs needs those too.. as he needs to keep the SR SCS updated. Anyways, just have the BWS add the script that adds the short code if it's not there already.
  12. You might wish to search his scripts for the item name with Near Infinity...
  13. @Fouinto: check if the .cre has a min1hp.itm on, and if he does, just add this to the end of the script: DestroyItem("min1hp1")
  14. Krghm, it's not like there's a humongous map in a thread called "EET Worldmap / Areas reference" in this forum that has the occupational answer... But yeah, the player at the start of the game has no idea where they are, or what they have seen as they have not seen a thing, even if they have eidetic memory, it's a memory they do not have. This is why the map has not been revealed. There, try to overcome that.
  15. One may ask why the tweak does such a thing anyway - why remove Explore() from Candlekeep where PC lived and grew up? He/she is supposed to know the area. You could also ask does the player know the area ? They have spent zero seconds in it at the start of the game, hence the "start".
  16. EDIT: part of the message removed. Windows version attached: Level1NPCs.zip Credits; All hail the king CrevsDaak.
  17. 1. Additional question during installation seems excessive to me (the less confusing the installation is the better, imo) but there is already an option to disable it via --args-list explained in the updated readme. Is this good enough? ... I would say that it would be better to add such a thing to the EET Tweaks component. Unless a poll shows me that I am totally off.
  18. Yes, here's the actual thread for that. For the mod maker. It becomes to then be part of these files and thus the BWS. After ALIEN has worked it over, if I am not wrong. Well the fact that you just use the term level cap of 50 actually would tell you that a triple multi class'ed chars level cap is what ? Most mods would assume it to be 150, not 50, or actually they set it to be -1, and then set the 51 level's xp to unreachable amount(again -1). But others might not and thus you already have multiple things that come from one factor. Now then add the vanilla games 8 000 000 total xp cap which is close to the level cap of 40, so that component might not overwrite everything. Do it this way and if your 40th level mage levels up and gets to be a dullard with no spells at level 41 cause the file determining the how many they get to have was not updated, and as the engine assumes it to be 0, you get zero spells at level 41. Well, in this case the quest is not the reason why you get stuck, it's (usually) because something was changed so that the quest cannot be completed, for example you can't kill the darn thing that you were sent to kill(cause they have the min1hp ring that's not ever removed). That's not the end of the world actually.
  19. The last one will take effect the most... the only way you can get something greatly broken is when you don't overwrite everything. Aka you leave something that has no base being there anymore. This actually depends on what you are asking ? You won't get the setup you made which breaks it ... but it might not BREAK the GAME, but it might as well as you won't have the setup you meant to make. Aka it's far better to know what the hell you are doing than not. Good luck on licking every single mod makers rear end on trying to do that... it won't happen. Trust me. A .bat you mean. Guess what ... the BWP/BWS etc have done this.. but there's 500 mods and 1500 mod components and 900 of those components do everything and your mom. Duh. Yes. Well if you have an error in the mods install, like the report says, it will automatically remove itself. That of course won't cause any further problems except it removes the content that was supposed to be added. Duh. But asking others why it does this is usually as futile as asking them to install a faulty configuration of mods and get them to find a way to fix it. Usually it's no good for anyone. Especially with multiple mods.
  20. Well, the archive I just downloaded only had a version of the file in it.. so the files added to it "7 days ago" were not in the archive at all.
  21. Or you could actually do the reading... because your game folder SHOULD not have EET -folder in it... so there is nothing to overwrite. Yes, the statement that the game folder is assumed to be clean from the previous install of the EET before you extract the new one is in the question you failed to answer to, in my post. But that's how I write things.
  22. Should you not uninstall the previous EET and then DELETE THE WHOLE mod folder before you extract the new one ? Because that's how you would install a new mod to a clean game.... and on Windows, it fails to update the case of the overwritten files(because it should not matter in most cases, but it could...).
  23. Yeah it doesn't, yet. But people can hope that it would work in the way they want it.
  24. This only depends on the .spl you use to make the effect, as you can set up different timers to be applied.
  25. Yeah, and you can change it by applying a permanent penalty to all the saves(in the kits)... it might look odd in the level up screen yeah, but that's nothing new.
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