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Everything posted by Roxanne

  1. Fine. Mine was the EET version of Alternatives then. Passed the test. In my mod I simply check for either item and all is well.
  2. 1. Without the SoD banter mod, the only explanation for what you describe is a *leftover* banter from BG1 that somehow was triggered in SoD and broke because the answer was not found in the 2nd NPCs file because that one was the SoD file (hard to explain this in easy words). 2. If Xan shows up in BG2 Government area, you should check which equipment he has. 3. Apart from the vanilla NPCs and the new EE NPCs, there should have been - Gavin in front of the Morninglord Temple east Beregost - Valerie in Nashkel next to where Bhastkill gives you the mines quest - Isra in the Mines area next to Prism - Finch in the tavern in Beregost where the assassin awaits you You have Sirene BG2 installed but not her BG1/SoD part - you will only see her later stuff. Most other mod NPCs that may appear in BG1 are not installed according to your log. 4. Was Jaheira in your BG1 party at any time? If yes, she is not supposed to change in later parts of the game.
  3. It would be helpful if you post your Weidu.log and the WeiDU-BGEE.log both in your BG2EE folder as those would tell us which mod you actually installed. 1. Did you install the SoD banter mod? 2. The data you give is not sufficient to answer this. Do you have a savegame from BG1 to SoD transition? Did you look into the chests in the room where you start in the Ducal palace? 3. Sarevok's friendship mod is for the ToB part of the game when Sarevok becomes a joinable NPC. As for the NPCs, only those with a start in BG1 will appear in the first part. If you install an NPC with just BG2/ToB contents he/she will only appear in the second part. 4. like stated, without those logs it is hard to tell.
  4. Is there any consequence somewhere from whether you have the stolen one or the replica? I gave the replica to Mae'Var and all is fine. Actually I think to have the same description is valid because nobody is supposed to know that it is a replica once you have obtained it - unlike the various dragon eggs in Underdark. Other question - I had the option for the replica in the dialogue with the Talos priestess although I had neither Ajantis nor any other paladin in my party. Is it to be available for everyone? Just asking, I think it is fine this way. PS - I just solved my own issue by adding a check for any of the item's variations since it does not matter in my context whether it is the actual item or the replica. GlobalLT("SantalosDec","GLOBAL",20) OR(2) PartyHasItem("Misc4y") PartyHasItem("c#aj4y") AreaType(CITY) Solved.
  5. Does somebody know which mod replaces item Misc4y (the Talos necklace you need for Mae Var's quest) by C#aj4y (identical item description). I use the item in a mod quest so I need to provide an alternate script for the case that this other mod is present?
  6. Just from a player's point of view - I had this mod in all my EET games just skipping the component "Extended Lighthouse area". It is not that there is a big loss here. Is it really worth all this effort? The game and the mod is playable without any loss with skipping the component.
  7. Does this work? COPY_LARGE ~override/oldname~ ~override/newname~ Only Tis needs renaming, right?
  8. Size...I did not think of that. Aside from the naming issue. 1. Leave the mod as it is but with GAME_IS for the graphic optional component for classic game only. 2. Make a separate patch mod for EE/EET with the alternate graphic component
  9. How does Ulb handle it in his druid grove graphic's mod? Anything there you could use?
  10. Without touching much of the mod as it is, I would simply do this Put the Tis+PVRZ files in an extra subfolder. Run the tileconv only for non-EE games For EE games just copy the subfolder to game/override (IF_GAME_IS......ELSE....) This may not be very elegant, but we talk about a small mod here, all but the main area (Tis+~20PVRZ's) consist of the Tis+ 1 single PVRZ). Keep it simple. PS - I would argue that in the year 2018, some 8mb extra size for the mod is not really an issue anymore.
  11. Generalized Biffing has been removed from the list. It is not needed for EE/EET.
  12. I must have missed that in the tp2, my mistake. My question was just related to BWS, because the tool uses one mod install list for BG2EE and EET and only skips the EET-BG1 section if the game is BG2EE. With your explanation, there should not be any problem. PS - I just remember that there is some Sandrah/Breagar crossmod from the BGT days of my mod that I need to remove - now that you *own* the mod. It was there still dormant as long as Breagar was not available for EET awaiting his conversion.
  13. If you install the mod in the BG2EE part of EET, there should be no issues (looking at the conversion code you included). What puzzles me is how the BG1 contents is skipped when you install on BG2EE only (non-EET).
  14. We could add it and put a note that it is mostly in German. Many people (me for example) have enough basic knowledge of the language to enjoy it. In BWS, the mod would only appear for those who select additional languages, like EN GE which will give you all mods available in English + mods that are German only (mods in both languages will be installed in English). Edit - How does the mod install on EET? Once on BG2EE or separately for each part?
  15. I am not sure what you have in mind here. SandrahRtF and SandrahToT are each almost something like a new campaign. RtF continues the game after ToB and it introduces a dual player team of protagonist + Sandrah to solve a new plotline with the help of other NPCs. It revisits the complete scenerie of BG trilogy areas and adds 100+ new areas etc.Many old NPCs appear again in different roles and occupations.Both protagonists must stay alive and work together to win against a cast of new opponents. ToT even changes this further since your protagonist is replaced by a fixed figure through which you play the game (the heroine Midnight from the Time of Troubles) and you need a number of companions e.g. Cyric, the assasin to win your game. In addition to the challenge that you need to keep those NPCs alive, you must also be careful with actions and decisions since you cannot alter the history of the Realms in such a way that it changes your own possible existence.
  16. Thanks! Having fun with SoD now. It's not too hard, just takes a bit of care. I'm surprised how much I like the expansion so far. It's a shame that content for the Infinity Engine isn't easier to make, as it would be awesome to see fanmade campaigns in the engine and make mods like that more common. I could mention the mods linked in my signature as examples, but you dismissed them already. There are others and they are nearly all available now in EET and BWS supports their install. You just need to select them.
  17. You beat Sarevok, right? The mob is like that in SoD, I cannot say they are more difficult, just their intelligence against you is better. I think the makers of SoD learned/adopted a bit from SCS and other mods for the classic games. The really hard battles are as rare as in other parts (A lich, a dragon, the final boss). Crowds of enemies are a bit larger, and they mix the monsters which I personally find very good (I used it in my mods before already). In my opinion, it is the surprise factor of that early dungeon. It is not harder - it is just different and makes you re-think your crusted tactics, which is a good thing.
  18. In case something different has happened, you maybe should try one of the options from my previous post. Yes, that's exactly what happened when I traveled to Undercity via console. Oh, and the second time I had to travel BACK to the temple via console, and then it triggered the cutscene and I wound up in Korlasz's dungeon. So it is normal then to remain equipped with all the same items? I have everything exactly from BG, I was just wondering if canon-wise that was appropriate (since in BG2 for example, you start with different party members, etc..) It looks like the transition was successful. Do not read on unless you want spoiler.
  19. My party is: Main character Isra (mod) Viconia Imoen Xan Finch (mod) I moved all around the cathedral and nothing is happening. Can't click the door to exit, can't rest either. Xan died in the battle but I res'd him. A Skeleton Warrior survived after Sarevok died and I killed it, then nothing happened. Hm, it looks like Sarevok is not detected to be dead. You can - upload a savegame of the case (in case you can even save) OR - enter these via console C:SetGlobal("EndOfBG1","GLOBAL",0) C:SetGlobal("Sprite_is_deadSarevok","GLOBAL",1) OR C:Eval('StartCutScene("BDSODTRN")') Hey Roxanne, I fixed it by traveling to Undercity via console. Thanks though! One thing, I'm not sure how to start SoD. Would you recommend transferring all BG items into SoD? Which makes the most sense from the canonical perspective? Also have to figure if I should keep the portraits consistent with EET or not. Hmm. Decisions to make. Good stuff though, first time playing SoD and I'm glad BG finished up properly. Are you sure that *traveling to Undercity via console.* fixed it? Because your questions sound a bit odd. If the real EET transition was performed, you have this; - you see the Sarevok end movie of how his body desolves and his essence goes to the abyss etc - you see some transition movie - your final party appears in the Korlasz dungeon (items and all) only Imoen is no longer in party but standing nearby. On the floor is a heap of items that were on the ground in Sarevok's last area. - You see a cutscene of some remaining Sarevok followers and then Imoen starts the introductory talk with you. - your party members stats, equipmemt and all are exactly what they were in BG1 a minute ago. In case something different has happened, you maybe should try one of the options from my previous post.
  20. My party is: Main character Isra (mod) Viconia Imoen Xan Finch (mod) I moved all around the cathedral and nothing is happening. Can't click the door to exit, can't rest either. Xan died in the battle but I res'd him. A Skeleton Warrior survived after Sarevok died and I killed it, then nothing happened. Hm, it looks like Sarevok is not detected to be dead. You can - upload a savegame of the case (in case you can even save) OR - enter these via console C:SetGlobal("EndOfBG1","GLOBAL",0) C:SetGlobal("Sprite_is_deadSarevok","GLOBAL",1) OR C:Eval('StartCutScene("BDSODTRN")')
  21. Who is in your party? Normally the transition to SoD triggers but in EET, some NPCs delay this if you need some item from the fallen enemies for their plot. Also make sure that everyone is alive. Try also to move your party out of sight of Sarevok's body, there are some scripts that even target Sarevok when he is already dead and think the battle is still on.
  22. Only a question: Does this alter the globals set by the mod? Specificallly the tigger/progression of Global("b!alternatives","GLOBAL") or Global("B!Tourist","GLOBAL")? Reason I am asking is that two of my mods evaluate these globals so that the NPCs will react differently if there is only the vanilla choice or if additional choices are available. PS this has no influence/crossmod or whatever on Alternatives mod, it is just internal dialogues that have more options if those globals are set.
  23. When yoi say *the BG Trilogy* do you mean BGT or EET. BGT is for the classic game only. If you want to make the EE games into one, you need EET instead. For EE you need TDDz to install TDD. Or you decide to use BWS to install your mods.
  24. This is pretty much in line with my own experience (having been through EET several times now). Just a few days ago, I was directly asked for my settings http://www.shsforums.net/topic/56670-big-world-setup-an-attempt-to-update-the-program/page-240?do=findComment&comment=599698 It is a bit of refinement to what you say but goes in the same direction. I am tempted to propose this selection maybe for BWS EET installs - note that the BWS settings for EET are currently a bit of a wasteland since they lack the foundation of experienced players having tested it like it was with BGT once.
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