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Imoen Movement Bug

Guest Winter

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Guest Winter

After reaching Baldur's Gate, I encountered a strange little bug where Imoen and Xan had two back-to-back talks where she got Xan a new set of clothes. Immediately after the first talk ended, another talk started where my character was allowed to intervene, and then Elminster struck up his usual chat. The odd thing is, this seems to have messed up Imoen's movement-she won't move more than a few feet before stopping, and her movement-circle-designator-thingie disappears. Any ideas on what I can do to fix this?


That usually indicates that the character has a dialogue that's trying to fire, but can't, for one reason or another. I think if you force-talk Imoen, it should bring up what she was going to say instead of her Player Initiated Dialogues. If that doesn't clear it up, one of the mod makers might have some specific info to help.


Thank you, berelinde - my eyes are burning a little and I couldn't find the reference post. I need to remember CamDawg's instructions to me on how I can get Google to work on just this site :)

I need to remember CamDawg's instructions to me on how I can get Google to work on just this site :D
Just google "imoen xan site:forums.gibberlings3.net" or the like. The first hit is actually the post berelinde linked :).
:) Miloch's first post would have saved me half an hour of forum searching. Xan only has 3 letters, so using the forum search feature was a hopeless proposition.
Guest Winter

I tried CLUA'ing in SetGlobal("IMXA2","GLOBAL",2), as per the thread Berelinde referred, but it isn't working. Imoen still refuses to move more than a few feet at a time.

Guest Winter

Ah, that seems to have done the trick. Thanks!


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