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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. Confirmed. This is very bizarre: I was working with someone else on github fixing bugs in SR months ago and literally have written notes from when I tested anti-magic type spells to make sure that they always pierce spell protection type spells regardless of level, and yet I test it today in BG2:EE and discover that it is not the case. Ugh. Not sure where I went wrong there. Will fix.
  2. I recall this being listed in conflict with IR's Store Revisions at some point, though I imagine the actual conflict would be pretty small if there actually is something. (e): also lmao @ mass amounts of party members
  3. The string addition is a good idea. Won't be particularly helpful if someone gets petrified in combat from a non-basilisk source and you're wondering why one of your characters is mysteriously permanently held, but for cases like this, it'd be useful. IIRC, SR does not care whatsoever whether it's the original spell, a custom spell, an effect on a custom weapon, etc. - it scans everything and strips and replaces the petrification opcode. I...think there is a color effect, but it's not as strong as Stoneskin? Yes, I just checked - it's not a stoney look, but a sort of light copper look. Hm. @culmore I started SRR and IRR when they hadn't been updates for years as an attempt at a mass bug/oversight fix, but at some point, I started making non-fixes (i.e. design changes) while thinking "hey, this is just for me, I might as well do what I want!" before I eventually realized "wait, maybe other people would want this", by which time it was too late to decouple the two.
  4. Ah, but see, this is the thread for SR Revised, not SR! From your description, you only installed the official version of SR, not SRR - this is an unofficial update/branch of it, . If you installed SRR instead of SR, it'll say in your weidu.log under every SR component you installed what version you used and whether it was SRR. @Sephir6 I distinctly remember that said trapped door turned the opener to stone, so that is indeed petrification. It's too bad there isn't a petrification icon to apply to make clear the difference between hold and petrification. Maybe something could be relabeled, but I can't think of anything off the top of my head that would be suitable. Spell Immunity: Oh yeah, if you updated mid-game, I think that makes sense for Spell Immunity: if you get ahold of a new Dispelling Screen scroll, try removing it from your spellbook and seeing if re-learning it adds the proper entry to your spellbook.
  5. 1. Remove Curse: I believe I fixed this already recently due to someone else reporting it. 2. Holding trap: Interesting, I'll take a look - if I had to guess, the trap is probably using the wrong kind of hold effect. It's possible a break enchantment or dispel magic would've cured it instead. 3. Unlimited XP: Known SCS issue with the "choose how characters levels up" component - forget the actual name of that component, though. I think DavidW just made this less likely to cause issues if you have party AI disabled, but nevertheless it's wise to enable it when adding new party members. 4. Trolls: Wow, that's a lot of trolls. Most likely SCS - SR doesn't make any sort of modification to trolls or the de'Arnise Keep. 5. Pierce Magic: Both SRR's Pierce Magic and Ruby Ray of Reversal mention Mind Blank in their list of spells they dispel - are you playing SR or SRR...or were you playing a now fairly old version of SRR? 6. Vampiric Mists: Not sure, probably nothing to do with SR/R, but curious nonetheless. 7. Obscuring Mist & other missing icons: Now I *really* want to know exactly what version of SR/R you're using. I think this was a bug in the initial version of SRR when I was upgrading to b18, but was fixed within a few days. Certainly no evidence of it now. 8. Protection from Elemental Energy: Also not an issue I see, . 9. Too hard battles: SCS, . 10. Viconia being psionically stunned: By design: free action protects you from movement statuses, not mental statuses. 11. Vithal quest: Also sounds wrong to me, but not something SR/R modifies. 12. Divine Power + Righteous Fury: A 13th level version of Viconia went from 10 strength, 72 HP, and 9 THAC0 to 18/00 strength, 85 HP, and 2 THAC0 upon casting Divine Power, then 22 strength, 98 HP, and 1 THAC0. I usually use 3rd edition style strength because that's clearly what IR and SR were built around, but according to a table I'm reading jumping from 18/00 strength to 22 strength only yields 1 additional THAC0, so that seems correct to me. Similarly, I used Champion's Strength and her constitution raised from 10 to 12...which according to the vanilla constitution table, does not yield any bonus HP, so that does seem to be correct. If you were using 3rd edition style constitution, that would've yielded her an additional HP per level - alas, .
  6. Yeah, I'm not going to pretend to be able to correctly interpret the magical math you just did, so I'm only going to read the last "120 real seconds = 1 in-game hour" bit. 1 round is 6 real seconds, 1 turn is 60 real seconds (10 rounds), 1 hour is 300 real seconds (5 turns). Not 120 real seconds. Stoneskin set to duration of 6: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/yq2le4xa4g1h0wr/0yA1MGS9yS.mp4 Stoneskin set to a duration of 300: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/cocacy0qugct8um/MetQ2gd71P.mp4
  7. What that does is prevent SR's revised celestials, with their custom stats, weapons, and scripts, from being installed - period. How exactly SCS then tries to handle them instead, I have to admit that I'm not entirely certain these days, because I haven't had time to play the last few versions of SCS. I usually play with SR's celestials enabled, but fiends disabled, and then use atweaks' fiend spells instead (...though I must admit I've modified them a little to fit more in with SRR, as I'm OCD like that). @Sephir6 Thanks, I appreciate it. I usually enjoy hearing other people's ideas and perspectives, . As for spell immunity: what do you mean exactly? The portrait icon thing? If you're casting in BG1EE, there's a few of those that aren't updated - something I guess I should also eventually fix. Hm. I tested it in BG2 and BG2EE and it updated correctly. @subtledoctor I actually rather like my forms...but I did go kind of nuts with them. Polymorph Self: Shapechange Well, I tried to have fun with them, anyways. As for MS...hm, I didn't really consider intelligence as part of the equation here...and I probably don't want to. Even gnolls are semi-intelligent - you can speak to a few throughout BG1, after all. Ankhegs are probably something I want to avoid due to being oversized, too. Big creatures are cool to summon, but they tend to not work so well in practice, especially if there's multiple of them at a time - if there was an especially good idea for just a single creature at MS9, I might be willing to make an exception (although a single creature might be kinda breaking with the theme of the MS spells in general). Do the EEs have Infinity Animations applied to them by default? Wouldn't surprise me, since so much of the nitty gritty graphical work on the EEs seemed to have been done by Erephine, and she made that too.
  8. Oh. Yeah, no, I didn't realize it worked like that. That's kind of unfortunate. Engine limitations, .
  9. @subtledoctor lmao, Wolfweres were originally the MS9 monster before basilisks? Had no idea and just made my own. Sadly, I've never really had ample time to really properly test them out, though - it doesn't help that I'm simply not a summonables kind of guy, and prefer to use them as sparingly as possible (...which is kind of hilarious given the disproportionate amount of time I've spent on them). As for the MS line of spells in general, I consider fiend-summoning (demons/devils that you can't fully control being gated from another plane) to be pretty distinct from conjuring up completely controllable monsters (abberations) from the same plane, so I don't really care for that line of thinking. Still, a lack of good options is a problem...something from the IWD games might be a good idea if you could patch their animations in, but I probably don't want to get involved with that. Alternatively, you could do something crazy like have it summon one beholder or something. Hmm, you know, maybe I could shift umber hulks down to MS7 and then have it summon a couple of those mini-beholders (gaunts?)...but IIRC, beholders are super script-driven in terms of their abilities, so that might be pretty difficult for me to implement. Undead for polymorph: I've thought similarly too, but Shapechange does Iron Golem which is a construct which I think is a really strange idea, too - and mindflayers are like semi-extraplanar as well (...and salamanders are fully extraplanar - this reminds me that I wanted to clean up druid shapeshifts at one point but never got around to it).
  10. Good presentation: was scared it was going to be super wordy and/or take too long for each one. Nice job, . (e): Although I'd say it's likely you missed at least a few - like, what about those three friendly monsters, Darryl, Darryl, and Larry that give you an autograph? That's gotta be a reference to something, .
  11. Note how I didn't say any of that. In contrast, if I actually was going to use that for actual better gameplay purposes, I'd probably select something like 1 in-game hour - a bit long for BG1, but necessary to make sure it's not too short for BG2. 8 hours would be way too long to really bother with it unless all you wanted was for spells to refresh when traveling between areas, which, hey, if you don't want any real modification to the vancian system, isn't too bad of an idea.
  12. Wait, really, it was just the bgscrl1v? ...Well, that's bizarre. Deleting it should have literally zero effect on your game - all it is is a copy of Dimension Jump for BGT games (in comparison, the EET resource is scrl1v_, which is also installed, which is literally the same exact file, so what the heck). Hmm, hmm, maybe I'll just make it so it doesn't install at all on EE games even though it really shouldn't matter. Something somewhere is doing something funky when it's installed. Changes as of V1.3.18: After a million years, a more detailed explanation of what Mind Blank does. One issue is that the description says it immunizes against "command" spells, which includes Power Words - I haven't yet found an eloquent way to clarify in the actual Power Word spells that they are command spells - something to eventually figure out. I should also update the spells descriptions readme file sometime. Added settings.ini check for two-handed weapon shapeshifts (defaulted to enabled). Also shifted around those settings.ini options for better organization and modified some of their descriptions to be more accurate/concise. Properly gated off the two EE-only options to make it so they won't take effect on ToBEx games even if enabled. Gated off the BGT and EET Dimension Jump scrolls to their proper games. This really shouldn't be causing an issue, but it clearly was for someone and it shouldn't make any kind of difference to do. Two things I want to do: 1. Add a seventh and final form to Polymorph Self. I'm thinking maybe an undead form of some kind, perhaps a wraith, but I'm not a hundred percent sure. 2. Replace MS7's otyughs with something else. They're buggy and sometimes get summoned inside of each other and can't move, they're too big to move around in a lot of areas, and they're kind of terrible and raising their stats too much will get them way out of spec with the vanilla creatures. I think MS6's wyverns are actually pretty decent from the few times I've used them, while I haven't really ever tested MS9's wolfweres - if I had a really good idea for something around MS9 or MS8's power MS9, I might even shift them down a level and slightly nerf them if necessary. But first, I need an idea...
  13. Wow, that's amazing. Yeah, I don't see that concept being a good match with SCS...or really, any system where you can cast a few Time Stops in a row.
  14. I was always surprised that didn't remain an option. It's broken as heck, of course, and I'd never use it, but people do love their cheese.
  15. That all makes sense, thank you! Yes. Bizarrely, it was also causing my modified wyvern scripts to attack their summoners, among a few other things. Not really sure how the game was interpreting the wrong linebreak scripts, but it was clearly not correctly.
  16. Thanks, sounds pretty simple. Though...what're the benefits of doing it this way, github issues notwithstanding? What's the fundamental benefit of compiling the script at install rather than having it pre-compiled?
  17. Yeah, sorry, I've been updating a number of things for SR and IR today and I linked it while in the middle of making changes like a dummy. Should be fixed as of V1.3.16 (latest). SRR's description for Spirit Armor says the save is vs. death. If it's vs. spell, that's an error. (e): I just checked, and it's still vs. death. Feeblemindedness is one I've had difficulty with - I've waffled back and forth between -2 and -4. The issue with this spell is that it's essentially a death spell when used against opponents, while it's simply a disable that can be easily dispelled when used against the party. Domination was actually what I was balancing it against - at the same level, same spell school, but Domination is a charm that only lasts for 1 turn while Feeblemind is a permanent death sentence. It was also a -2 in vanilla. Still...if people really wanted -4, then it wouldn't be too difficult to persuade me to change it back.
  18. MacOS, Windows, or Linux? Yes, it should just be SRR's "spell_rev" folder overwriting SR's "spell_rev" folder. I don't think it should be affected, but try with the latest version instead just to make sure: https://github.com/BartyMae/SR_Revised/archive/master.zip
  19. I'll take a look at it and get back to you. Are you playing a BG1EE or BG2EE game? (e): I successfully installed SRR and then every single component of TomeAndBlood 8.5.1 on top of it on a BG2:EE game. Going to need more information, probably your debug file, and your weidu log just to make sure. Hm. Personally, I didn't actually want to do this at all since it doesn't work in non-EE games, so I suppose it wouldn't be the end of the world to make it optional for EE games as well even though it's clearly a bug. Will do.
  20. I used to use P&P Celestials, but I think the Big World Project marked it as incompatible with SCS (or maybe SR?) at some point so I stopped since I used to use that to determine general mod order install and didn't feel like dealing with issues. Plus I usually never make it through ToB to see the Celestials anyways because ToB is not very good or fun, so I never figured out if they were actually incompatible or not. Still a cool idea.
  21. Look, I just work here, okay? My entire knowledge of modding the Infinity Engine games is based on seeing how the mods I'm interested in tweaking do things and learning from there. IR and SR are the mods I've messed around with the most, and they're both pretty low-tech weidu-wise for the most part, so that's kind of where I'm at (...and most likely where I will stay, since coding is neither my forte, what I enjoy, or my career). SR uses pre-compiled .bcs files for its summonables, so that's what I was editing, haha.
  22. I ended up specifying "autocrlf = input" in my overall gitconfig, which converts everything to just LF instead, but that's okay and has no practical effect for BG as far as I know.
  23. This should fix it, as well as some other summonables' broken scripts (my Wyverns, Nishruus, Hakeashars, Hobgoblin Shaman, Devas, Planetars, and maybe one or two others I can't remember right now were apparently being broken by github). Man, that was annoying and took way too long to figure out. Some other random fixes as of V1.3.13: 1. Enforced that Cause Wounds use the correct icons on all games types (previously only the EEs had consistent icons). 2. Pit Fiend (Gate) was missing an icon for its attack - I gave it an ultra-generic one for the time being. 3. Shapeshifts/polymorphs get the two-handed flag on EE games, which prevents off-hand attacks/shields from applying (crashes game on non-EEs, so remains un-enabled on there). 4. There is a second Remove Curse scroll that can be found at Lady Yuth and in random loot - it should now also be a Break Enchantment scroll. 5. Protection from Electricity should be properly disabled. 6. A few spells (Protection from Normal Weapons, MS4, and Spell Deflection) were being disabled for bards and removed from spellbooks - should no longer be the case. 7. Protection from Missiles protects from Flame Arrow. 8. Dispelling Screen's portrait icon now says "Dispelling Screen" and not "Spell Immunity". 9. Created proper icons for Enchanted Weapon's Ninja-To +3 and Wakizashi +3 for non-EE games. I will eventually get to IRR...
  24. Been investigating why some summonables in SR are having scripting problems that sometimes occur and sometimes don't, and I finally discovered why: github is converting linebreaks of .bcs files to CR+LF (Windows) when BG scripts appear to use just LF (Unix), which is breaking the files. This is especially annoying because they stay with the correct linebreaks on my local system, so it seems like everything's fine on my end, but then other people who download it get broken versions. ...This is less asking for help and more warning everyone else in case anyone else gets weird, mysteriously broken scripts.
  25. https://github.com/BartyMae/Bart_Tweaks I haven't used it myself, but I made the option for someone else and put it in this. Component #4 "Droppable/Movable NPC Items".
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