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Naming the tis name of the wed via tp2-patching?


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How would I rename the tis of a wed upon install in the tp2?


Apologies if this is answered somewhere already, but I didn't find it, and tp2-pathicng is something I can only copy, not do myself.


If someone could give me the needed code (or a really good explanation how I would do it), I would be very grateful.

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quick & dirty

   COPY_EXISTING ~some.wed~ ~override~
       SPRINT tis_name "hello"
       READ_LONG 16 overlay_off
       WRITE_ASCIIE overlay_off + 0 + 4 ~%tis_name%~ (8)
       // WRITE_ASCIIE overlay_off + 24 + 4 ~%tis_name%~ (8) // 2nd
  	 // WRITE_ASCIIE overlay_off + 48 + 4 ~%tis_name%~ (8) // etc.


I've also always been a fan of "search & replace" ...

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Could I use this as-is? I really don't know these kind of things. Do I need the commented "2nd + etc." lines?
Like said, the file consist of re occuring structures... how many .tis files are there in the original map... that's how many lines of the

WRITE_ASCIIE overlay_off + x * 24 + 4 ~%tis_name%~ (8)

's you need, as they are named at the file that way, starting from x = 0, 1, 2, 3 ... etc


So if you have only one .tis file, then yes... well you actually should name the "tis_name" -variable as your "tis_name".tis - file.

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Stupid question: How could one wed have several tis - are we talking about day and night thingies?


EDIT: Or door tilesets, but I thought they are in the same tis at the end, but that could be different, as it seems. Hm, I think I am talking about wed that have only one tis.

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Stupid question: How could one wed have several tis - are we talking about day and night thingies?


EDIT: Or door tilesets, but I thought they are in the same tis at the end, but that could be different, as it seems. Hm, I think I am talking about wed that have only one tis.


No, in fact, the first overlay is the map itself, the others are water (for rivers, lakes, sea...), fire (lava), or other overlays if you use them.


Doors tilesets are included in the first overlay. Usually, door open tiles are "regular" tiles and closed ones are "alternative tiles" added at the end of the tis file and displayed when you close the doors...

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