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Calling all modders...


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Oh, and it's G8, thank you. Russia is a great country, and all that. (Grrr.)


Heh. Yes, yes, I know. I got so caught up in my rush to make the joke that I went with the old term. I should have known better than to use old terminology, since nobody has ever laughed at my camagna.net jokes, either.

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All mod reactions are very welcome, and I will personally enjoy seing Kelsey and Kivan actually saying something, now or in 2027, but just so there're no misunderstandings: reactions included into Romantic Encounters package itself are limited to Bioware four only. Crossmod goes somewhere else - there is Crossmod Banter Pack, there are NPC mods themselves. My reasoning is simple: as of now, you can install RE anytime(after Edwin Romance, seeing how they've made his dream script incompatible with pretty much every mod which touches it), and I think it is best if this pleasant feature stays.


You, guys, do whatever you want. I am just saying that if you want it, you can do it from the property rights blah-blah-blah standpoint anywhere you want to, etc.

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I'm sure, but I'm just saying it will have to be someone else(if not you). I know what it feels like when somebody writes the dialogue for 'my' character I deeply disagree with and forces me to accept it, and I'd rather not be the one to subject anyone to it.

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*ahem* Should you feel that the compromise reached is disagreeable, there is always the option of restoring all dialogue deleted at your insistance. Your call.


By the way, the dialogue you are attempting to bully me into dropping is not issued by Xan nor is his name, race, class, or any other attribute mentioned anywhere in it. I'm sorry you don't like it when NPCs talk to the PC about active romances. But Imoen will continue to say "He's (Gavin's) not the only one [that likes you], you know." There are folks that would feel just as slighted if she treated Gavin as the only one who might be interested. I'm sorry that I can't convince you that this is a measure of respect toward all the BG1 NPC romances.

In any case, as RE is BG2, not BG1, and in BG2, Kivan is a mod NPC. If you, me, or anyone else were to write Kivan reactions, it probably would be best to treat it like crossmod banters: write it up, get the dialogue tweaked by Domi for Kivan's manner of speaking, and general acceptability, and follow her scripting wishes.

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I'm sorry that I can't convince you that this is a measure of respect toward all the BG1 NPC romances.


Yes, it's especially transparent after you use the word 'bully' towards one of its authors. :) You've written additional reactions to Xan romance(Imoen's, Gavin's) which I feel contravene my intentions for the romance and the character - I cannot believe Xan would not react to either, for example.


Anyway. I'm sure I've seen quite a lot of debates on "modding mods" and copyrights - which is why we posted "feel free to write your crossmod" explicitly in RE in the first place. But I've yet to see an argument that it's _forbidden_ for the original mod author to express their opinion about the changes and/or additions another mod brings to their modification.

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If you, me, or anyone else were to write Kivan reactions, it probably would be best to treat it like crossmod banters: write it up, get the dialogue tweaked by Domi for Kivan's manner of speaking, and general acceptability, and follow her scripting wishes.


I don't need to see them for the Crossmod. While I enjoy working with the folks on the banter and stuff, I don't have to get involved for it to happen; I simply don't know if I always will be available, have time, etc, so i don't want to stall anyone else's progress. That's not to re-strat any kind of a debate, just to make sure that whatever anyone does in other mods with Kivan, they are in the clear, as long as they don't try to insert stuff into the mod itself. Sure, I like him, sure, I generally like the way I wrote him, but I don't think I am physically able to keep tabs on every single NPC I wrote for.

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