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functions to allow multiple mods to edit HLA tables


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Show us how one would use that at adding the Use All Items HLA to Kensai. Yes, a cheesy example, just cause it's all I came up with. Ouh, and you might wish to make the macro a .tpa file for ease of inclusion. And make that print out the function version info... if you like the idea.

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Sure. Btw the code *is* in a .tpa file, in the example mod at the github link I posted a few posts up. Current version is 0.3.


Looking at an unmodded LUABBR.2da, I see that the kensai normally uses lufi0, the same as other fighters. We don't want everyone to get UAI, so we'll have to make a new table for the kensai. But, I don't know if another mod has already done this. So I'll use the get_hla_table function ane make an allowance for either cirsumstance:

INCLUDE ~mymod/lib/hla_actions.tpa~

LAF get_hla_table STR_VAR kit_name = ~KENSAI~ RET hla_table END 
// find the HLA table associated with the kensai
// if kensai table is unmodded
  COPY_EXISTING ~lufi0.2da~ ~override/lud5ken.2da~ 
    LPF add_hla STR_VAR ability = ~AP_SPCL915~ num_allowed = ~1~ END
// make new table and add UAI to new table 
    SET_2DA_ENTRY 29 1 2 ~d5ken~ 
// associate new table with kensai
// if kensai table has changed
  COPY_EXISTING ~lu%hla_table%.2da~ ~override~
    LPF add_hla STR_VAR ability = ~AP_SPCL915~ num_allowed = ~1~ END 
// add UAI to whatever table is now associated with kensai
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Btw the code *is* ...

Yeah, well, not to mislead, I nearly always just read the very last one of posts from the same poster, in a multi page threads, assuming that it hasn't changed, unless the very first post is indicated to be the primary post over all, as a thread management... and thanks for the example.
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Hmmm... thinking more about this: my original idea was focused on APPEND... but with INSERT_2DA_ROW it's not necessary to remove the blank rows at the bottom of the document. And because you can just set the insertion point wherever you want... I guess the whole idea of the add_hla function is really unnecessary. :p


Oh well, even just the illusion that this makes HLA editing easier might spur more people to make HLA mods, and that will be a good thing.

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It just occurred to me that the current Replace_HLA function is not ideal: if the HLA to be replaced is not present in the table being patched, the function will default to mimicking Add_HLA. But the preferred behavior would be to simply do nothing.


So I need to add a check to determine that the HLA being replaced actually exists in the table, before performing any patches.

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It just occurred to me that the current Replace_HLA function is not ideal: if the HLA to be replaced is not present in the table being patched, the function will default to mimicking Add_HLA. But the preferred behavior would be to simply do nothing.


So I need to add a check to determine that the HLA being replaced actually exists in the table, before performing any patches.

Or you could make it optional. Aka make a variable that is set to 1 or zero by default... and if it's zero, do no add, and if it's set as one add it anyways.

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I'm not convinced.


I think I'll probably change the Replace_HLA function to just use REPLACE_TEXTUALLY. The you will be able to do two different things:


1) Replace HLA 1, but if it's not present then do nothing.

COPY_EXISTING ~luxxx.2da~ ~override~
   LPF replace_hla STR_VAR remove_ability = ~GA_HLA_1~ ability = ~GA_HLA_2~ num_allowed = ~99~ END
2) Replace HLA 1, if it's not present then add HLA 2 anyway.

COPY_EXISTING ~luxxx.2da~ ~override~
   LPF remove_hla STR_VAR remove_ability = ~GA_HLA_1~ END
   LPF add_hla STR_VAR ability = ~GA_HLA_2~ num_allowed = ~99~ END
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I'm trying to extend these a bit to be easier, so you could simply say

LAF add_hla STR_VAR kit_name = ~RANGER~ ability = ~SPCL923~ num_allowed = ~20~ END
...and have it automatically incorporate the table-checking code I wrote above in my example for Jarno.


But, it's not working. Do action functions not tolerate any patching code within them?

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Of course. Action is action, patch is patch. The only way to mix them is INNER_*, OUTER_*

Well, that's not normally the case. I can do:

  COPY something
    PATCH_IF something
      WRITE_BYTE something
In other words you can normally do patches within actions, but not vice versa (without INNER_ACTION). It's non-obvious (to me, anyway) that the same rule wouldn't apply to functions.
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Yeah, I realized after posting that the get_hla_table action function does this. So my problem is nothign to do with the nature of functions, but rather it's a problem in my code. :p


Here's what I have so far:



  MAGE                   , Ma0 => Ma0
  FIGHTER                , Fi0 => Fi0
  CLERIC                 , Cl0 => Cl0
  THIEF                  , Th0 => Th0
  BARD                   , Ba0 => Ba0
  PALADIN                , Pa0 => Pa0
  DRUID                  , Dr0 => Dr0
  RANGER                 , Ra0 => Ra0
  FIGHTER_MAGE           , FM0 => FM0
  FIGHTER_CLERIC         , FC0 => FC0
  FIGHTER_THIEF          , FT0 => FT0
  MAGE_THIEF             , MT0 => MT0
  CLERIC_MAGE            , CM0 => CM0
  CLERIC_THIEF           , CT0 => CT0
  FIGHTER_DRUID          , FD0 => FD0
  CLERIC_RANGER          , CR0 => CR0
  ABJURER                , Ma2 => Ma0
  CONJURER               , Ma6 => Ma0
  DIVINER                , Ma5 => Ma0
  ENCHANTER              , Ma9 => Ma0
  ILLUSIONIST            , Ma8 => Ma0
  INVOKER                , Ma7 => Ma0
  NECROMANCER            , Ma3 => Ma0
  TRANSMUTER             , Ma4 => Ma0
  BERSERKER              , Fi1 => Fi0
  WIZARD_SLAYER          , Fi2 => Fi0
  KENSAI                 , Fi3 => Fi0
  CAVALIER               , Pa1 => Pa0
  INQUISITOR             , Pa2 => Pa0
  UNDEAD_HUNTER          , Pa3 => Pa0
  FERALAN                , Ra1 => Ra0
  STALKER                , Ra2 => Ra0
  BEASTMASTER            , Ra3 => Ra0
  ASSASIN                , Th2 => Th0
  BOUNTY_HUNTER          , Th3 => Th0
  SWASHBUCKLER           , Th1 => Th1
  BLADE                  , Ba1 => Ba0
  JESTER                 , Ba2 => Ba0
  SKALD                  , Ba3 => Ba0
  TOTEMIC_DRUID          , Dr1 => Dr0
  SHAPESHIFTER           , Dr2 => Dr0
  BEAST_FRIEND           , Dr3 => Dr0
  TALOS                  , Cl1 => Cl0
  HELM                   , Cl2 => Cl0
  LATHANDER              , Cl3 => Cl0
  MONK                   , Mo0 => Mo0
  BARBARIAN              , BRB => Fi0
  WILDMAGE               , WMG => Ma0
  SORCERER               , So0 => So0
  Blackguard             , Pa4 => Pa4
  SHADOWDANCER           , Th4 => Th4
  DWARVEN_DEFENDER       , Fi4 => Fi4
  DRAGON_DISCIPLE        , So1 => So1
  DARK_MOON              , Mo1 => Mo1
  SUN_SOUL               , Mo2 => Mo2
  GRIZZLY_BEAR           , bea => bea
  SHAMAN                 , Sh0 => Sh0
  OHTYR                  , Cl4 => Cl0
  OHTEMPUS               , Cl5 => Cl0

    kit_name = ~~
    2da_row = ~1~
    ability = ~*~
    icon = ~*~
    strref = ~*~
    min_lev = ~1~
    max_level = ~99~
    num_allowed = ~*~
    prerequisite = ~*~
    excluded_by = ~*~
    alignment_restrict = ~*~
  COPY_EXISTING ~luabbr.2da~ ~override~
    COUNT_2DA_COLS cols // amount of columns
    READ_2DA_ENTRIES_NOW rows cols // read all file into memory  
    FOR (row = 1; row < rows; ++row) BEGIN // iterate over rows
      READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER rows row 0 ~l_kit~ // read column value
      PATCH_IF ~%l_kit%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~%kit_name%~ BEGIN
        SET patch_row = %row%
      READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER rows row 1 ~l_table~ // read column value
  ACTION_PHP_EACH d5_orig_hlas AS kit => tab BEGIN
    ACTION_IF ~%kit%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~%kit_name%~ BEGIN
      OUTER_TEXT_SPRINT orig_table ~%tab%~
      OUTER_TEXT_SPRINT new_table ~%kit_1%~
    ACTION_IF (~%orig_table%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~%l_table%~) AND (FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~lu%l_table%.2da~) BEGIN
      COPY_EXISTING ~lu%l_table%.2da~ ~override/lud5%new_table%.2da~
        COUNT_2DA_COLS cols // amount of columns
        COUNT_2DA_ROWS cols rows // amount of rows
        READ_2DA_ENTRIES_NOW file cols // read all file into memory  
        first_empty_row = rows // default value to amount of rows in order to skip removal if the table is full
        FOR (i = 0; i < file; ++i) BEGIN // iterate over rows
          SET empty_col_count = 0 // amount of empty columns in the row
          FOR (j = 0; j < cols; ++j) BEGIN // iterate over columns in the row
            READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER file i j col_value // read column value
            PATCH_IF "%col_value%" STRING_EQUAL "*" BEGIN // asterisk symbolizes empty column
              empty_col_count += 1
          PATCH_IF "%empty_col_count%" = ("%cols%" - 1) BEGIN // first column in every row is its number, that's why (cols - 1)
            first_empty_row = i // remember the first empty row
            i = file // skip iterating over the rest of the rows
        INSERT_2DA_ROW ("%first_empty_row%") %cols% ~%2da_row% %ability% %icon% %strref% %min_lev% %max_level% %num_allowed% %prerequisite% %excluded_by% %alignment_restrict%~
//      COPY_EXISTING ~lu%l_table%.2da~ ~override/lud5%l_table%.2da~
//    END


That would more or less get repeated after the ELSE BEGIN, to account for situations where the %new_table% variable is not set (basically, for mod-added kits). But I didn't get to that part yet because the above code failed when it was meant to succeed.


My test .tp2 code was


LAF add_hla STR_VAR kit_name = ~RANGER~ ability = ~GA_SPCL923~ num_allowed = ~20~ END

That is meant to add the paladin's innate Summon Deva to the trueclass ranger - and give the trueclass ranger a new table with the 'd5' prefix, in the meantime. But the 'lud5ra0.2da' table was never created, so something there is resulting in a false negative.

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My test .tp2 code was


LAF add_hla STR_VAR kit_name = ~RANGER~ ability = ~GA_SPCL923~ num_allowed = ~20~ END
That is meant to add the paladin's innate Summon Deva to the trueclass ranger - and give the trueclass ranger a new table with the 'd5' prefix, in the meantime. But the 'lud5ra0.2da' table was never created, so something there is resulting in a false negative.


Did you forget that there's no such kit as RANGER ? It's the class name. The kit name is TRUECLASS ...
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