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Posts posted by Greenhorn

  1. 3 hours ago, megrimlock said:

    Am I right in thinking that the BG1 Forge mod and BG1 Adventure mod listed here under Magnus' Keep are the ones which were incorporated into Dark Horizons?

    Yes, you are. Although I wish there are separate EE compatible versions. It was fun to beat Dark Horizons first time but it is one of those rare mods which I will not install ever again. Throwing dagger with +4 APR and Sword of stunning ( on par with Celestial fury ) served on silver plate in chapter 2 and close to 10 000 000 gp loot exclusively from this mod is too much even for powergaming scumbug like me. :p Those two mods on the other hand are fairly nice addition and although they offer nice quantity of overpowered stuff at least it is not free. 

    Edit: actually chapter 1, right after Beregost. 

  2. Quote

    The Blindness spell is Illusion school, and it's on an enemy, so it gets removed.

    Yeah, I thought it was game mechanic but still, I never experienced ( or imagined ) that player's True sight cures enemy blindness ( and probably Deafness too). That should teach me  not  to trust spell descriptions blindly. :p

  3. I thought that I was imagining things but then checked on my final Black pits BG:SoD EE save after defeating Baeloth on that annoying pesk Dinguer. There are strange things with Blind spell, if cast on party member outside combat on failed save it dispels all current buffs without actually blinding him/her despite text in dialogue window. But more serious matter is that Inquisitor's or Priest of Helm innate True sight ability dispels not only hostile illusion spells ( like Mirror image ) but also yours disabling Blind spell cast on enemy mage. I'm sorry if this was already reported and is a well known thing but it came as complete surprise for me. 

  4. 12 hours ago, Dan_P said:

    Updated to v4.7.8

    This update includes a critical compatibility fix for EEex.

    Github: https://github.com/D2-mods/The-Workshop-Kitpack
    Download: https://github.com/D2-mods/The-Workshop-Kitpack/releases

    I'm 99% convinced that it is false alarm and yet another Windows 11 unnecessary complication ( I would rather use my good  old Windows 7 any day in the week ) but still:


    This program is dangerous and executes commands from an attacker.

    file: C:\Baldurova kapija\EE kits\the-workshop-kitpack-

    webfile: C:\Baldurova kapija\EE kits\the-workshop-kitpack-|https://objects.githubusercontent.com/github-production-release-asset-2e65be/559682525/17635c2d-92a6-4943-9c4a-c7a894b2a6aa?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAVCODYLSA53PQK4ZA



    from Windows defender with virus detected warnings. I downloaded the-workshop-kitpack- without any problems though. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, megrimlock said:

    Only had to translate those two elements, most of the mod already had an English version. MUCH easier than fellow Polish mod New Tales of the Sword Coast, where the translation threw up so many errors I had to fix manually (in the early days of me learning how to understand weidu...)

    I played only english version without Heart of Darkness or Rha'she and Astokatae.  I think Lava's party banters also weren't translated. New Tales of the Sword Coast is such interesting mod but I'm afraid it's english version is not coming anytime soon, if ever. Understandably, translating mods, especially of such scope is very arduous and time consuming task. 

  6. 43 minutes ago, megrimlock said:

    Oh, I really just took some educated guesses at this from the list of components. I used Winthrop's Gift, bard songs, night-time encounters, random encounters, Tsuki, Centeol's redemption, Viconia romance, Heart of Darkness, extended archaelogical site, Rha'she and Astokatae, but left out all the rule changes which should be deprecated mainly by cdtweaks and seemed to me to be pre-EE stuff which could easily break (particularly in an EET install, which I used).

    I  had to comment out bits of the tp2 file so the other "core" components would not install. I also if I remember correctly had to delete some of Tsuki's dialogue because it referred to reactions to animals which did not exist - probably an oBG/BGEE issue.

    The bits I used all worked for the most part, though Winthrop's Gift never upgraded for me when I wielded it. I don't remember Heart of Darkness or Rha'she and Astokatae, I think because I had to machine translate those and pop the translation into the original file since those bits were only in Polish. So that may have been on my second or third test run with the mod. The other content I really enjoyed. I think I checked that the Centeol content clashed with the Centeol content in Romantic Encounters (it did).


    So you installed complete Polish version and machine translated it?! Neat! :) I think I also installed BG1 RE and MotSC together on vanilla BG but after first crash I managed to free Centeol from Nightmare spiders and Icarus. 🤔Romance was installed before Mysteries though. Thank you so much for the hints and reply. 

  7. On 7/13/2023 at 10:54 PM, megrimlock said:

    I deliberately didn't report (or closely track) the bugs I found because jastey said she wasn't working on it, I just discarded the bits that didn't work well and carried on with my next setup. I still enjoyed cannibalizing the bits that worked to fit in my overall install - similar to Mysteries of the Sword Coast, which has a mix of problematic and unproblematic parts too on EE.

    I know that my question is unrelated to the title of this topic and I apologize for that but still: I was playing Mysteries of the Sword Coast several times on old vanilla BG:ToSC ( and even contacted via PM with mod's author regarding some bugs and issues back in the day ) and recently downloaded it's EE version intended to give it a try on BG:SoD. I installed it as a first mod right after DLC Merger and tested it until first Elminster's meeting with that dagger in my possession. Everything was fine, Winthrop's store, his additional dialogue and business transaction with Elminster all triggered correctly. Could you point me to the problematic parts of this mod please so I could determine is it safe to play it as I don't want to destroy one more mega install halfway through the game because of unforeseen incompatibilities and associated  repeated CTD's ? Game is BG:SoD, not EET

  8. 7 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

    Speaking of the Weaponmaster/Samurai/Sohei, maybe instead of the Mage Hunter getting Breaching Touch and Minor Deflection as individual per-day innates, maybe I should set up a suite of anti-mage abilities and let them use a ki point pool as well. I'm sure I can come up with a couple other cool anti-caster abilities that would be useful. Something causing temporary silence or deafness, probably. (Make it a touch-range spell, like you box their ears or attack their throat, or something.) Maybe something to see through invisibility?

    Sohei is close enough but WM sounds more like kit with strong Chinese influences and legacy so maybe Chi warrior or Wudang master/sword hopefully doesn't sound too  bad.



    Whereas Shaolin includes many martial art styles, Wudangquan includes only a few arts that use the focused mind to control the body. 

    My humble advice is that you don't force any replacement but variations on the same theme are always welcome. For example on my current install for archery I have Archer, Sniper and couple of Sharpshooters each with their own unique advantages and disadvantages so may the best win. No need for replacement of  one of the staple original kits. More ki powers is always a good idea but please don't change Mage hunter too much ( or at all), I had a blast with this guy augmented with Improved rangers, Revised movement bonuses and Animal companions ( from another mod) components before my ancient, venerable PC died it's final death. :cry: And one question for the end: is the option of add Archer purposefully completely replaced with move Archer to fighter kits option even if I change ini settings?

  9. Couple of bugs found in 5.8.1 version: Corsair is without starting specialization in one handed weapon style per kit description and is barred from selecting it in character creation or on leveling up. Improved rangers component doesn't give tracking ability at first level ( luckily it is remedied by similar component from Olvyn's tweaks) at least in BG:SoD. Mage hunter is without spell saving bonus per kit description and his innate Minor spell deflection is more akin to Spell  trap , you can nuke it with magic missiles and other low level spells all day long without ever bringing it down. I actually like that. What I don't like is new name for Weapon master kit, there are way too much these adherents of Bushido, ready to commit Seppuku on the bad day ( two or three kit mods with the same name, maybe more ). WM sounds much cooler and it's unique.  

  10. I didn't tried it yet but this component of Random Graion Tweaks:


    Component 1001 Change Planetars to use their SoD solar-based artwork

    SoD included Planetar animations derived from the Solar animations, but these animations ended up unused. This component assggns them to the actual planetars.

    COMPATIBILITY: This component uses static monster lists, so please report if a planetar was missed. This component can be combined with the animation components of P&P Celestials and Spell Revisions, if you install those first (it will not touch the devas).

    sounds rather good. 

  11. 40 minutes ago, Brogan said:

    Quick question for anyone who might know....   I'm kind of stuck on what is definitely a mod-added component (which one, I'm not sure) located near the eastern side of Peldvale.  I found a 'Golem brain' in a barrel and a bit farther north there is this 'Damaged Golem' I can talk to and into which put the brain.  It then comes to life and attacks and I have nothing that can damage it (level 2 weps).

    I know I have Made In Heaven's Encounters & Quests installed which revises Golems, and specifically the Adamantite Golem (which is what this Golem looks like) - gives it +4 or better weapons to hit, OK, but also "loses their immunity to acid and lightning".  Problem is when I hit it with Melf's Acid Arrow, Vitriolic Sphere, or Lightning Bolt it is 'unaffected'.

    Any ideas about something I might be missing with this component, or any other ways I can do damage to this thing with level 5 spells or lower?

    This is Lava's "Shades of the Sword Coast" mod, golem in the question is the iron one which requires weapons of at least +3 enchantment to be damaged. I made same mistake, activated it and then run faster than Speedy Gonzales. It will require some tactics to bring it down, like hasting Minsc and some other high damage dealer, casting that wonderful spell "Army of one" from Dark side of the Sword coast ( or alternatively casting stone skins and mirror image on your best mage, mine is Imoen currently and using it as decoy while hasted fighters pounding distracted golem ). Weapons for this task can be Cursed sword of berserking upgraded by Thalanthyr if you have Thalanthyr's item upgrades, or any other goodie with +3 enchantment you stumble across. I will try it soon, my 7-9 level party should be able to do it although I didn't even cleared Nashkel mines yet. :p

  12. 11 minutes ago, Brogan said:

    Yea, I found that out.  LOL

    It's funny because I did it once for the component you mentioned, and after the long recompile it looked like Skills & Abilities was the only mod that failed to (re-) install.  Then after testing I went back in and changed one more thing, and when the recompile finished, like EVERY MOD either outright failed or installed with warnings.  It was honestly impressive to look at, like 40 lines of FAILED or WITH WARNINGS!  Heh!

    I'm confident I'll be able to figure it out though.  Now that I know specifically what to test.  Just hoping it's not a mod I really wanted to use.

    I can well imagine that it is not fun or easy debugging and testing whole heap of mods but if it is any consolation, everybody done that at one point or another with installations 3 or 4 times bigger than your current one, myself included on more than one occasion. I'm really curios what causes this unusual crash as I'm using many of the mods you included in your install. Good luck! 

  13. 2 hours ago, Brogan said:

      What I guess I'll do now is test the dynamic (non-protag character death causes crash after ~ 1 round) with each individual mod in place.  Just got to whittle it down.

    One of the most common problems which happen if you un/reinstall mods from the middle of big installations is that some mods after this become borked, install with errors or not at all. Safest ( and most time consuming ) way is to uninstall and reinstall mods one by one. For testing, best you make save after Imoen join you in the new game and after that you can uninstall mods until you find the culprit. 

  14. On 3/11/2023 at 9:54 AM, Guest Brogan said:


    After playing for a few hours (and not even leveling up in order to use Healing Blood @ 2nd), I have crashed multiple times.  And as it turns out, the crashes only occur when one of my characters dies.

    So that is the issue now.  As far as I can tell, if any of my characters is killed, the game crashes to desktop.

    Did you tried uninstalling "Make Party Members Less Likely to Die Irreversibly" and then check if problem still persist? 

  15. 41 minutes ago, jastey said:

    If yes, then


    while the mouse curser hovers over the character in question (because it's a local variable) would be the syntax.

    I'm not sure it's in the cheats, though.

    Thanks Jastey, I will try it eventually, tried couple of times last night but every time was some error, like null value, global or whatever. It is not in cheats. But since it is EE game probably instead of CLUAConsole should be  C: instead?

  16. 3 hours ago, Guest Graion@Work said:

    If you applied the Continue() to the end of the Xzar block - the same way the Montaron block looks like nearby - then you shouldn't have needed to manually summon Ygnatz and he should've appeared on his own after the next map visit. I might have been confusing on this, but this depends on the 6 sec ticks the game runs the area scripts with - Ygnatz's block gets evaulated on the first time Xzar's loop allow to get past on itself with a Continue().

    Strange that I didn't see this when I replied hour ago, probably time needed for guest message approval. Be that as it may, cursed gnome didn't appeared. Perhaps the reason was when I summoned him the first time and he repeated his initial dialogue I told him to shut up and get lost as I was seriously tempted to kill him just for fun but I didn't want risking to fall with my Mage hunter ranger. I got journal entry with finished quest stating that we refused any further dealings with him. I repeated whole quest several times after I edited area script, summoning him, giving the book, leaving and returning to area but every time he wasn't there. Only mucking with NI helped to solve this and allowed me to play quiz with that tortured soul. :p

  17. 1 hour ago, Graion Dilach said:

    You triggered the Xzar loop bug. The best fix is to open the area script (AR2700.bcs/BG2700.bcs) with NI, find the Xzar block in it and apply a Continue() at the end of it.

    I edited AR2700 area script, summoned Bombastus, gave him the book, left the area and returned back, again he is missing and when summoned same old FAI talk. Game is 2.6.6 BGEE:SoD, mod version 4.3. 

  18. 3 minutes ago, Angel said:

    Yes, it was to bring it inline with 3e versions of Cat's Grace and Bear's Endurance being introduced.  Not updating the scroll is a bug though, I should fix that.  (And already have locally.)

    Before anyone asks, yes I am considering upgrading Armor to 3e's Mage Armor (+4 to AC), but then I'll have to change the restored Protection Circle (which currently gives +3 AC).

    Interesting changes, thanks. 

  19. Is it intended that wizard's Bull's strength completely erase and substitute old Strength spell? It's little confusing learning from old scroll with old description with intention to give Imoen or Viconia more melee power it's Bull's version which make Jaheira and Khalid uber slayers. ;)

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