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Everything posted by jastey

  1. Thank you for your interest! I am into recoding atm, to match the "have your dialogues when you want them to" (a nice feature, really), but unfortunately in November I will be very busy with RL (work.. work..) so progress won't be too much then.
  2. Cool. Then this is the mod I was dreaming of. Awesome!
  3. So the higher resolution provided by this mod means sharper pictures if expanded to full monitor length, if I may say so, or is the game world snippet I see in the window wider, too (If that makes sense)?
  4. I have a stupid question. Increasing the resolution means, a small window on the screen becomes bigger? So, if I have a monitor that scales the game window up already to full monitor size (which is what my comp does), would I still profit from this mod and how?
  5. Once the creature file(s) are created, it's a matter of a line in the tp2, and another option to choose from in the installation. I can keep it in mind, but don't expect it to be integrated in the first release. His kit isn't topic of any detailed discussion in dialogue, so I am not against including it. Thank you for your interest!
  6. Update: Translation to English of the existing dialogues reaches 75%. Big hooray for Caillean!
  7. Update: Translation to English of the existing dialogues exceeds 50%.
  8. I found this behaviour in EasyTutu as well as Tutu v4, so I assumed it origins from BG1.
  9. I didn't check vanilla P.dlgs, that is true, my apologies if it doesn't apply there. (I didn't came to my mind there could be differences, but then I have no idea how the Tutu conversion works.) The fix in BG1NPC was introduced not long ago, which internal version were you looking at?
  10. We found more: JAHEIP - actions need to be changed IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 7 // from: 1.0 SAY #96028 /* ~So soll es denn sein. Gorion hat Euch unterrichtet, so gut er konnte, und offenbar ist einiges von seinem Wissen an Euch haften geblieben.~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~JoinParty() SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) ~ EXIT END QUAYLP - setting of Global("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) is missing IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 2 // from: 0.1 SAY #96194 /* ~Natürlich! Ihr wäret ein vollkommener Schwachkopf, wenn Ihr nicht so denken würdet. Dann mal los!~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~JoinParty() ~ EXIT END BG1NPC solves this by replacing "JoinParty()" with "ActionOverride("npcx",JoinParty())" in JAHEIP and IMOENP. At least that was the last status I know of.
  11. Last version of tra files will be available with the official release.
  12. Maybe you already squashed this bug: in IMOENP.dlg, Imoen's leaving dialogue, in state 2, the action reads ~JoinParty() SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0)~ In this order, the setting of the variable does not get performed, at least not in BG1Tutu, independent of LOCALS or GLOBAL variable, leading to Imoen giving her "left and return" dialogue upon kickout after the second kick out. Instead, it should read ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) JoinParty()~
  13. Thank you! I will come back to you.
  14. Thank you! Haha, I wonder what I got myself into there.
  15. Thank you! I hope I'll remember the names when it comes to beta-testing.
  16. Thank you! Update: Caillean from Rosenranken is helping with translation of existent dialogues into English. The release date of an English version comes much closer.
  17. Just a short question: Is there a way of checking inside a dialogue, whether the game is BG1Tutu or BGT? My problem is a journal entry in Candlekeep, i.e. the prolog. As the BGII engine doesn't have journal entries for "Chapter 0", my journal entries disappear into the great unknown in Tutu. I could use McReady's syntax and do ~SetGlobal("Chapter","GLOBAL"1) AddJournalEntry(@34,Quest) SetGlobal("Chapter","GLOBAL",0)~ if, well, if that wouldn't make no sense for BGT. So, I need something that goes IF ~(BGTgame)~ THEN DO ~AddjournalEntry(@34,Quest)~ IF ~(Tutugame)~ DO ~SetGlobal("Chapter","GLOBAL"1) AddJournalEntry(@34,Quest) SetGlobal("Chapter","GLOBAL",0)~ Wait a minute - it should be working to use an AreaCheck, wouldn't it? For ~AreaCheck("FW2600")~ it's Tutu, for ~AreaCheck("AR0015")~ it's BGT. ? EDIT: Yes, that works. Now I am happy! EDIT: And, yes, I am playtesting. It's only that I noticed journal entries are working in EasyTutu (they don't in Tutu v4.) Cool stuff, Macready! EDIT2: spelling... EDIT3: Tutu areas use FW, of course. ..
  18. Thank you for the kind words, Tameon the Dragoon! Well, the quest to regain Ajantis is the main quest of that mod, but it's not Ajantis that got himself into it (by some heritage or because he's so important), it's just that he was one of the Order knights that where sent to the Windspear Hills (the others went the same way, btw.), and Firkraag wants to challenge the PC. So, basically he gest into trouble because of the PC, so to say, since an enemy of the PC choose to play with him and his comrades to show the PC his power (so far it all sounds like in original BGII, so no spoiler there I hope ). Hope that makes sense. Ajantis won't be "easily recruitable", although I included a shortcut for those who do not want to go through the whole quest. In their ninth or so playthrough with Ajantis, for example.
  19. The Windspeer Hill scene is unchanged, so Anomen's and Keldorn's remarks about Ajantis's death do fit nicely, they are even wanted. As for mod content related to Ajantis's death - I guess I have to keep my eyes open, and will try to cooperate with other mod authors as I go along, but that's something on the to-do list for a later version. EDIT: berelinde: I don't think that's a spoiler, I want people to know so I don't get "bug" reports and disappointed faces if players encounter an (almost) unchanged Windspear fight... Update: Am writing and coding a quest for engaged Ajantis, starting in Ust Natha (sometime, I will learn how to spell that city's name).
  20. As I said, I just got it wrong completely, and thought it makes sense to start with 1, to have the possibility to develop it further. While thinking this I obviously forgot that IWD1 and 2 are no real sequel (I can't remember much of the storyline anyway), and other valid reasons. No, the title of the mod makes it clear; I was talking about times when it was still a secrit project. Thank you for your answer. CamDawg: Was it an IWD to BGII engine project? Too bad it got cancelled.
  21. That was my first thought exactly, and then I thought that Domi surely meant something else. Since we are at it: Let me know any dialogue / flirt / etc. suggestions you would like to see. I am always on search for good ideas! berelinde: Thank you for the explanations. And I like the thought of a lovechild between a longsword and a two-handed sword. With special reply options, depending on whether Casomyr or that crazy talking sword is around.
  22. Glad you like it. I wasn't sure whether people would complain, with Tutu giving him two-handed prof and all. Maybe you could PM a lost ESL a hint of what kind of word play you are thinking?...
  23. Thank you! I am finishing a small BG1 mod atm but after that (and RE components done ) I will be all into Ajantis modding again.
  24. I didn't change the game, only added, so it is Ajantis' dead body the PC sees after the Windspear fight. He won't be in one of the cells, but PC should prepare to save him from capture non the less. I don't want to give more spoilers away. (I know, I'm mean!) Ajantis will be available as non-kitted paladin or Cavalier. I hope it makes sense, but I gave him bastard sword and shield weapon proficiencies.
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