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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. Thanks, correct on both counts. I think I simply forgot to input the correct values when I was standardizing all the summonable creatures' descriptions for Invisible Stalker. Aerial Servant...I think I may have intended at some point to limit it to 5 turns, but I'm no longer sure of the rationale why, and now I think I prefer 1 turn/levlel to match with Aerial Servant (...coincidentally both creatures of air, the only two summonables with 1 turn/level lengths, having spwi601.spl and sppr601.spl as their resource names, and both being the subject of your bug report, ).
  2. I didn't remember there being that many stores in IWD2, and rather than listen to more of this, I decided to just check. ...There were more than I remembered: 11ELYTHA 20SABRIN 40BDAWN (a handful) 41ZACK1 / 41ZACK2 / 41ZACK3 (a few) 50LIMHA 50NYM / 50NYM2 (a handful) 50SUOMA 52BERED 53MALAVO 53WODE (a handful) 60SPELLS 61RAKSHA (a couple) I was also assuming you meant arcane scrolls, and not divine - I did not include any divine scroll stores (unless they also had arcane ones).
  3. If a character has Detect Invisibility or True Seeing up, that character can target a lich with spellcasting through improved invisibility. Emphasis: that character. If you have an Inquisitor cast True Seeing, this doesn't help you because the rest of your party will still not be able to cast through the improved invisibility. If your mage is running TS/DI, they should able to, though. The mechanics of Non-Detection, Improved Invisibility, and True Seeing/Detect Invisibility are basically currently unexplained in SR, unfortunately - SRR attempts to improve this. Detect Invisibility: "When a wizard casts a Detect Invisibility spell, they become able to see clearly any objects or beings that are invisible, as well as any creatures that are astral, ethereal, or out of phase. Instantly and at the end of each round for 5 rounds after the spell is cast, all concealed enemies within sight of the caster will become visible to the caster and their allies. Invisible objects carried into the warded area will also become visible. Creatures affected by improved invisibility will be revealed to the party, but can only be directly targetable with spellcasting by the caster of this spell. This spell does not reveal illusions or enable the caster to see through physical objects. Magic resistance does not affect this spell." True Seeing: "When a True Seeing spell is cast, the wizard gains the ability to see the exact locations of creatures or objects under displacement or invisibility effects, as well as see through illusions. Instantly and at the end of each round for 1 turn after this spell is cast, all concealed enemies within sight of the caster will become visible to the caster and their allies, and minor illusionary spells (including Reflected Image, Blur, and Mirror Image) cast by opponents will be neutralized outright. Creatures affected by improved invisibility will be revealed to the party, but can only be directly targetable with spellcasting by the caster of this spell. Finally, the caster is also cured of and granted immunity to blindness as well as hostile illusion spells such as Spook and Shadow Door for the duration of the spell. Magic resistance does not affect this spell." Non-Detection: "By casting this spell, the wizard makes the recipient undetectable by spells such as Detect Invisibility, Invisibility Purge, and True Seeing, though they may still be audible when moving and certain types of creatures may still sense their presence through other means. Furthermore, anti-illusory spells and abilities such as Detect Illusion and Oracle will also have no effect upon the recipient. This spell does not protect the recipient from detection as a result of engaging in overtly hostile actions, though it will continue to protect other types of illusions they have active from being directly dispelled. Note, however, that specific opponents affected with anti-invisibility spells or abilities such as True Seeing will be able to target the recipient with spellcasting through their improved invisibility for as long as such anti-invisibility spells are active. This spell wards the recipient's equipment as well as the creature itself." @Dispel Magic: My suggestion is to take advantage of targeting. Don't put all your characters in a big blob if you expect to get hit by multiple DMs/RMs. SRR also has an optional, experimental tweak for making Globes of Invulnerability immune to DM/RM if you ever want to experiment with that, but that's sort of an aside at best.
  4. It's useless against way higher level casters (e.g. liches). Dispel Magic (and Remove Magic, which in SRR has 20' AoE but affects only enemies) can still be very useful against groups of enemies (since groups naturally tend to have enemies closer to your level). So...yes, it can still be useful.
  5. I thought, "There's no way that Dispel Magic doesn't make it patently clear how it works!". ...But then I actually read the relevant part of the description: "The chance of the dispel succeeding is determined by the experience level of the caster and the level of the magic being dispelled. The base chance of successfully dispelling is 50%. For every level that the caster of Dispel Magic is above the level of the magic they are trying to dispel, their chance of success increases by 5%. For every level that the caster of Dispel Magic is below the level of the magic they attempt to dispel, their chance of success decreases by 10%. However, despite the difference in levels, there is always at least a 1% chance of success or failure. Thus, if a caster is 10 levels higher than the magic they are trying to dispel, there is only a 1% chance of failure. Similarly, if the caster is 4 levels lower than the magic they are trying to dispel, there is only a 10% chance of success. Intuitively, this spell is almost useless if the level of the magic attempted to dispel is 5 or more levels higher than the caster." ...It never directly mentions that it's caster vs. caster, and indeed, seems to imply caster vs. spell level. Easily solved by just saying "For every level the caster of Dispel Magic is above the level of the caster of the magic they are trying to dispel[...]".
  6. Would not surprise me at all - scrolls haven't historically been the most up-to-date part of SR between targeting, range, and school changes. I can at least confirm that yeah, Resist Fear's is wrong.
  7. Good golly, I forgot how long SCS takes to install. I fixed that issue and now I'm running through installing it again, takes bloody forever. ~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #0 // Spell Revisions: v4 Beta 18 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1500 // Include arcane spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition: v32.7 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1510 // Include divine spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition: v32.7 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): v32.7 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6000 // Smarter general AI: v32.7 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6010 // Better calls for help: v32.7 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6030 // Smarter Mages: v32.7 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6040 // Smarter Priests: v32.7 I was able to successfully able to install this on BG2EE with no errors or warnings. (Note that the first commit removed the SR chunk entirely from the always.tph, but it was restored minus the additional file call in the third commit.) https://github.com/Gibberlings3/SwordCoastStratagems/pull/14
  8. https://github.com/Gibberlings3/SwordCoastStratagems/pull/13 I created a pull request with the fixed files. Searched through all of SCS via Notepad's "find in files" for the maligned ids entries, and these were the only ones. (e): Only...now Smarter Mages chokes when installing on (at least) an SR game. Huh. Glad I decided to actually test it. Let's see if I can figure it out... (e again): I thought I maybe went too hard on the always.tph file (which calls for the spell_rev_ids file), but restoring that block and stripping out only the call for that table didn't fix it. The error is: Appended text to [weidu_external/data/stratagems/illegal_wizard_spells.txt] ERROR: cannot convert %WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_SR_1_LEVEL% or %%WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_SR_1_LEVEL%% to an integer ERROR: [AMCST04.CRE] -> [override/AMCST04.CRE] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found) I tried doing a complete search of the SCS directory for any references for "WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_SR_1_LEVEL", but was not able to find a single reference.
  9. Yeah, that description needs to be rewritten. I'll get around to it eventually. It's much like Chaotic Commands: immunity to mind-altering effects like confusion, charm, fear, hold, stuff like that. Additionally, it also protects against Stun (which CC does not do), all Power Words (...which maybe CC should technically as well, but doesn't currently AFAIK), and a few divination spells like Oracle, Know Opponent, and Know Alignment. I'm not the biggest fan of this spell - it's just not powerful enough to warrant a level 8 slot, even if it's a level 8 spell in PnP. I wish I could say "at least its duration is ridiculously long!", but the difference between 8 hours and 1 turn/level is really not much.
  10. Yeah, my post last page showed what the mismatches were. 3 Animal Summonings, 2 Monster Summonings, and level 1 Goodberries. I went through all of the entries listed in the SR file and those were the only mismatches.
  11. SCS is hosting on the G3 github account, is it not? I kind of just assumed Mike would be able to apply the fix to SCS itself if somebody worked it out, as he has released a community-fixed version of SCS officially at least once before when DavidW was gone. I would think he'd just increment the beta version number.
  12. These are the mismatches in spell_rev_ids.tpa: 1118 => CLERIC_GOODBERRY_DRUID_VERSION 1120 => CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_SR_1 1220 => CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_SR_2 1320 => CLERIC_ANIMAL_SUMMONING_SR_3 2226 => WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_SR_2 2107 => WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_SR_1 ...and possibly REPLACE_TEXTUALLY "2610\(%TAB%\| \)+.*$" "2610 WIZARD_MONSTER_SUMMONING_4_INACTIVE", but I don't know what SPWI610 is or why it'd be included for SR which doesn't use SPWI610. The following spells were missing entries inside that file (what that means, I'm not exactly sure): So that leaves me with just this left: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/v3ncbox6cy01q9s/spell_rev_ids.tpa I'm unsure of how to get this file to then read what the correct entries are (which might vary from install to install) to then append the SCS identifiers to spell.ids.
  13. In retrospect, updating SR to switch to add_spl specifically for SCS while DavidW is gone and SCS can't be updated to handle it properly was perhaps not the greatest idea, .
  14. Two notes: 1. Arcane Detect Invisibility performs a Force Visible opcode once per round for 5 rounds, too. That part of the spell can be protected by Non-Detection. This actually makes Detect Invisibility functionally a little stronger than Invisibility Purge (though Invisibility Purge uses the stronger "Cure Invisibility" opcode which does dispel improved invisibility/sanctuary/super invisibility? as well). SRR increased the length of Invisibility Purge to 1 turn (from SR's 5 rounds) in order to try to bridge the gap a little, but generally speaking, you'd still prefer to have Detect Invisibility. 2. I *think* 116, or Cure Invisibility, does force a Mislead or "super invisible" character into being visible (even though it does not destroy the clone), but I'm not a hundred percent sure. I'll have to test. (e): It does not, even though the vanilla/EE description of Purge Invisibility specifically mentions this effect as being able to penetrate Mislead. I kind of wish it did, because Mislead's super invisibility effect is stupid. Thanks for the big explanation, Subtledoctor. It'd be nice to get a stickied version of it, . Detect Illusion is definitely my least favorite spell of all the different illusion-dispellers as well.
  15. Isn't it add_spelled with its own ids entry? Straight from SR's main_component.tpa: ADD_SPELL ~spell_rev\sppr5##\sppr524.spl~ 1 5 ~CLERIC_MASS_REGENERATE~ // Mass Regenerate
  16. Ah, I see. Yes, I usually correct those. Thanks!
  17. Shadow Door is the same spell as Improved Invisibility but is faster to cast, can only self-target, and does a short AoE maze effect on opponents if they're too close when it's cast. The point I was trying to make here is that Detect Invisibility dispels the invisibility portion of it (but not the improved invisibility), so the character should at least have their selection circle visible after casting Detect Invisibility. Charges: Yep, a while back I asked people to notice charges inconsistencies like this to fix, but I never got much feedback there. Wands: Ah, that would make more sense. I'll figure out a way to patch them and any other AoE spells on IR's side if it detects the Mirror Image subcomponent being installed. Horn of Kazgaroth: This is the described ability in IRR: "Globe of Power (1x per day): user loses 10% of their health, but gains a +2 bonus to AC and saving throws and immunity to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells for 5 rounds". It sounds like another mod may have overwritten IRR's description? Dagger of Venom: I would expect it to stack. Dispelling Screen: Dispelled by a single cast of Dispel Magic or Remove Magic. SCS is what is giving it to people. You can read all spell descriptions in the readme spell files in the spell_rev folder. Death Gaze: Nope, not touched by SR/R. Also, no, Death Ward does *not* protect against it, and I guess it should! @subtledoctor Invisibility has never broken from self-targeted friendly spellcasting. Vanilla Invisibility description: "[...] The caster cannot perform any actions that manipulate the environment around him, such as opening doors, disarming a trap, or opening a chest. The caster can, however, cast defensive spells on himself and fellow party members. And if he attacks, he immediately becomes visible, although the invisibility enables him to attack first."
  18. We already solved this with opcode 303 with type 4, actually.
  19. Mirror Image: Should not protect you from AoE. I think I recall that someone else playing on the EEs thought this as well. You do have the "Mirror Image Fix" subcomponent installed, right? I just installed SRR on BG2EE with that subcomponent and cast a fireball spell on myself twice - Mirror Image did nothing. Spell Deflection: It's an engine issue, not a logic one. If I could make Spell Deflection correctly protect against stationary spells (spells that "stick" in place, like clouds, Web, and Ice Storm), I would. Unfortunately, nobody knows how to do this in a way that doesn't break Spell Deflection yet. Note that each Spell Deflection already mentions that it cannot protect against stationary spells. I kind of thought up of a solution a while ago for this, but the key word was "kind of": it was too janky and the potential for much bigger problems too great. Scripts attacking through Non-Detection + Invisibility: Yeah, it's an inconsistency that can't really be fixed, . Character and creature scripts think they should be able to see through invisibility but they can't, yet can be script-forced to attack through it. Slythe: What you're describing sounds a lot like spirit trolls' "natural invisibility" ability, where after making an attack or casting a spell, they go back to being invisible again very quickly. I hate that ability, so I can certainly emphathize, haha. Shadow Door does not re-cast the invisibility after using it, and, as a matter of fact, Detect Invisibility does dispel Shadow Door's invisibility effect (but not the improved invisibility effect - I just tested this in BG2EE to make sure my memory was correct, and indeed it is). I am unsure what the issue would be here - I'm not terribly familiar with Slythe or his abilities in SCS, so I can't rightly say whether this should be happening or not (it sounds like it shouldn't, though). (e): empathize, not emphasize
  20. I wish weidu didn't spit out "INSTALLED WITH WARNINGS" for this, since it can be a bit misleading. Basically, the mod expected to modify a file (specifically an item), but didn't end up doing so. That's all the warning is there for. It is almost 99% sure to be inconsequential.
  21. Everything what subtledoctor said, but also, who was the mage, and are you playing with SCS? SCS behavior with True Seeing/Detect Invisibility can be a little inconsistent - I had cases where they would not attack through Non-Detection after casting TS or SI, but I can't say for sure that it was 100% of the time. However, it's a scripting thing that SCS forces them to do, so it's probably not fixable on SR's side. It should also be noted that some creatures in SCS, like liches, have permanent Detect Invisibility that their scripting allows them to always pierce Non-Detection.
  22. Yeah, I ended up permanently turning off the "rest until healed" gameplay option after this happened to me the first time.
  23. This is the latest that I have, I do not know if it is actually the latest or not: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/66c0x4d5fnsszj3/rr-v492.zip
  24. re Hold vs. Stun: While there's no functional difference between these in the IE games, there is a distinction in actual D&D and the different ways they can be applied and their effects, so I don't really equate the two. Vanilla spells using 175: SPIN996 (Death Gaze?) SPIN990 (Paralyze?) SPPR208 (Hold Person) SPWI818 (Bigby's Clenched First) SPWI507 (Hold Monster) SPWI306 (Hold Person) SPPR305 (Hold Animal) Vanilla spells using 109: SPWI215 (Web) SPIN683 (Web Tangle) SPDR201 (Web) SPIN960 (Paralyzation Ray) SPPR728 (Implosion) SPWI711 (Sphere of Chaos) SPIN566 (Mimic Web) There's definitely a pattern, but it's a weak and not consistently followed one. Sphere of Chaos should probably use 175 and Bigby's Clenched Fist (and probably SPIN990) should probably use 109 if that were the rationale.
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