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Hireling of sorts


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I have been playing D&D online off and on for a the past few weeks now and was curious how hard or what not it would be to create a mod where an item (ring, dagger, etc) would be magically charged or be able to cast a "hireling" that will aid you in the game.


Thoughts I have had about it:


Can be a actual member of your party (if you have a open slot)

Joins the party much like animals summoning, etc.

Should only last for a number of rounds

Not a lot of interaction in terms of banter, etc. Just at tops 5 lines.


Just had a thought about it.



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I have been playing D&D online off and on for a the past few weeks now and was curious how hard or what not it would be to create a mod where an item (ring, dagger, etc) would be magically charged or be able to cast a "hireling" that will aid you in the game.


Thoughts I have had about it:


Can be a actual member of your party (if you have a open slot)

Joins the party much like animals summoning, etc.

Should only last for a number of rounds

Not a lot of interaction in terms of banter, etc. Just at tops 5 lines.

Well, the item is 'easy' to make, as it just needs a summon creature feature(unless you wish to make it 'artful', and then the sky is the limit on the difficulty)... but the creature is a bit more tricky. And I would recommend that you choose the creature to be either animal summon, or a full party member, not both.
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I wasnt intending of doing both, just stating thoughts that I had in thinking of this as a mod.


Well, the item is 'easy' to make, as it just needs a summon creature feature(unless you wish to make it 'artful', and then the sky is the limit on the difficulty)...


What do you mean by 'artful'?

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What about adding to Athkatla possibility of hiring some mercenaries (solution similiar to monsters in Ust Natha). I know that those guys won't be too usefull, still it adds a bit of depth into game. Possibilities, as they call it.


In PnP After 10th level every character can summon large amount of hirelings/supporters (with exception of few kits). But that will not work in BG2 where you already have NPCs. Still, hiring some tough guys for solo mage would be cool.

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What about adding to Athkatla possibility of hiring some mercenaries (solution similiar to monsters in Ust Natha). I know that those guys won't be too usefull, still it adds a bit of depth into game. Possibilities, as they call it.


In PnP After 10th level every character can summon large amount of hirelings/supporters (with exception of few kits). But that will not work in BG2 where you already have NPCs. Still, hiring some tough guys for solo mage would be cool.

Not bad. I would even code this quest into game. But... how many times do we need extra steelpower? Usually only against something truly tough, where a mercenary would have to fight against serious odds (I belong to people that dislike losing anyone). Situation might be helped by significantly improving mercs, but I'm afraid it's not the way to go, otherwise it's easier and cheaper to hire Korgan.



PS Well, this is what I think might work, both balance and consistency wise - complete a quest for another adventuring party, or just a band of mercs, whatever else is a tough bunch, and as a reward get a mean of contact with their leader, who for some price can teleprot in assistance. Maybe limit it to 1-3 times.

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Doggone - I remember a mod that did something like this... I just can't remember which one. It was a quest, with an object, and you could free the trapped NPC and have him tag along with the party, or just leave him as a summoned... trapped by a wizard...


I hate forgetting stuff.


King Dutka's Thief does something similar where you cast a spell and it summons a master thief you can move around to disarm traps/open locks.

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What do you mean by 'artful'?
Well, if you wish to be artful, you draw the 'ring' yourself as a .bam and put that to the game. No, putting it to the game is easy, making the picture is hard.


King Dutka's Thief
I assume this is a mod or is it in vanilla BG2?
A mod.
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Well, if you wish to be artful, you draw the 'ring' yourself as a .bam and put that to the game. No, putting it to the game is easy, making the picture is hard.


Only thing I know that will be hard is drawing the description picture, not sure of that one.

I do have photoshop (i am a web designer by day, adventurer at night, lol) so any pointers is cool.


I will also check out that mod.


I am still a little new to modding. I have created a simple item or two (my first was bread that restored minor hit points) so you may see me around a lot more asking for little bits of everyone knowledge here.



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Doggone - I remember a mod that did something like this... I just can't remember which one. It was a quest, with an object, and you could free the trapped NPC and have him tag along with the party, or just leave him as a summoned... trapped by a wizard...

But it's NPC mod, you can summon Undead Hunter paladin. That's all what I do remember. It's a part of MTS Crap Trilogy. :thumbsup:

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What about adding to Athkatla possibility of hiring some mercenaries (solution similiar to monsters in Ust Natha). I know that those guys won't be too usefull, still it adds a bit of depth into game. Possibilities, as they call it.


In PnP After 10th level every character can summon large amount of hirelings/supporters (with exception of few kits). But that will not work in BG2 where you already have NPCs. Still, hiring some tough guys for solo mage would be cool.

Great idea, actually I've wanted something like this for a long time.

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