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BG2 Level Up support (partial)


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Could you perhaps provide an example save file or two, together with which kit it's meant to display? Your shift doesn't seem to cause any problems for me, I'm just worried about why it's not working properly in the first place.


Here's a link to an Undead Hunter save (shows up as plain Paladin on my system) - http://rapidshare.com/files/233970570/0000...est.tar.gz.html


EDIT: See below for more files. As a side-note, they were all made under ToB.

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Another update.


Notable game-side changes

- On-the-fly
selection (i.e. choosing deathblow then greater deathblow in the same level up if you have 2 or more points)

- Correct
counts using CountEffects

- Dual class reactivation -- basically updates saves,
, spells, and abilities right now; I need to look at the innards a little more to make this better


Notable code-side changes

- Minor change on
IsMultiClassed returns



- Consolidate some of the code with the CharGen code to allow starting characters higher than 1

- Fully reactivated dual classes

- Dual classing within GemRB


Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/m2998268f

Tracker - http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detai...amp;atid=310122


I'm also going to post some of my test saves for other people to try. I'll edit in a few minutes with the info.


EDIT: Here's the site with some saves. The file names are pretty self-explanatory. http://gra.midco.net/marshall.mattingly/bg2_saves/

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Nice work mattinm.


Is it only for me or is the weapon proficiencies window on level up rathe unfunctional?




Thanks for the feedback Nugrud! This is now implemented in the latest SVN version and seems to be working over here. I know there was an error earlier in the SVN cycle where dual-classed characters (as that appears to be) would show 5 stars if there were any points from the old class.


Can you try updating to the latest SVN (if you aren't yet) and let me know some more info about the character (multi-classed, dual-classed, etc).


Thanks again for your support and trying GemRB... any feedback, especially bugs, is always good feedback.

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Nah, I installed bunch of mods and loaded your test saves. When I made a clean install it all does look normal now. What needs testing now?


Bug report?

See screenshot:

Original engine on left, gemrb on right. Next level xp differs.



Also when I load your fmt hla test save the the information on character pages of both pc's are exactly the same, fighter/mage/cleric has a description of fighter/mage/thief , and when I try to level up fmc I get stuck, because I get -1 weapon profs to distribute.


I built gemrb from svn co'ed today.

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Thanks for the bug write-up.


I too have the bug with my multiclass saves. I think in a few of those save games there were old mods still present, and I think that might be contributing to some of the problems. If I start a FMC within GemRB, everything seems to be fine.


In one of my saves, I also have a level 8/9 Aerie, and she seems to show the correct levels. I'll take a look at the code and see if anything looks amiss though.

Thanks again for the bug report, and keep 'em coming.


- mattinm

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I too have the bug with my multiclass saves. I think in a few of those save games there were old mods still present, and I think that might be contributing to some of the problems. If I start a FMC within GemRB, everything seems to be fine.

Anything which works in the gemrb chargen and not from original savegames is more likely to be a bug in our chargen, I would think. And we should really behave more intelligently in the proficiency screen, even if there are underlying bugs!


If anyone can get side-by-side problems (whether with XP levels, or UI problems, or whatever) with the same mods installed in both the original game and GemRB, a list of the mods involved and a copy of the savegames would probably be useful (email to myforumusername@gmail.com if there is nowhere better to put it).


Come to think of it, we should probably have a "standard" set of test savegames with PCs of all different kinds and levels, somewhere.

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Come to think of it, we should probably have a "standard" set of test savegames with PCs of all different kinds and levels, somewhere.


I second this idea.

As a side note, the proficiencies should, hopefully, be fixed now.

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See screenshot:

Original engine on left, gemrb on right. Next level xp differs.

In the normal game the Level XP's are set by the xplevel.2da, so you might wish to see any alterations made to those figures... and the new gemrd one.


But that's not the issue... the issue is that the character is not leveled up as it should... in the gemrd the cleric/Kaplan is already at level 9 even though she doesn't have the xp for it while Mage/Mag does, and she isn't leveled up to 9th level.... so the classes are on the another's place... Unless there is more than I could see, like a none standard dual classed chars... or the like, unlikely -yes, but.

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There is no such file in gemrb's override as xplevel.2da, and so it should load it from bg2 directory, and I have it without mods.


And yes it's not an issue anymore because current build does not have it... and even stoneskin got recognized :)





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But that's not the issue... the issue is that the character is not leveled up as it should... in the gemrd the cleric/Kaplan is already at level 9 even though she doesn't have the xp for it while Mage/Mag does, and she isn't leveled up to 9th level.... so the classes are on the another's place... Unless there is more than I could see, like a none standard dual classed chars... or the like, unlikely -yes, but.


That's correct. We were loading in the multiclasses based on their class id, when the original system loaded them in based upon their order in the class name. This led to problems when the second class id was smaller than the first (e.g. a mage has a class id of 1 and a cleric has a class id of 3, so GemRB assumed the mage would correspond to IE_LEVEL and cleric to IE_LEVEL2, when, in fact, because the character is a CLERIC_MAGE, it would be the opposite way). That should fix the crux of the issue.


Let us know if you have any more problems! One thing to keep an eye on is dual classes. Some work is being put in right now to make them work as they should, so checking things like turn undead, hp, etc would be nice. (Note that if you do check, make sure the game isn't paused or some values, such as turn, won't be updated until the game is unpaused, after leveling).


Thanks again guys.

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Guest Guest

Nugrud, I see on your screenshot in the last line TraK0: 14 in BGmain.exe and TraK0: 16 in GemRB, so I think there's still a problem there.

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Nugrud, I see on your screenshot in the last line TraK0: 14 in BGmain.exe and TraK0: 16 in GemRB, so I think there's still a problem there.


Currently it is all correct :(


The new scrollbars are really cool, but could the spells be scrolled by rows, not 1 by 1? And the scrollbar could be also dynamic just like for kits. Speaking about kit selection:




There's still a place for one more kit without need for scrolling, and may be moved by little pixels to fit the fashion from the very similar racial enemy selection window in vanilla bg2 :D

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