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Trouble installing Grogerson's BG1 Fix/Tweak Pack.

Guest Rurik

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Hello, it's that time of year again where I play through the Baldur's Gate saga, and I'm attempting to install the fix/tweak pack made by Grogerson, but every time I run the WeiDU installer and tell it to install something, it comes up saying that this mod is only for regular Baldur's Gate not Tutu, Trilogy, or Baldur's Gate II, despite the fact that it is, in fact, regular Baldur's Gate and Tales of the Sword Coast. I've tried everything I can think of, I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times, using both the Original Saga edition, and the original five disc (six counting expansion) edition, and it still keeps giving me the same exact message. I'm installing it exactly like any other WeiDU mod, I place the files into my Baldur's Gate folder, run the setup, and follow the command prompts. I've tried installing a couple of other mods and they install just fine, only this one single mod is giving me trouble.


I know of course I could use Tutu but it's such a royal pain having to go in with a save editor before importing to Shadows of Amn, going through my inventory, replacing all of my items (or at least the ones like the golden pantaloons which are transferred to Shadows of Amn) because they used items with different ID's for Tutu than those in the original game, which means they're not properly transferred to Shadows of Amn and won't appear in the places they're supposed to, like in Irenicus' bedroom.

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You have TotSC installed, and you mean the mod "BG1 Tweaks (v1)" here from the G3 download?


From the mod's tp2:


 ELSE BEGIN FAIL ~This mod if for BG1 only. For BG2, Tutu or BGT installs, please use the BG2 Tweak Pack.~


Going through this thread at PPG , I would assume if you update the installer exe to v213, the game check should work: Get the new WeiDU here: http://forums.pocketplane.net/index.php/topic,27033.0.html

Rename the weidu.exe to "setup-bg1tweaks.exe" and replace the old with it. Start installation again. I hope that works!

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Aha! Most excellent! Thank you ever so much. I had downloaded the latest WeiDU earlier actually thinking to try just that, but couldn't figure out what to do with it to update an existing mod, thought one of the things in the folder would be an updater or something but none of them worked. Hamsters and rangers everywhere! REJOICE! :suspect:

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Indeed. :suspect: Now if I could just get a response to my question over on the BioWare forums as to whether or not the 4 in 1 box set they released over in Europe would work on an American PC, if there's anything cut due to censorship, and if it's mod compatible. I already own the game, but still, it would be nice only needing to install 4 discs instead of the current number.

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You do realize quite a few of us here are non-usaian, yes? I can assure you the 4-in-1 pack is equivalent, uses the same patches for english installs, and works fine with mods.


The only difference I'm aware of is that some blood and gore are disabled by default if you install the German-language version, so you need to hack baldur.ini a bit. Installing the english version from the same discs, no problem.


And the BG1 fixpack tries to bring the various slightly different BG1 versions to order.


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Good to know it worked, seems the mod should be updated.

And the mods work fine with the European version, since I am using one, as erik already pointed out for some modders around here. I would assume it plays on your computer, too.


erik: What is "blood and gore "? From the name I don't think I am missing it, but I would like to know since I have the German version(s).

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erik: What is "blood and gore "? From the name I don't think I am missing it, but I would like to know since I have the German version(s).
In the "Game Play" Options screen there should be 4 buttons, "Differe Always", "Gore", "Group Infravision" and "Weather". I think I remember the "Gore" doesn't show up in the German game cause it's removed and always off.

What it does is? It brakes the creature into chunks of meat when it's hit with damage that exceed the creatures current hit points with 10+.

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Ah, OK thank you, Jarno Mikkola. I know that from BGII, though - or maybe from the English install. Whatever. :suspect:


And btw, Rurik: Thank you for reporting the problem, and also thank you for playing the mod! There aren't too much people playing BG1 vanilla mods so feed back is always welcome.

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There aren't a whole lot of vanilla mods to play either, most of them are Tutu this or Trilogy that. :suspect: I actually quite like the original personally, sure the movement speed is slow, and I kind of miss being able to make every container on the screen glow so I know where to look for that tiny little 2 pixel x 2 pixel rock with the super secret ring under it, but those are minor annoyances at best. I would have just asked about it in the thread for the mod itself, but the last time it had a post was in '09, and I have no clue what the sentiments on this forum are about "necroposting." I think it's ridiculous to leave a topic open for posts, but then punish people for posting in it after three years, but whatever.


And thanks for answering my question about the 4 in 1 boxset, I wasn't sure because I didn't know if the discs were region locked like most DVD's and video games or if it didn't matter on computers.

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Ah, OK thank you, Jarno Mikkola. I know that from BGII, though - or maybe from the English install. Whatever. :suspect:
I think that the German patch might remove the "Memory Access=100" from the baldur.ini which should have the feature of removing the Gore button... I never have actually tried to edit the baldur.ini that way.


There aren't a whole lot of vanilla mods to play either, most of them are Tutu this or Trilogy that. :laugh:
Well, the only bigger mod that hasn't been converted to BGT and/or BG1Tutu/EasyTutu is The Fields of the Dead, as I understand it...


I would still say that it's worth to try to refine the game to as perfect as it can be without changing too much of how it works... and then throw a Tweaks pack that allows as much as it can, yes there is already such in G3.

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Rurik: There aren't so many mods, but there are some. In case you aren't aware: My BG1 mods (BGQE and Ajantis Expansion) are vanilla BG1 compatible. Then there is the Xan friendship, UB BG1 and The Fields of the Dead at PPG, and The Gray Clan at BWL. All these mods I can recommend. There are also quite a few mods at Chosen of Mystra, but I haven't played them yet. I am sure I forgot to mention some.


Jarno Mikkola: Yes, the button can be activated this way, I just read the hint at the German forums.

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The whole list, like the quest mods... but as I said most if not all of them have been converted to BGT and Tutu's except TFotD, and in them, they are far more compatible if installed the right way... like in BWS, or according to this posts instructions.


And I just remember the "Memory Access=100" trick as it was mentioned in a FAQ like but I never ran into the need to use it.

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Rurik: There aren't so many mods, but there are some. In case you aren't aware: My BG1 mods (BGQE and Ajantis Expansion) are vanilla BG1 compatible. Then there is the Xan friendship, UB BG1 and The Fields of the Dead at PPG, and The Gray Clan at BWL. All these mods I can recommend. There are also quite a few mods at Chosen of Mystra, but I haven't played them yet. I am sure I forgot to mention some.


Jarno Mikkola: Yes, the button can be activated this way, I just read the hint at the German forums.


I'm actually using your quests and encounters mod right now, just finished babysitting in fact, think I've done Fields of the Dead for a previous play through, Ajantis and Xan though... Eh, my little sister loves Xan, I just find him annoying, and the only Paladins I've ever encountered that I didn't want to kill are Keldorn and Artix, so I'm afraid an Ajantis mod doesn't really hold much interest.

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