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Everything posted by Roxanne

  1. Those are quite a number of topics in one post. Let us keep things apart. 1. EET by itself is a mod that merges all the campaigns into ome game that can be played as one now. It does not add content on its own, although it restores some scones into context like how you segue from SoD to SoA. It adds a number of advantages to the game like continuous gameplay with continuous NPCs, a common worldmap you can travel all over, a single chapter sequence, one set of rules etc. 2. SCS is a separate mod with a large number of components and designed to enhance enemy behavior for all game installations (+ some game tweaks that it adds). Reports like yours are helpful to find which *doses* of SCS may be best suited for EET and *EET-tactical* >> BWS can offer this pre-selection once we have it. 3. *EET content + EET Team* - there is no such thing, or if there is, I am not aware of it. K4thos created EET inspired by the BGT for the classic game. He had people contributing, testing and helping with tools. EET is in a stable version since half a year now and its creator has not been seen since then. Modders are just exploring possibilities of the new possibilities that are offered. 4. There are some individual activities to add specific EET content to the game Breagar has been recently updated to EET compatibility, he was a BGT creature (like Sandrah) who spanned the whole original game and now has some new SoD content added by jastey. I have started Corwin to become available already prior to SoD and I can imagine that in EET she may become available again if you visit Baldur's Gate town again. I have released the part 1 of a Caelar related mod that lets you side with her against her advisor during SoD and I have a plan that you later can revisit Dragonspear to free her and have her as a ToB companion, this way having a party including all your former antagonists. Non-content mods, e.g. Thalantyr item mod, shop mods, kits etc are already continuous in the way that you can always re-visit and use them from later parts of EET. Most modders are still reluctant to provide *EET-exclusive* stuff, they are afraid to lose their audience that sticks with the segregated game (and complain about the missing continuity of it...)
  2. @ fluent This is good feedback. Most of the things you noticed on enemies is from SCS. Since that are all independent components, they can be selected by BWS for different setups (e.g. Firkraag harder dungeon for tactical only.) More EET content? EET does not add any content, it is meant as a platform for modders to add news stuff for the new possibilities. E.g. my Sandrah mod involves Thalantyr in later quests and also puts new content into a number of BG1 and SoD areas. In my mod you revisit older parts during later campaigns. So far it is the only mod I know of that already uses these features. (Most mods design for the separated game and then just glue together for EET still.)
  3. Recent updates Angelo NPC in SoA has now native EET compatibility Coran NPC in SoA has now native EET compatibility Adrian NPC upgraded by original author Rhaella now replaces EET-interim version Shine on Caelar, part 1 (for SoD campaign) added,for EET (part 2 for ToB is on hold - there may be another mod with similar contents) Under Test Sir Ajantis for SoA should become officially EET compatible soon, test version is out.
  4. Both mods require the BWFixpack patches to make them EET compatible, It looks like those patches were not applied even as you use BWS. Why that has failed I cannot say. You can check this at a glance if you open the setup-d0questpack.tp2 with some editor and see if VERSION ~v3.2 BWP Fix~ REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME_IS ~soa tob bgt bg2ee~ @98 has been changed to REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME_IS ~soa tob bgt bg2ee eet~ @98 etc. NPCKit.tp2 should have VERSION ~v4 BWP Fix~ At least for the questpack I can assure that it works with EET, I have it installed and met some episodes in game already .- NPC Kit I cannot confirm, I have no use for it.
  5. Look into engine.lua in your new game directory. Does it still point to the same folder in yourdocuments/user/.... that the former installation used? In this case, the new game reads settings from the moved old game. You can rename the existing folder of the old game to something else or you change the entry in engine.lua to create a new configuration folder for the new game. At least this is how I handle multiple installs but I am not an expert for those things and do not know if such manipulations work on everybody's computer.
  6. Logs are fine - just, next time you post such amount, please use spoiler tags for it, makes it easier for people and the forum software to handle it. Very big mods may often just have a single line, the entries are by component, like BG1UB is many small components while equally big AC-mod is a single line.
  7. @Zanalina It is good to see reports of people who really played through EET all the way. For the sake of BWS it would be quite interesting to see your Weidu.log and WeiDU-BGEE.log. There is not yet some *recommended* mod selection for EET and very little material to establish one yet. Your experience could be used, especially with regards to some settings for SCS or EET_Tweaks to see how a balanced game in EET could be optimised. (There is my own experience with EET I have tried to share but it is VERY subjective, so it will be good to hear more voices on it.)
  8. And few uninstalled mods : The following originally selected mods could not be installed: Thanks for sharing so much work.. I hope my Druid will shine again. The last error in your list (SoD Banter) is now corrected in BWS, the mod should not be selectable for non-SoD games.
  9. Is this a problem ? Do this - Go to the folder you have selected for the BWS downloads. Check that Gibberlings3-SpellRevisions-v4b14-0-gc17796f.zip is there. - Check that the zip file size is 7.169.283 Bytes when you right click on it and ask for file attributes. - from the zip file just move the spell_rev folder and the setup-spell_rev.exe into your game directory. - ©ontinue BWS Otherwise download the mod again from here http://lynxlynx.info/ie/modhub.php?Gibberlings3/SpellRevisions&preonly
  10. Big mods - add NTotSC, maybe also Bone Hill (you can still tell the guy during game you are not going there) For ToB part you would want to add Ascension and Longer Road, even Wheels of Prophesy. NPC related mods is missing BG1NPCs (essential) EET Tweaks - Here is my own setting that I used twice now for EET with the (personal) feeling that I still get rewards but my party has adequate level/power as the game progresses D0QUESTPACK adds nice little mini-quests as well Maybe a couple of more NPC mods, they never hurt but you will have more choices in game. I would also add the SoD-Banter mod to have NPCs talk like in the other parts of the game instead of having overhead text displays. And you need worldmap mod for the above setup. In the game options on the start screen I would also de-select the *max HP upon level up*.
  11. You mean the love talk that triggers when Global("TsujathaLoveTalk","LOCALS",40)? Make sure that the other conditions (why the dialogue checks them again after the script already did remains the author's secret as such a thing CAN cause issues?), are true as well: Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("TsujathaLoveTalk","LOCALS",40) Global("TsujathaMatch","GLOBAL",1) Global("TsujathaNotVirgin","GLOBAL",1) GlobalTimerExpired("TsujathaLoveTalkTime","GLOBAL") All of this must be fulfilled, otherwise the guy tries to talk to you but there is no dialogue for it. The coding here is suspicious, because the dialogue file checks for Global("TsujathaNotVirgin","GLOBAL",1) but the script does not, so the script may try to initiate dialogue without checking all conditions first.
  12. 1. You misunderstood - I did not say that modding dlg files is risky, it only referred to that particular case of overwriting state actions which easily can create incompatibility. I mod dlg files constantly. You need to be more specific here, do you want to exchange an existing line or add new states or have variation in responses... 2, The whole scenario will work several times, as long as GlobalLT("CowledWarning","GLOBAL",6), because the enforcers are not single NPCs with a continuing life but new spawns every time. If you give them your item in the cre file, they will always have it when they appear. (by the way, did you consider that?).
  13. Read point 3. below for the solution I would apply (1. and 2. are only trying to improve your current approach, which I would not use anyway, dialogue action blocks for complex operations are tricky, theoretically they should be equal to script action blocks, but practically they can be interrupted too easily). 1. I would use this (for test, may need refinement) IncrementGlobal("CowledWarning","GLOBAL",1) CreateCreatureObject("COWENF1",Myself,0,0,0) CreateCreatureObject("COWENF4",Myself,0,0,0) CreateCreatureObject("COWENF3",Myself,0,0,0) Wait(2) ActionOverride("COWENF01",DestroyItem("D#INVULZ")) Wait(1) ActionOverride("COWENF2",DestroyItem("D#INVULZ")) Wait(1) ActionOverride("COWENF03",DestroyItem("D#INVULZ")) Wait(1) ActionOverride("COWENF04",DestroyItem("D#INVULZ")) Enemy() 2. To add this into the existing dialogue is tricky because you cannot append actions but only prepend with ADD_TRANS_ACTION, i.e. adding them with a d-file would give you wrong order of actions. You can use REPLACE_ACTION_TEXT but I agree with Weidu readme when it says "Never use this if you can help it.." I suggest to use this in tp2 COPY_EXISTING ~cowenf2.dlg~ ~override~ DECOMPILE_AND_PATCH BEGIN REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~original action text~ ~new action text~ END 3. I would do all of this completely different. I would use their override script, i,e, Enforced.bcs EXTEND_TOP ~Enforced.bcs~ ~mymod/Removeitem.baf~ Removeitem.baf would be IF GlobalGT("CowledWarning","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("CowledWarning","GLOBAL",6) HasItem("D#INVULZ",Myself) Delay(6) THEN RESPONSE #100 DestroyItem("D#INVULZ") Continue() END Alternatively you could replace the first two triggers after IF with your own global that you set in the dialogue file, you can use use ADD:TRANS_ACTION for this.
  14. We are not disseminating modded games or altered software or anything the like with our mods. We share some files you can put into the /override folder of your legally installed games for your private use to have more fun (most of the time) with your game.. That's all. There is no lawman to care what i have in my BG2EE/override on my computer. Just like I do not pay any royalties to copyright owners for singing along to their music on my radio if I feel happy.
  15. Did you check how the SireneNPC does it? It's the paladin of Illmater who cures and then takes some suffering for herself. In my own mod I do it with script to look for state and then cast healing/cure/anti-poison etc and apply damage on caster. But doing it with script is probably not what you look for? Something like this "Sacrifice The martyr heals the target for 1d6+2 hit points per level and deals 1d6+2 non-lethal damage per level to <HIMHER>self up to a maximum of 1d6+20 at 10th level." >>>>>>C0IlmS1.spl
  16. There is no problem Action DestroyItem("bdtroll2") or DestroyItem("minhp1") In a script will do that without problem if in the script of the creature that has the item. If done from another creature, you can either use ActionOverride("creaturewithitem",DestroyItem("bdtroll2")) or first take the item from the cre and then destroy it.
  17. The item I posted should work in any game just have no adequate name + description.. MinHP1 prevents a creature from dying as there will always be 1hp left. The creature will nevertheless take all kinds of damage, i.e. it is vulnerable. It will depend on the intention whether this is sufficient..
  18. You can try that. Here is a ring (Maybe you have SoD yourself?) BDTROLL2.zip
  19. The third component isn't allowed in BGII:EE / EET and would be skipped automatically. For BGT, it needs the core component of IA. For BGII:EE and EET, drider animations are added always. My Solaufein's script name is "C#Solaufein". Mirandel: Thank you for the kind words! Took a moment for my thick brain to get it but now it is configured correctly. Mirandel should be fine by having it de-selected. It now does not appear in EE any longer.
  20. This may be a BWS issue, probably a misunderstanding of this http://www.shsforums.net/topic/56670-big-world-setup-an-attempt-to-update-the-program/page-253?do=findComment&comment=600710. Does EE allow that component? If yes, I understand it would not need IA? I will configure the Drider animation like this in BWS BGT/BG2 >>> can be selected but needs IA EET/BG2EE >>> can be selected, no restriction Unless you tell me otherwise.
  21. Can you please tell me what Solaufein's script name is in your mod? I see he uses C#SolauB but see no DV. I found some old interactions between the drow and my priestess but I am not sure which of the Solaufeins is meant, that stuff sleeps since the BGT days since none of the mods was in EET until now.
  22. Invulnerability is not a single state, it is a stacking of effects like set AC, resistance against this and that + immunity from one thing or other.At least I have never seen it as state or flag or opcode.
  23. Misc4T has flags *critical item* and *droppable*, at least in EE and EET versions, which would match exactly to that behavior. The *critical item* flag (first in 0x18) also appears as *unsellable* depends on which tool you use. PS - in classic games some plot items were missing that flag and you could steal them instead of doing some quest. Those have changed in the EE, however my memory is too weak to remember if Misc4T was among them (I probably never tried to steal it anyway).
  24. Just to make sure - You ran modmerge in the BGEE directory. - You installed mods like BG1NPC and others according to this list https://rawgit.com/K4thos/EET-Compatibility-List/master/EET-Compatibility-List.html (part 1 of the list) on BGEE before you installed EET - You installed EET and other mods from part 2 of the list on BG2EE - You ran EET_end on BG2EE
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