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Guest Mai Love

I experienced the same problem with Neysa. and I think I found what is wrong with the script P#kivd.baf


in that script




















I thinl the red colored line should be "RealSetGlobalTimer("P#KiFriendTalkTime","GLOBAL",1800)".


I tested with modified script, and It worked.

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Cool, thank you so much! Not sure it affected Neysa's problem because I asked her to reset Global right to where the talk should occur bypassing timer, but it is a nasty glitch.


Now I have a reason to release V4 with new banter and stuff! Woohoo! ;)

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Yeah, wehn I meet Kivan, the dialouge window comes up, but nothing appears. I click around alot, and someohw I select something, because it closes and he joins. He also doesn't say anything, no sounds, I mean. When I do install it, after it is done, it says that their was a "fatal error in sound and dialouge" or something along those lines. Any and all help will be appreciated. :)

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Edit: As per G3 expert Andyr:


It happens when you have the game or a game editor running when you install the mod. Try reinstalling the mod with your game and editors closed and start from a save before exiting Irenicus dungeon :)

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im not shure if its me or a couple bugs here when kiv talkes to nalia they seem to have a loop with the banters i only get one with nalia and it keeps poping up



~I have heard tales about men like you -~

DO ~SetGlobal("P#KINA4","LOCALS",0)~


i checked in shadow keep and the locals in nalia's shows this one but it dosent apear in kiv's.


also with imm they repeat the same one


IF WEIGHT #1001 ~CombatCounter(0) !See([ENEMY])InParty("P#KIVAN")




~Now, Kivan, way back then... you were right. No amount of poultice helps some scars. They're here to stay.~ [KIVAN 99]

DO ~SetGlobal("P#KIIM2","LOCALS",1)~


when i checked in shadow keep again it showed up in immy's but not in kiv's i copyed and pasted from immy's to kiv and it got the dilogs moving again without any problem. same with this one


IF WEIGHT #1002 ~CombatCounter(0) !See([ENEMY])InParty("P#KIVAN")




~Heya, Kivan, remember how we bashed into the Iron Throne, and that lady Emissary, steaming like a kettle, launches herself at <PRO_HIMHER>, yelling: "I had to deal with morons, dimwits and fools all day! Can you or can you NOT tell me where Sarevok is? And <CHARNAME> goes...~[KIVAN 99]

DO ~SetGlobal("P#KIIM4","LOCALS",1)~


also i seem to have hit an impass at the graveyard with no bodhi showing up for the final battle does kivan get taken by bodhi since im using him as the only romance interest him and minc are the only males in the party.


i do use the ctrl + i to speed up the banters so not shure if that is the problem or not im going threw another game from scratch and see if i still have the problem with bodhi.


the only other mods i have installed at the moment are

banter pack

flirt pack






im enjoying the mod and hope to see more (insert begging for more)

anyway if you need more testers let me know.

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Hi Stormcloud, thank you -


The first one has an obvious mistake - the LOCALS should be set to 1 after it is done and I ahve fixed it locally now; it is normal that the LOCALS will be stored on Nalia, not Kivan, because it is her who starts the conversation.


All the files you quote, btw are from ToB files, but since LOCALS are the same, resetting it to 1 should correct the problem with Nalia.


I am not sure why Imoen's ones would repeat - probably some weirdness due to Imoen's being such a special person file-handling wise. I will have to make a quick test run. Imoen's banters in SoA all should be started by Kivan, not Imoen, since she has no banter file in SoA. I am not sure why her ToB set would show up - I will have to check to see if I could replicate this strange behaivor.


Kivan has no abduction scenario by Bodhi - and I have not modified anything about graveyard sequence with her... so it might have come from another mod.

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thanks for the quick reply might be the banter pack since its the only thing i have installed to give immy banters in SOA part for her banters ill try unstalling it and running threw without it and see if it fixes her part. ill let you know if thats it i will also play around installing and removeing mods and see if i can find any other conflicts let you know.

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also i seem to have hit an impass at the graveyard with no bodhi showing up for the final battle does kivan get taken by bodhi since im using him as the only romance interest him and minc  are the only  males in the party.


This is not Kivan-specific. It can occur in the unmodded game as well. What is happening is that, for some reason, you are not reaching the appropriate area. It is not that Bodhi shows up in the graveyard. It is that you are supposed to be going to a different graveyard. (I hope I am not confusing you.) Try leaving and re-entering. Occasionally, the game will fail to update its Chapter Globals correctly, also causing the inability to enter the "new" graveyard area. Sometimes this particular error (not correctly advancing the chapter Globals) can be fixed by returning to the Underdark Exit area. Otherwise, it can be fixed via the CLUAConsole.




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Yes D0Quest, the extended Reynald sequence, can aggravate the problem by Reynald showing up and interrupting love interest-napping, but the bug itself can occur with or without D0Quest.





acutally as soon as i unstalled the mis encounters part of do quest the problem went away. the reynald part was still installed did 3 test runs and without the do quest mis encounters installed bodhi showed up each time with doquest mis encounters installed she failed to show every time.

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