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Mod Idea: Coran NPC - SoA/ToB


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Hey, everybody!

I've been wondering lately what the reason might be that nobody has done a Coran NPC Mod for BG2 so far? Is it because he is present in the vanilla game?


I loved Coran in BG1 and hated the Coran encounter in BG2. I certainly wouldn't mind if someone removed it from BG2 and gave us a joinable Coran instead, waiting for <CHARNAME> at Ribald's. I would try this even if it was very basic. No need for romance/friendship or the other fancy options which are so popular nowadays. Coran as a joinable NPC + a ToB ending for him is all I am asking for.


As I said, it completely escapes me why this hasn't been done already. Or am I overestimating Coran's popularity?

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Somewhat. I wanted to do SoA-ToB Coran and Safana at one time, but his romance really didn't fly with the BG1 crowd, so I felt it will be diverting the time and resources to the failed idea. Now, of course that does not mean that someone can't come up with a super-popular Coran version for SoA/ToB. Mine obviously does not work for people. :)

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Uhm, a couple things could have happened: you've slept with him too early in the romance, or random thinggie played against you if you resolved his quest in a non-lawful way. There is a random element to the romance as well as the predetermined one.

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Hhm, there is Coran in the Tortured Souls, but he is pretty much mute. And Kulyok mentioned she might be coding something for someone to that regard, so you might want to ask her. But as far as a working full-scale mod - I don't think there is one in public circulation.

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Yep, a friend of mine is a great fan of Coran(and Coran Romance for BG1!) but I know her time is now fully consumed by BG fan fiction, as well as real life, and since I'm a fan of her stories, I'm not complaining. :) But I'd happily play Coran for BG2, especially Domi's, I must say. I've installed Coran's Friendship already.

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I must have hit some random something or another, because I waited for the moon (and stars) and wasn't aware there was an unlawful way to solve his quest...


On topic, I would dearly, dearly love to play a new Domi romance or even an expanded Kivan romance. You write beautifully, Domi, and my computer isn't good enough to play what you're writing for now.


I would give ANYTHING to have you write an expansion of the Anomen romance with a more flattering characterization than that found in the Flirtpack.

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Here's another fan of the Coran romance for BG1! I didn't get dumped last time I was playing it, though. (T'was a while ago - I love Coran, but I love Xan even more, so..)


A Coran for BG2? I'd definitely play it, and if I found the time, help out if I could.

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Add me to this group too. I loved the Coran romance in BG1, I thought it was brilliant. I had hoped it would be picked up in SoA.


I know Domi said at one point that she wasn't really interested in doing more BGII stuff, but I suspect a Coran NPC (romanceable or not) would be much more popular than she expects.


Honestly, anything written by Domi is guaranteed to be excellent, but I too have a soft spot for Coran.

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