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[help needed] IWD random encounter areas


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Guest Fluke565

Ah ok, will make sure I do those in sand then. Luckily because they're bmps, can just do a colour find a replace in GIMP if we need switch them back to snow at a later date. Probably not going to work... but I don't suppose we could just copy wal_01 from iwdee to bg2ee? Obviously that would mean deep water changing to snow sounds, but is deep really ever used?

The areas shouldn't take long, Im just starting with a basic workable area file for each. Then if I have time I might be able to help more. I tend to get a little side tracked with modding, the other day I was working on an iwd quest mod, then randomly decided to put an AoE horse into the game..oh dear heh.

Im really excited for iwd in eet - Im going to tweak my mod, so it'll work in iwd-in eet, so we could have a mod ready soon after your big launch.

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Guest Fluke13

This is Fluke565 - used the wrong number before. If you ever need to reach me urgently, just message Fluke13 on the beamdog forums.

So the first step of the area making is done - just basic working areas, no night wed yet.

Im going to get these area tidied up over the next week or so and test them on EET game file, then share with swit.

If anyone is planning to create encounters on these maps, let me know  - if we don't get many takers, I can have a go at those more slowly.

I have a few ideas, but would welcome a brain storming of possible encounters (no idea is a bad idea).

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Thanks for your work, Fluke565.


Ah ok, will make sure I do those in sand then. Luckily because they're bmps, can just do a colour find a replace in GIMP if we need switch them back to snow at a later date. Probably not going to work... but I don't suppose we could just copy wal_01 from iwdee to bg2ee? Obviously that would mean deep water changing to snow sounds, but is deep really ever used?

If I remember correctly "deep water" SR color is used in some BG1 maps near water, so can't be replaced without regressions. Yellow color is not used in any BG1 and BG2 areas, which makes potentially fixing it on engine level safe. This could be likely fixed via EEex but on the other hand "sand" sounds are acceptable imo, so not sure if it's worth bothering Bubb with it.


If anyone is planning to create encounters on these maps, let me know  - if we don't get many takers, I can have a go at those more slowly.

I have a few ideas, but would welcome a brain storming of possible encounters (no idea is a bad idea).

currently you're the only person interested in designing actual encounters. If anyone would like to help with it please share your ideas/thoughts in this topic.

Edited by K4thos
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This looks fun. Are you planning to make those available for basic IWD EE as well? I respect the concept of IWD in EET but feel that it just does not really fit in naturally story-wise and so prefer to keep my games separate, but IWD could certainly use a few random encounters.

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1 hour ago, Isewein said:

This looks fun. Are you planning to make those available for basic IWD EE as well? I respect the concept of IWD in EET but feel that it just does not really fit in naturally story-wise and so prefer to keep my games separate, but IWD could certainly use a few random encounters.

whole mod is meant to be installable also on top of IWD:EE down the line, so yes (IWD:EE platform has less priority for now though). Also even though I'm not planning to extract/maintain different parts of the mod as separate mods/components, I'm not against others doing so (if people contributing content for particular feature also don't mind)

edit: from the get-go you will be also able to play IWD1/HoW campaigns separately from the BG story via EET "Select Campaign" feature (which works like IWD:EE base game but with additional features that this mod introduces like random encounters, voiced greetings, optional IWD2 rules, etc.)

Edited by K4thos
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can random encounters between IWD1 areas spawn creatures only present in BG1&2EE - since an IWDEE-based IWD-in-EET won't include many BG1&2EE creatures. 

also how should random encounters when travelling between BG areas and IWD areas be handled? can you ensure that from whichever BG location you travel to any IWD location, you can have a random encounter? Also, what should the habitat be in those, should it always be the snow areas, or a mix of existing areas and new ones?

Is this the kind of information you'd need to create a random encounter:

IWD1 encounter #1, any chapter
area: gorionar 5
Kuldahar <> Vale of Shadows (AR2100 AR3000)
WOLF.CRE - Wolf x10

Edited by bob_veng
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can random encounters between IWD1 areas spawn creatures only present in BG1&2EE - since an IWDEE-based IWD-in-EET won't include many BG1&2EE creatures. 

there is no such limitation. All CRE files from vanilla games used in encounters will be copied to unique files. You can design encounters using any CRE files from BG:EE, BG2:EE, IWD:EE, IWD2. Or you can create new CRE files from scratch.


also how should random encounters when travelling between BG areas and IWD areas be handled? can you ensure that from whichever BG location you travel to any IWD location, you can have a random encounter?

yes. It's possible to have random encounter chance, force random encounter, encounter to take place in particular coordinates of the worldmap etc. I can implement it the way a person responsible for designing random encounters envisions it


Also, what should the habitat be in those, should it always be the snow areas, or a mix of existing areas and new ones?

Between IWD1/HoW/IWD2 areas only snow areas since that's what we got and it fits the surroundings.

When it comes to random encounter that can happen when you travel between BG <-> Icewind Dale my idea is to give a small chance for an encounter (for example Pirates attack, maybe some monsters like Harpies, Kuo-Toa etc) to happen somewhere on the sea between those locations – that’s why I’ve requested a boat image.

You first travel to Icewind Dale via boat (see IWD2 intro for a story framing) and once there you can use worldmap to travel back to BG areas (at least in portions of the story that it makes sense). So even though we're not showing how the travel back and forth looks like the player knows that it's done by the sea each time thanks to the random encounter that may happen.

So with this in mind using BG1/BG2 random encounter areas art don't seem like something necessary although I’m not strictly against it if that’s what encounter designer wants to implement.


Is this the kind of information you'd need to create a random encounter:

IWD1 encounter #1, any chapter
area: gorionar 5
Kuldahar <> Vale of Shadows (AR2100 AR3000)
WOLF.CRE - Wolf x10

yes. Ideally with percentage chance value for the encounter (for example 5%). For easier implementation additional information where to place the party and CRE files on the map (image coordinates) would be useful too.

Edited by K4thos
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here are some IWD1 main campaign random encounters i've been thinking up, i'd like someone to state an opinion on them before i start doing the coordinates.

edit: now also IWD2, HoW, and ship travel; the coordinates have been done as well (not included here); updated table: 


Edited by bob_veng
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Guest Fluke13

Nice table Bob, looks good to me. The only ideas I had, not included, would be a barbarian scouting group, Aurilite hag and potential some more peaceful fun encounters, rather than just all attacks? Perhaps some of the encounters could be level based, e.g. wolves or winter wolves, wizard or hag, yeti or yeti chief, ettins or giants etc.

I was also thinking of something a little bit random (basically the IE games are full of secrets and I like adding obscure secrets). If it's too much or doesn't belong here, then that's fine, I won't be upset heh. So anyway, the idea is that, in each random encounter location you can find clues - if you possess all the clues, you can discover a new spell.

Bob - if you give me a week or so, I'll share the areas with you and K4thos.

K4thos - do you want me to go ahead and work on night weds for the areas - I'm no artist, but I've done one area using simple filters - to check if you wanted it like that. Otherwise perhaps one of the more artistic people (*cough" Bob) could create night Tis.

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thanks, good to hear, i've started adding coordinates and tweaking the numbers a bit

first something important for your work on areas: two areas have been slightly altered to make them more spatially coherent



encounter ideas: aurilite hag sounds great. 

i don't have any ideas for a peaceful encounter other than something cheesy like travelling merchant. we can probably think of something cool and easy to implement.

Clues idea would constitute a whole quest. Those would likely have to be one-time encounters, and having in mind the linearity of IWD and randomness of the encounters i think it might not be feasible. 

I'm a bit of an opponent of level based anything. basically i'm looking to avoid even a perception of progressing difficulty (can't be avoided practically tho), but I was thinking for a story-driven "scaling" encounter on top of specific ones described above like global 5% chance of maybe hobgoblins before the attack on kuldahar, and after that 5% neo-orog.

i almost started with barbarians but i figured i don't want to spoiler HoF creatures in IWD1 before their sprites appear in the course of the campaign. i think it's better to keep the "reveals" of various creatures where they belong.


edit: also updated the ship area by switching the background to standard bg water background and flattening the middle so creatures can move around (very minor change if you've already done the ship Fluke)

Edited by bob_veng
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pls comment on the current encounters; they're grouped in the following order IWD1, IWD2, IWD1 (pt. 2), IWD2 (pt. 2), HoW, global, ship

encounter name 00A small wolf pack 01A hobgoblins 01B large wolf pack 02A orc party 02B ice trolls 03A verbeeg with entourage
03B ettin with entourage
chapter any any any any any any any  
area g03 g06 g05 g02 g08b g10 g06  
location AR2000 <> AR2100
(Kuld. Pass <> Kuld.)
AR2100 <> AR3000
(Kuld. <> Vale of Shadows)
AR2100 <> AR3000
(Kuld. <> Vale of Shadows)
AR2100 <> AR3600
(Kuld. <> Temple otFG ext.)
AR2100 <> AR3600
(Kuld. <> Temple otFG ext.)
AR2100 <> AR4000
(Kuld. <> Dragon's Eye exterior)
AR2100 <> AR4000
(Kuld. <> Dragon's Eye exterior)
chance 20% 15% 10% 15% 10% 15% 10%  
cre 1 WOLF.CRE - Wolf HOBARC02.CRE - Hobgoblin Archer WOLF.CRE - Wolf ORCWBOW.CRE - Orc /bow/ TROLLICE.CRE - Ice Troll VERBEEG.CRE - Verbeeg
cre 2 WOLF.CRE - Wolf HOBARC02.CRE - Hobgoblin Archer WOLF.CRE - Wolf ORCWBOW.CRE - Orc /bow/ TROLLICE.CRE - Ice Troll OGRE.CRE - Ogre
GOBEHQ1.CRE - Goblin Elite
cre 3 WOLF.CRE - Wolf HOBARC02.CRE - Hobgoblin Archer WOLF.CRE - Wolf ORCWBOW.CRE - Orc /bow/ TROLLICE.CRE - Ice Troll OGRHAL01.CRE - Half Ogre
GOBEHQ1.CRE - Goblin Elite
cre 4 WOLF.CRE - Wolf HOBARC02.CRE - Hobgoblin Archer WOLF.CRE - Wolf ORCWAXE.CRE - Orc TROLLICE.CRE - Ice Troll OGRHAL01.CRE - Half Ogre
GOBEHQ1.CRE - Goblin Elite
cre 5 WOLF.CRE - Wolf HOBELI01.CRE - Hobgoblin Elite WOLF.CRE - Wolf ORCEWBOW.CRE - Orc Elite /bow/ TROLLICE.CRE - Ice Troll OGRHAL01.CRE - Half Ogre
GOBLINA.CRE - Goblin Archer
cre 6 WOLF.CRE - Wolf HOBELI01.CRE - Hobgoblin Elite WOLF.CRE - Wolf
ORCEWBOW.CRE - Orc Elite /bow/
  DOGWAR01.CRE - War Dog
GOBLINA.CRE - Goblin Archer
cre 7 WOLFDI.CRE - Dire Wolf HOBWIZ01.CRE - Hobgoblin Wizard WOLF.CRE - Wolf
ORCSHAM.CRE - Orc Shaman
  DOGWAR01.CRE - War Dog
GOBLINA.CRE - Goblin Archer
cre 8   HOBSHA01.CRE - Hobgoblin Shaman WOLF.CRE - Wolf
OGRILL01.CRE - Ogrillon
  DOGWAR01.CRE - War Dog
cre 9   HOBCAP01.CRE - Hobgoblin Captain WOLFDI.CRE - Dire Wolf
OGRILL01.CRE - Ogrillon
cre 10   WOLFDI.CRE - Dire Wolf
cre 11  
WOLFDI.CRE - Dire Wolf
cre 12                
encounter name / 51A hobgoblins 51B large wolf pack 52A orc party 52B ice trolls 53A winter wolves
53B bugbear with entourage
game   IWD2 IWD2 IWD2 IWD2 IWD2 IWD2  
chapter   any any any any any any  
area   g06 g05 g02 g08b g10 g06  
location   AR1200 <> AR2000
(Palisade <> Shaengarne River)
AR1200 <> AR2000
(Palisade <> Shaengarne River)
AR2102 <> AR1100/AR1200/AR1000
(Shaengarne Bridge <> Targos)

AR1200 <> AR3000
(Palisade <> Fortress Gate)
AR2102 <> AR1100/AR1200/AR1000
(Shaengarne Bridge <> Targos)

AR1200 <> AR3000
(Palisade <> Fortress Gate)
AR6001 <> AR4000
(Kuld. <> Dragon's Eye exterior)
AR2100 <> AR4000
(Kuld. <> Dragon's Eye exterior)
chance   15% 10% 15% 10% 25% 15%  
cre 1   HOBARC02.CRE - Hobgoblin Archer WOLF.CRE - Wolf 00ORCAR.CRE - Orc Archer 20TROICE.CRE - Ice Troll 50WFWGH.CRE - Greater Winter Wolf
66BUGB.CRE - Bugbear
cre 2   HOBARC02.CRE - Hobgoblin Archer WOLF.CRE - Wolf 00ORCAR.CRE - Orc Archer 20TROICE.CRE - Ice Troll 50WFWH.CRE - Winter Wolf
31HOBE.CRE - Hobgoblin Elite - Hobgoblin Elite
cre 3   HOBARC02.CRE - Hobgoblin Archer WOLF.CRE - Wolf 00ORCAR.CRE - Orc Archer 30ICETRL.CRE - Hardened Ice Troll 50WFWH.CRE - Winter Wolf
31HOBE.CRE - Hobgoblin Elite - Hobgoblin Elite
cre 4   HOBARC02.CRE - Hobgoblin Archer WOLF.CRE - Wolf 20ORCW4.CRE - Orc Warrior 30ICETRL.CRE - Hardened Ice Troll 50WFWH.CRE - Winter Wolf
50WFDFH.CRE - Ferocious Dire Wolf
cre 5   HOBELI01.CRE - Hobgoblin Elite WOLF.CRE - Wolf 00ORCARE.CRE - Orc Archer Elite 30ICETRL.CRE - Hardened Ice Troll 50WFWH.CRE - Winter Wolf
30GOBAES.CRE - Goblin Archer Elite
cre 6   HOBELI01.CRE - Hobgoblin Elite WOLF.CRE - Wolf
00ORCARE.CRE - Orc Archer Elite
  50WFWH.CRE - Winter Wolf
30GOBAES.CRE - Goblin Archer Elite
cre 7   HOBWIZ01.CRE - Hobgoblin Wizard WOLF.CRE - Wolf
ORCSHAM.CRE - Orc Shaman
  50WFWH.CRE - Winter Wolf
31GOBSH2.CRE - Goblin Shaman
cre 8   HOBSHA01.CRE - Hobgoblin Shaman WOLF.CRE - Wolf
OGRILL01.CRE - Ogrillon
  50WFWH.CRE - Winter Wolf
31GOBSO2.CRE - Goblin Sorcerer
cre 9   HOBCAP01.CRE - Hobgoblin Captain WOLFDI.CRE - Dire Wolf
OGRILL01.CRE - Ogrillon
cre 10   WOLFDI.CRE - Dire Wolf
cre 11  
WOLFDI.CRE - Dire Wolf
cre 12                
encounter name 04A neo-orog rear guard 05A mid-level outlaw party 05B tundra yeti 06A red wizard investigator 07A winter wolves 07B snow trolls 08A wandering spirits 08B ettins
chapter 2 any any any, only once any any any any
area g07b g01b g11 g03 g05 g06 g09 g02
location AR4000 > AR2100
(Dragon's Eye exterior > Kuld.)
AR2100 <> AR5000
(Kuld. <> Severed Hand exterior)
AR2100 <> AR5000
(Kuld. <> Severed Hand exterior)
AR2100 <> AR6000
(Kuld. <> Dorn's Deep exterior)
AR7000 <> AR2100
(LDD exterior <> Kuld.)
AR7000 <> AR2100
(LDD exterior<> Kuld.)
AR7000 <> AR5000
(LDD exterior <> Severed Hand exterior)
AR7000 <> AR5000
(LDD exterior <> Severed Hand exterior)
chance 50% 15% 10% 15% 15% 15% 10% 15%
cre 1 KAOROG.CRE - Neo-Orog Avenger TALONAF.CRE - Talonite Priestess KUYETI.CRE - Tundra Yeti ohnredw6.CRE - Red Wizard WINWOLF.CRE - Winter Wolf TROLLSNO.CRE - Snow Troll TROLSI01.CRE - Spirit Troll
WTETTIN.CRE - Ettin /stronger/
cre 2 KAOROG.CRE - Neo-Orog Avenger REBAND03.CRE - Bandit KUYETI.CRE - Tundra Yeti NETHAY01.CRE - Thayan Wizard WINWOLF.CRE - Winter Wolf TROLLSNO.CRE - Snow Troll TROLSP01.CRE - Spectral Troll
WTETTIN.CRE - Ettin /stronger/
cre 3 KAOROG.CRE - Neo-Orog Avenger REBAND03.CRE - Bandit KUYETI.CRE - Tundra Yeti HLCLERIC.CRE - Cleric WINWOLF.CRE - Winter Wolf TROLLICE.CRE - Ice Troll TROLSP01.CRE - Spectral Troll
WTETTIN.CRE - Ettin /stronger/
cre 4 KAOROG.CRE - Neo-Orog Avenger LDDTHIEF.CRE - Thief KUYETI.CRE - Tundra Yeti bdure2c.CRE - Mercenary WINWOLF.CRE - Winter Wolf
cre 5 KAOROG.CRE - Neo-Orog Avenger OGREMA01.CRE - Ogre Mage KUYETI.CRE - Tundra Yeti bdure2d.CRE - Mercenary WINWOLF.CRE - Winter Wolf
cre 6 KAOROGE.CRE - Neo-Orog Marauder ohnogreb.CRE - Ogre /tough variant/ KUYETI.CRE - Tundra Yeti FGOLEM.CRE - Flesh Golem WINWOLF.CRE - Winter Wolf
DLICETR.CRE - Greater Ice Troll
cre 7
KAOROGE.CRE - Neo-Orog Marauder
KUYETI.CRE - Tundra Yeti
cre 8
NEOOROGG.CRE - Neo-Orog General
KUYETI.CRE - Tundra Yeti
cre 9    
KUYETI.CRE - Tundra Yeti
cre 10    
VSCYETI.CRE - Yeti Chieftain
cre 11                
cre 12                
encounter name / / 55A tundra yeti / / 55B snow trolls 58A wandering spirits 58B ettins
game     IWD2     IWD2 IWD2 IWD2
chapter     any     any any any
area     g11     g06 g09 g02
AR6201 <> AR6300
(Fields of Sl. exit <> Sev. Hand ext.)
    AR6201 <> AR6300
(Fields of Sl. exit <> Sev. Hand ext.)
AR4100 <> AR5000
(Ice Temple ext. <> Wandering Village)
AR4100 <> AR5000
(Ice Temple ext. <> Wandering Village)
chance     10%     15% 10% 15%
cre 1    
40YETITU.CRE - Tundra Yeti
    50TROSH.CRE - Snow Troll TROLSI01.CRE - Spirit Troll
WTETTIN.CRE - Ettin /stronger/
cre 2    
40YETITU.CRE - Tundra Yeti
    50TROSH.CRE - Snow Troll TROLSP01.CRE - Spectral Troll
WTETTIN.CRE - Ettin /stronger/
cre 3    
40YETITU.CRE - Tundra Yeti
    50TROSH.CRE - Snow Troll TROLSP01.CRE - Spectral Troll
WTETTIN.CRE - Ettin /stronger/
cre 4    
40YETITU.CRE - Tundra Yeti
50TROSS.CRE - Snow Troll Shaman
41BEARPO.CRE - Polar Bear
cre 5    
40YETITU.CRE - Tundra Yeti
50TROSG.CRE - Greater Snow Troll
41BEARPO.CRE - Polar Bear
cre 6    
52YETGH.CRE - Ferocious Yeti
50TROSG.CRE - Greater Snow Troll
cre 7    
52YETGH.CRE - Ferocious Yeti
cre 8    
52YETGH.CRE - Ferocious Yeti
cre 9    
52YETGH.CRE - Ferocious Yeti
cre 10    
52YETGH.CRE - Ferocious Yeti
cre 11                
cre 12                
encounter name 09A cyclops 09B displaced orc tribe
10A white wyrms (wyverns)
game HOF HOF HOF          
chapter any any, only once any          
area g01b g11 g09          
location AR9100 <> AR9200
(Lonelywood > Barbarian Camp)
AR9100 > AR9200
(Lonelywood > Barbarian Camp)
AR9100 <> AR9500
(Lonelywood <> Gloomfrost)
chance 25% 25% 25%          
cre 1 CYCLOPS.CRE - Cyclops bdogre04.CRE - Half-Ogre Veteran \270 BG-SoD\
WYRM.CRE - White Wyrm
cre 2 CYCLOPS.CRE - Cyclops bdogre05.CRE - Ogre Shaman \420 BG-SoD\
WYRM.CRE - White Wyrm
cre 3 CYCLOPS.CRE - Cyclops ohnogreb.CRE - Ogre \650 BG2EE\
WYRM.CRE - White Wyrm
cre 4 CYCLOPS.CRE - Cyclops ohnogreb.CRE - Ogre \650 BG2EE\
WYRM.CRE - White Wyrm
cre 5   ohnogreb.CRE - Ogre \650 BG2EE\
WYRM.CRE - White Wyrm
cre 6   ORC04.CRE - Orc Mage \1000 BG2EE\
WYRM.CRE - White Wyrm
cre 7  
SARORC01.CRE - Elite Orc \650 BG2EE\
cre 8  
orc01.CRE - Orc Warrior \120 BG-SoD\
cre 9  
orc01.CRE - Orc Warrior \120 BG-SoD\
cre 10  
orc01.CRE - Orc Warrior \120 BG-SoD\
cre 11  
orc01.CRE - Orc Warrior \120 BG-SoD\
cre 12  
orc05.CRE - Orc Shaman \420 BG-SoD\
cre 13  
orc05.CRE - Orc Shaman \420 BG-SoD\
cre 14  
orc07.CRE - Orc Bowmaster \175 BG-SoD\
cre 15  
orc07.CRE - Orc Bowmaster \175 BG-SoD\
cre 16  
orc07.CRE - Orc Bowmaster \175 BG-SoD\
cre 17  
orc07.CRE - Orc Bowmaster \175 BG-SoD\
cre 18  
orc07.CRE - Orc Bowmaster \175 BG-SoD\
cre 19  
orc07.CRE - Orc Bowmaster \175 BG-SoD\
cre 20  
WOLFDI.CRE - Dire Wolf \120 BG-SoD\
cre 21  
WOLFDI.CRE - Dire Wolf \120 BG-SoD\
cre 22  
WOLFDI.CRE - Dire Wolf \120 BG-SoD\
encounter name 70A global snow trolls
70B global cats (01B)
game IWD1, HOF, IWD2
chapter IWD1 Ch. 3+
IWD2 Ch. 3+
IWD1 Ch. 3+
IWD2 Ch. 3+
area g10 g05            
location Any North (worldmap) <> Any North
Any North (worldmap) <> Any North
chance 5% 5%            
cre 1 TROLLSNO.CRE - Snow Troll
20SNOLEP.CRE - Snow Leopard
cre 2 TROLLSNO.CRE - Snow Troll
20SNOLEP.CRE - Snow Leopard
cre 3 TROLLSNO.CRE - Snow Troll
20SNOLEP.CRE - Snow Leopard
cre 4 TROLLSNO.CRE - Snow Troll
20SNOLEP.CRE - Snow Leopard
cre 5 TROLLSNO.CRE - Snow Troll
20SNOLEP.CRE - Snow Leopard
cre 6  
20SNOLEP.CRE - Snow Leopard
cre 7  
20HGHCAT.CRE - Highland Cat
cre 8  
20HGHCAT.CRE - Highland Cat
cre 9  
20HGHCAT.CRE - Highland Cat
cre 10  
20HGHCAT.CRE - Highland Cat
cre 11                
cre 12                
encounter name 90A ship harpies 91A ship scrags
92A ship sahuagin
game IWD1, HOF, IWD2 IWD1, HOF, IWD2
chapter any any any          
area ship01 ship01 ship01          
location Any Sword Coast <> Any North Any Sword Coast <> Any North
Any Sword Coast <> Any North
chance 25% 25% 25%          
cre 1 HRPCAT.CRE - Harpy DLSCRAG.CRE - Scrag
SAHAMB04.CRE - Sahuagin
cre 2 HRPCAT.CRE - Harpy DLSCRAG.CRE - Scrag
SAHAMB04.CRE - Sahuagin
cre 3 HRPCAT.CRE - Harpy DLSCRAG.CRE - Scrag
SAHAMB05.CRE - Sahuagin
cre 4 HRPCAT.CRE - Harpy DLSCRAG.CRE - Scrag
SAHAMB05.CRE - Sahuagin
cre 5 HRPCAT.CRE - Harpy DLSCRAG.CRE - Scrag
SAHAMB06.CRE - Sahuagin
cre 6
HRPFND.CRE - Fiendish Harpy
SAHAMB06.CRE - Sahuagin
cre 7                
cre 8                
cre 9                
cre 10                
cre 11                
cre 12                
Edited by bob_veng
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That's a quite lot of creatures with one vs. all. Aka, you might want to make sure that the player character amount is 6 for the full party of 22 orc tribal, or you'll have a Total Party Kill's a plenty on your hands*. Also I would assume that the encounter area is a bit larger than in BG1 ? -where the area was approximately one character sight range.

*this is because the level cap in the game is at 9... because the hit point dice don't go on linearly. Nor spell effects > 20 lvl, AC > -10 etc etc etc.

Also, I would need to actually test those encounters before I can verify that they are passable... without cheese and with it too. Yes, I am talking about my party of 6 bards. 😋 No, actually not.

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Orc encounter is in HoW. I chose it to be a big orc battle, because orcs are one of three most important races in the North (with dwarves and giants), and they're completely downplayed in IWD-HoW. I compared this battle (mentally...) with a battle in SoD composed of mostly SoD grunt orcs numbering ~15 (on highest diff.) and added 2-3 tougher enemies. The areas are the same size as in BG, and it's easy to fit 20 or so enemies into the field of view of a 6-member party (edit: well not in this case, some are intentionally outside):




Edited by bob_veng
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A thing to consider is would those Orcs be able to surround the players characters that well ? Or would they be the worst at sneaking and be scattered around the map like no body's business. In SCS they would still most likely attack the party at the same time.. almost. But with regular AI, the monsters if scattered around like low intelligence monsters would in clusters of 7:


The mordor orcs don't need to sneak. Meaning also that they can't. Aka, none of the enemy is close enough to be seen.

The introduction could be, a plain text saying: You can notice the smell of orc refuse a mile away, and you know that they are much closer, now...

Edited by Jarno Mikkola
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