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Drizzt and co not sent to an inn when they leave the party.


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I have the BG1 NPC project and the Drizzt Saga installed.

I cannot get one of the Drizzt party to leave temporarily. (ie be sent to an inn)

The Drizzt Saga was installed last. If it were installed before the BG1 NPC Project, would that solve my problem or is it more complex than that?

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Unfortunately, it is a good deal more complicated than that :crazyeyes:


bg1npc adds the ability to send the regular NPCs to various places, but the code does not search for mod added NPCs and alter their files. You could check with the Drizzt Saga forums, and see if they could add it to their mod.


dorotea's code works out to a template that looks something like this:



/* SAFANA */

+ ~!AreaCheck("FW5100") !AreaCheck("FW5101") !AreaCheck("FW5102") !AreaCheck("FW5103") !AreaCheck("FW5401") !AreaCheck("FW5402") !AreaCheck("FW5403") !AreaCheck("FW5404")
!AreaCheck("FW5405") !AreaCheck("FW1900") !AreaCheck("FW1901") !AreaCheck("FW1903") !AreaCheck("FW3900") !AreaCheck("FW3901") !AreaCheck("FW4500") !AreaCheck("FW5201")
!AreaCheck("FW3500") !AreaCheck("FW1603") !AreaCheck("FW4501") !AreaCheck("FW3601") !AreaCheck("FW1401") !AreaCheck("FW2101") !AreaCheck("FW1801") !AreaCheck("FW1802")
!AreaCheck("FW1803") !AreaCheck("FW1804") !AreaCheck("FW2615") !AreaCheck("FW2619") !AreaCheck("FW5506") !AreaCheck("FW0500") !AreaCheck("FW0501") !AreaCheck("FW0502")
!AreaCheck("FW0503") !AreaCheck("FW0504") !AreaCheck("FW0505") !AreaCheck("FW0506") !AreaCheck("FW0507") !AreaCheck("FW0508") !AreaCheck("FW0509") !AreaCheck("FW0510")
!AreaCheck("FW0511") !AreaCheck("FW0512") !AreaCheck("FW0513") !AreaCheck("FW0514") !AreaCheck("FW0515") !AreaCheck("FW0516") !AreaCheck("FW1002") !AreaCheck("FW1003")
!AreaCheck("FW1008") !AreaCheck("FW1009") !AreaCheck("FW1500") !AreaCheck("FW2000") !AreaCheck("FW2012") !AreaCheck("FW1501") !AreaCheck("FW1502") !AreaCheck("FW1503")
!AreaCheck("FW1504") !AreaCheck("FW1505") !AreaCheck("FW0400") !AreaCheck("FW0606") !AreaCheck("FW0607") !AreaCheck("FW0608") !AreaCheck("FW1113") !AreaCheck("FW1114") 
!AreaCheck("FW1201") !AreaCheck("FW1202") !AreaCheck("FW1207") !AreaCheck("FW0721") !AreaCheck("FW0611") !AreaCheck("FW0621") !AreaCheck("FW0123") !AreaCheck("FW0125") 
!AreaCheck("FW0126") !AreaCheck("FW0137") !AreaCheck("FW0138") !AreaCheck("FW0139") !AreaCheck("FW0140") !AreaCheck("FW0141") !AreaCheck("FW0142") !AreaCheck("FW0146") 
!AreaCheck("FW0161") !AreaCheck("FW0224") !AreaCheck("FW0225") !AreaCheck("FW0226")~+ @236 + STAYHERE_SAFE_SAFAN
+ ~OR(84)AreaCheck("FW5100") AreaCheck("FW5101") AreaCheck("FW5102") AreaCheck("FW5103") AreaCheck("FW5401") AreaCheck("FW5402") AreaCheck("FW5403") AreaCheck("FW5404")
AreaCheck("FW5405") AreaCheck("FW1900") AreaCheck("FW1901") AreaCheck("FW1903") AreaCheck("FW3900") AreaCheck("FW3901") AreaCheck("FW4500") AreaCheck("FW5201")
AreaCheck("FW3500") AreaCheck("FW1603") AreaCheck("FW4501") AreaCheck("FW3601") AreaCheck("FW1401") AreaCheck("FW2101") AreaCheck("FW1801") AreaCheck("FW1802")
AreaCheck("FW1803") AreaCheck("FW1804") AreaCheck("FW2615") AreaCheck("FW2619") AreaCheck("FW5506") AreaCheck("FW0500") AreaCheck("FW0501") AreaCheck("FW0502")
AreaCheck("FW0503") AreaCheck("FW0504") AreaCheck("FW0505") AreaCheck("FW0506") AreaCheck("FW0507") AreaCheck("FW0508") AreaCheck("FW0509") AreaCheck("FW0510")
AreaCheck("FW0511") AreaCheck("FW0512") AreaCheck("FW0513") AreaCheck("FW0514") AreaCheck("FW0515") AreaCheck("FW0516") AreaCheck("FW1002") AreaCheck("FW1003")
AreaCheck("FW1008") AreaCheck("FW1009") AreaCheck("FW1500") AreaCheck("FW2000") AreaCheck("FW2012") AreaCheck("FW1501") AreaCheck("FW1502") AreaCheck("FW1503")
AreaCheck("FW1504") AreaCheck("FW1505") AreaCheck("FW0400") AreaCheck("FW0606") AreaCheck("FW0607") AreaCheck("FW0608") AreaCheck("FW1113") AreaCheck("FW1114") 
AreaCheck("FW1201") AreaCheck("FW1202") AreaCheck("FW1207") AreaCheck("FW0721") AreaCheck("FW0611") AreaCheck("FW0621") AreaCheck("FW0123") AreaCheck("FW0125") 
AreaCheck("FW0126") AreaCheck("FW0137") AreaCheck("FW0138") AreaCheck("FW0139") AreaCheck("FW0140") AreaCheck("FW0141") AreaCheck("FW0142") AreaCheck("FW0146") 
AreaCheck("FW0161") AreaCheck("FW0224") AreaCheck("FW0225") AreaCheck("FW0226")~+ @236 + STAYHERE_DANGER_SAFAN
+ ~Global("Drawbridge","GLOBAL",1)~ + @1 + BG_SAFAN
++ @2 + SC_SAFAN


SAY @238
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) JoinParty()~ EXIT

SAY @239
IF ~~ DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT

SAY @240
IF ~~ THEN DO ~LeaveParty() EscapeArea()~ EXIT

SAY @241 // All of the danger areas.
++ @10 + LEAVE_SAFAN
+ ~OR(59)AreaCheck("FW5100") AreaCheck("FW5101") AreaCheck("FW5102") AreaCheck("FW5103") AreaCheck("FW5401") AreaCheck("FW5402") AreaCheck("FW5403") AreaCheck("FW5404")
AreaCheck("FW5405") AreaCheck("FW1900") AreaCheck("FW1901") AreaCheck("FW1903") AreaCheck("FW3900") AreaCheck("FW3901") AreaCheck("FW4500") AreaCheck("FW5201")
AreaCheck("FW3500") AreaCheck("FW1603") AreaCheck("FW4501") AreaCheck("FW3601") AreaCheck("FW1401") AreaCheck("FW2101") AreaCheck("FW1801") AreaCheck("FW1802")
AreaCheck("FW1803") AreaCheck("FW1804") AreaCheck("FW2615") AreaCheck("FW2619") AreaCheck("FW5506") AreaCheck("FW0500") AreaCheck("FW0501") AreaCheck("FW0502")
AreaCheck("FW0503") AreaCheck("FW0504") AreaCheck("FW0505") AreaCheck("FW0506") AreaCheck("FW0507") AreaCheck("FW0508") AreaCheck("FW0509") AreaCheck("FW0510")
AreaCheck("FW0511") AreaCheck("FW0512") AreaCheck("FW0513") AreaCheck("FW0514") AreaCheck("FW0515") AreaCheck("FW0516") AreaCheck("FW1002") AreaCheck("FW1003")
AreaCheck("FW1008") AreaCheck("FW1009") AreaCheck("FW1500") AreaCheck("FW2000") AreaCheck("FW2012") AreaCheck("FW1501") AreaCheck("FW1502") AreaCheck("FW1503")
AreaCheck("FW1504") AreaCheck("FW1505") AreaCheck("FW0400")~ + @12 + SC_SAFAN // area check SC areas.
	+ ~OR(25) AreaCheck("FW0606") AreaCheck("FW0607") AreaCheck("FW0608") AreaCheck("FW1113") AreaCheck("FW1114") AreaCheck("FW1201") AreaCheck("FW1202") AreaCheck("FW1207")
AreaCheck("FW0721") AreaCheck("FW0611") AreaCheck("FW0621") AreaCheck("FW0123") AreaCheck("FW0125") AreaCheck("FW0126") AreaCheck("FW0137") AreaCheck("FW0138")
AreaCheck("FW0139") AreaCheck("FW0140") AreaCheck("FW0141") AreaCheck("FW0142") AreaCheck("FW0146") AreaCheck("FW0161") AreaCheck("FW0224") AreaCheck("FW0225")
AreaCheck("FW0226")~ + @12 + BG_SAFAN // area check BG areas

SAY @242
IF ~~ DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) EscapeAreaMove("FW4809",400,230,5)~ EXIT

SAY @243
IF ~~ DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) EscapeAreaMove("FW0705",522,640,4)~ EXIT


For existing NPCs, it takes falsing out the original "kick 'em out" dialog and replacing it with this - for mod-added NPCs it takes adding this to the same dialog.


I do not remember why this was not made BGT compatible - I think it was because there was already a tweak like this in BGT-land.

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Not that it will help you now, but over on ShS a DrizztSaga 2.0 for BGT has been released that moves meeting Drizzt to after Durlag's Tower. This should solve most problems. Check ShS when its back up.

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Not that it will help you now, but over on ShS a DrizztSaga 2.0 for BGT has been released that moves meeting Drizzt to after Durlag's Tower. This should solve most problems. Check ShS when its back up.

Thanks for the input. I have mentioned the problem at the Black Wyrm's Lair.

I have easytutu installed, so the new update will not affect me.

I would have thought that they could use the same programming that the BG1 NPC Project uses to allow their characters to be kicked out temporarily. (Always assuming that the BG1 NPC Project programmers don't mind)

It is certainly a good idea to have you get the quests later. The items are rather overpowered for the standard ToSC game (unless you have SCS installed).

It might be a good idea for the "BG1 NPC Project mod" to look for extra characters, (Finch Gavin, the Drizzt party etc.), but I don't know how much work that would be. It could well be impractical.

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Not that it will help you now, but over on ShS a DrizztSaga 2.0 for BGT has been released that moves meeting Drizzt to after Durlag's Tower. This should solve most problems. Check ShS when its back up.

Thanks for the input. I have mentioned the problem at the Black Wyrm's Lair.

I have easytutu installed, so the new update will not affect me.

The Drizzt Saga v2.0 is for Tutu, too. :crazyeyes:


Greetings Leomar

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The Drizzt Saga v2.0 is for Tutu, too.
It is, but someone needs to cross-test it with other mods (particularly such as BG1 NPC) and confirm it, and probably adjust some things for compatibility. The same probably goes for vanilla BGT and BWP for that matter. It could be someone has already done this (I seem to recall jastey looked at it at one point) but I don't know if there's solid confirmation on compatibility.


I don't know if the BG1 NPC kick-out code could generalised to all NPCs. I'd say probably, in theory, but if BG1NPC is adding to each NPC individually rather than having a more general patch, then perhaps it does need to be NPC-specific.

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I don't know if the BG1 NPC kick-out code could generalised to all NPCs. I'd say probably, in theory, but if BG1NPC is adding to each NPC individually rather than having a more general patch, then perhaps it does need to be NPC-specific.

I think, normally it should be done in each NPC mod itself and not through BG1 NPC Project, but all mods are not really supported anymore (except Gavin), so perhaps Lost Items or a Tweak Pack could include that...


Greetings Leomar

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The Drizzt Saga v2.0 is for Tutu, too.
It is, but someone needs to cross-test it with other mods (particularly such as BG1 NPC) and confirm it, and probably adjust some things for compatibility. The same probably goes for vanilla BGT and BWP for that matter. It could be someone has already done this (I seem to recall jastey looked at it at one point) but I don't know if there's solid confirmation on compatibility.


I don't know if the BG1 NPC kick-out code could generalised to all NPCs. I'd say probably, in theory, but if BG1NPC is adding to each NPC individually rather than having a more general patch, then perhaps it does need to be NPC-specific.

Adjusting kickout dialogs would work, but part of the issue with this is the Drizzt Saga NPC's are such a high level in order to be able to play the Drizzt Saga areas, that they are far overpowered for a normal BGT or Tutu party. You wouldn't really want them in your party other than for getting through the mod.

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Adjusting kickout dialogs would work, but part of the issue with this is the Drizzt Saga NPC's are such a high level in order to be able to play the Drizzt Saga areas, that they are far overpowered for a normal BGT or Tutu party. You wouldn't really want them in your party other than for getting through the mod.
Hmm, well why not adjust them to the party's level, like you're doing for DSotSC etc.? :(
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I know it isn't done to "mod the mod," but this is a logical argument for it. If folks want to play with characters that are vastly overpowered for regualar BG1 areas, well, so be it.


It would be no great shakes to code a "patch" for Drizzt Saga NPCs as they did with BG1 NPC npcs. There aren't any other mods that are going to be adding to Drizzt Saga dialogues, so you could do the whole thing with EXTEND_BOTTOMs, even.

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Having installed SCS, on reaching the bandit camp and using the join their group dialogue, I was attacked by the entire camp, Even with a couple of the Drizzt party helping, I only just survived! I think that may be a bug with SCS(Easytutu), but until it is sorted out, I think that players may well need those characters in their party to be at full strength.

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It would be no great shakes to code a "patch" for Drizzt Saga NPCs as they did with BG1 NPC npcs.
I'm pretty sure flysoup is ok with folks modding Drizzt Saga but if there's doubt, he's still around to ask (just working on comics instead of mods).


And SCS does make stuff harder, a lot harder depending on which components you've installed.

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