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Jarno Mikkola

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Everything posted by Jarno Mikkola

  1. Yeah... that's because of this:
  2. Ahh..This would say that the problem comes from not initializing the dialog cause of it's allegiance(in NearInfinity)... did it attack and become hostile when it saw you, or was it hostile already .... as in BGT, it should come to talk to the player as neutral(blue circle) then after the dialog go hostile... and then the bear comes.
  3. Well, if only the unique(plain) "Long Sword +2" in BG1 and the "Varscona" Long Sword +2 in BG2 had not been the same exact replica in the game, I would be inclined to agree.But the point is, that if we want to install the main Item Revision component before the BGT, the BGT will overwrite the items in that areas located in BG1, and then there's no recourse.
  4. Erhm, why so negative. I thing you mean that it's quite impossible do that at the moment as the mods installed(weidu.exe) needs to be updated to make moding the BG:EE files even possible with the normal routines of the program. Properly, without loops, hoops and unofficial updates to who knows how many normal macro'es. 'K, so Wisp might... cause he is working on the fact on the official role.
  5. You might want to designate a preemptive component number too, hint hint.
  6. To help/-to_really_not- I'll ask: Any plans to make the BG1(BGT/Tutu) content separate component from the main BG2 content ? PS, soon the BGEE can be weidu -installed and it could create more need for this component.
  7. Abandoned or not, the last update was 8 months ago as far as I can tell, Plain_AB's netsite by the by, not January 2007.
  8. And how many potions are there that give Death Ward as an enhancement ?Magic resistance is bad because it works the x% of times, it's not -x% of the effect. This also goes for the golem issue, they are supposed to be immune to portion of the effect... but they get killed because the 1 in a million chance they are not. There's also an old mod that made use of the Disintegrate Golem as a feature... and then it went to make Golems that were immune to the said feature. Bad DesignTM. Sorta like Dimension Door to a time dimension. I like that. I would much rather have it's caster gain a freedom spell as a side dish, so the enemy that is imprisoned can be reattacked at a desired time without it's allies.
  9. That mod can be installed after SR. And there are other such spells already. Each can be installed after the other mods and there shouldn't be too many incompatibility problems(note that I am not saying if these two can).
  10. Here you go with the conseptually incompatible again...Erhm, but you know... the Weimer's Upgrage is actually compatible with IR ... NOW that the BWP has it's hands on the stuff and made an adjustment to it... and it's only made if both mods are installed via BWP/BWS. And yes, the TDD was last updated in November 2010... not that it needs to be updated to make it conseptually compatible with... as you can just overwrite and adjust the spells you see as the fitting once to be. What's asked here- is that you go and take a look and see if you can make a better job than the mods makers ... not that you adjust your whole spell sellection to match theirs ... but DO NOT remove any spells. For example, there's this one spell Daer Ragh's Aura of Cleansing, the idea of the spell is nice... but it's just 10 times too strong... as it's duration is longer than the Improves Alacrity spell, if my memory serves me at all. So if you cut the effect by 10, you might just get a spell worth to cast without every one feeling it's cheating. Yes, I am talking about turning the rounds to turns and turns to 1/10th of turns here... Well, you can make the first 25 dmg missile make the target immune to the "area damage" of the other missiles... so the max damage reduces to 81, while the area can be filled with lesser lesser creature deaths(33 & 25) or kinda severe injuries. And make the save vs half more than fine. Note that the reason for the Skeleton Warriors was to stay within the ally cap of 5. You could always make the animated skeletons not have the cap, and not increase any to greater ... while keeping their duration short.
  11. Well, you have to just name the wanted portrait file correctly, so it's used (as you overwrite the mods file in the override folder).
  12. I would say that you really shouldn't change the range of AoE. And I would also say that as the IE feet is really not what the PnP feet is, I hardly think that it would be a good reference. Besides, do you really wish to change the explosion animation so much ?
  13. Could you give a little more details on the mod, like compatibility, where the NPCs are located how many there are etc. as for example the BGT Tweaks puts a few BG1 NPCs to the BG2 game, but they are almost silent... so in that light, I am watching this. I know you from The Chosen of Mystra forums I think, so anyways I know this is genuine... any reason for the .ace archive ?
  14. The backstab is easy, you just don't put the normal thief bonuses to the first .2da file in the mod, disabling the set trap is done the same way, you just don't give the character spells to set the traps with. So yeah. Well, you can make 5 spells and make the x always require the x-1 first... and allow the HLA's to be taken only once.
  15. 1-2-3... Did you patch the ToB with the (v2.5.)26498 patch, see the SoA patch is already included in the ToB, but the ToB needs to be patched with it's own patch.Ah, you didn't say you had ToB.
  16. Ah, darn, it seems that that too requires the ToB, as the string 73245 is the "Play Shadows of Amn<TM> with the new area of Watcher's Keep Dungeon"... which is there in the SoA - ToB selection box.
  17. The Core Fixes(component #0) and the Beta Core Fixes(component #3) are different thing... the Beta Core fixes need the BGII - ToB, so just install the BG2 Fixpack component 0 and TDD. What comes to the TDD v1.03, it copies over the vanilla BGII's BGMain.exe so that it breaks the compatibility with Widescreen mod, as the .exe is not the original... the bigg would need to check that the TDD's patch doesn't brake anything, which is really idiotic to do to a mod that has a better version already available.
  18. That's a know issue...Uninstall the game, clean the game folder, reinstall the game and patch it and then install the TDD first, then the Widescreen mod. Or use the never more up to date TDD(might require the ToB) where the GUI mod is not tied to to primary install files, and if you want to, install the GUI mod before the Widescreen mod. ...And then install the Widescreen mod.
  19. Well, they can post in more than a few threads... but the posts will only show up when the site managers wishes them to, if they wish them to, so ...
  20. There's already a mod that gives Minsc those classes, the NPC kitpack here at G3, but I think the Ranger class is perfect for Minsc as is. There's the hamster, and the "Full Plate" speach and rage that goes that really suit the less than the sharpest tool in the box -ranger, that Minsc surely is. Presumptious, yes, if you go and deny his rage ability, stealth ability or the charm animal. Other than that, Minsc is unable to cast spells in the regular game, so there is no issues. But this is a Kit Revision mod, why aren't we talking about the KITS, but the class ?
  21. As said, there is no need to do that... and how are you going to handle every ranger kit ? The original Ranger Kits are easy, but the mod kits aren't... and there's mods that add the 4th and 5th spell levels to Rangers... This is one of the failures that mods like the Divine Remix fails in... as it kinda makes the whole system a Total Conversion, and in my opinion that's what we should avoid.
  22. Well, now I cannot edit the above post, and I see I made a mistake... so the "Good only" is actually: WRITE_BYTE ~0x001e~ ~0b00001010~ While the "Evil only" is: WRITE_BYTE ~0x001e~ ~0b00001100~ Hopefully this time it's correct... But anyways. But those tweaked druids aren't really real base druids... and thus they could actually gain different bonus spells... say you have a Neutral Evil druid... and they gain spells like: Summon Twisted Treant, Natures Wrath, Predator Instinct...
  23. What ? If you set this to a .spl file: COPY ~spprxxx.spl~ ~override~ //custom clerical spells spell file WRITE_BYTE ~0x001e~ ~0b0010111~ Since from here: You get a True Neutral. The "Good only" is actual a combo of Evil and GENeutral(which is actually the Good-Evil scales Neutral)... WRITE_BYTE ~0x001e~ ~0b00001100~
  24. And that kind of restriction is to me, stupid ... cause we can make the possible unbalanced effect go away, without the need to actually change much, yes, when you make the spells, you can restrict them based on the alignment the caster is going to have... the the base druids having only one kind, you can easily restrict the true druid specific spells to just base druids... this also allows great modification ability... if a druid kit doesn't wish to have the unbalanced spells for the ranger build, then they set the alignment restriction to exclude the True Neutral, or whatever, based on what we set them with...
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