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Ascension mod compatibility


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If you install multiple components from a mod all at once using Project Infinity, the debug file will show the install log of the last component only.

When the install sequence is finished, or paused, you need to select all text in the log window (that's the lower right in PI) and paste it in a text file, then upload that file to be checked for errors.

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Guest Graion@Work

No, PI saves all the logs on it's own. All the logs for each component exists in the ProjectInfinity/Debug/timestamp-of-executable-launch/ folder, in a ProjectInfinity-Debug-MODNAME-COMPONENTINDEX.log fashion. Logs within PI detect a warning or error are even duplicated to a ProjectInfinity-Error_MODNAME-COMPONENTINDEX.log in the same folder.

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39 minutes ago, Guest Graion@Work said:

No, PI saves all the logs on it's own. All the logs for each component exists in the ProjectInfinity/Debug/timestamp-of-executable-launch/ folder, in a ProjectInfinity-Debug-MODNAME-COMPONENTINDEX.log fashion. Logs within PI detect a warning or error are even duplicated to a ProjectInfinity-Error_MODNAME-COMPONENTINDEX.log in the same folder.

Those debug and error files are located in a folder called "Logs". But those files are often what i call "overlapping with each other as reporter in the following link.


Nb: as my english is not my english language, i apologize for any mistake and weird formulations in my writing.

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Guest Graion@Work

Yeah, I'm at work and i was saying everything from my head without access to my home PC. In principle, you'd want the relevant Error logs uploaded from there when someone asks for a mod install history of their own mod.

If you explicitly disable the "pause-on-warnings/errors" behaviour, then yes, you might end up component logs cut at the wrong point, but that will also fix itself by the next component (just look at what was installed after it and the head of that log). Error logs duplicated might look superfluous at first, but i find that convenient - my install orders these days take 5-6 hours without a pause and whatnot. I find it faster and more convenient to let it all run then review the result than dealing with the issues one-by-one and restarting installs all the time. Since these error logs are grouped together when you view the folder in an alphanumeric order, this retroactive reviewing is simple to do because i can really concentrate to the errors alone.

This is a #worksforme solution and I acknowledge that it's not ideal for everyone, but I find it fairly clean myself.

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I usually do a "clean" installation before launching any mod installation. I avoid using the uninstall function from PI as i had some weird results in the past.

I just delete both BGEE and BG2EE folders dedicated to EET and past saved copies of both already launch versions. I also do "multiple" install to get 3 games : BGEE, BG2EE and EET. By doing this i can easily test a BGEE or a BG2EE prior to any EET consideration.

This time it seems that all compents have been installed without warnings. I did one more manipulation: i also delete the "Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition Trilogy" located in documents (which contains .lua file and the "save" folder.

 Thanks @Gwaihir for the precision. I do join the "full" debug just in case.


I also take advantage of this post to ask for some "minor" advices or recommandations regarding the first part of my EET installation :

1/ "40 - Restored Bhaalspawn Powers" : there is also a version of this component in BG1 UB. Any reason to install one in particular ? And i guess the last installed is going to overwrite the one installed fiirst.

2/ Expanded Epilogues for Bioware NPCs. There are two options : "60 - David Gaider's expanded epilogues for Bioware NPCs" or "61 - Alternate epilogues by Shawne"

I really don't know which one to choose. Considering that i haven't played ToB yet and that i am quite enjoying expanded content, which would you advice me to select ? (i know it is about personal taste but i am open to your feedbacks).

3/ The list below is the first part of my install order and i will complete it with a large number of mods (all my gratitude to @Caedwyr, @Cahir, @4udr4n , @subtledoctor, @Gwaihir for their threads).

If anyone can "check" this first part of my install order for advices and recommandations to build a stable "foundation" beforee going further, i would feel more confident and it could help me to save some time.

- I don't know if manually installing few components of Oversight in BG2EE is a good idea. Any feedback about those components in particular:  "1: Alignment Correction", "2: Class Tweaks/Fixes" (?), "4: Improved Continuity" and "8: Expanded Brynnlaw" ?

- I am not sure if putting Almateria's Restoration Projet, Ascension and Imoen Forever so early is not a mistake ?

- Finally i decided to divide the quest mods in two groups, quests with BG1 followed by quests by BG2 content. It's because i am more familiar with BG1 mods and by doing that way it is more easy to build at the same time a BGEE install order.

Mods Installed in BGEE prior to EET Core  
DlcMerger 1.3
BG1 Unfinished Business 16.4
The Stone of Askavar TSOA 2.2
Dark Horizons for BGEE 2.13
Tenya Thermidor 1.5c
Sirene NPC 2.81
Drake NPC 1.61
White 2.4
Verr'Sza NPC BG1EE 5.4
Mods to install in BG2EE before EET Core (manual install)  
Oversight 16
EET Core  
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition Trilogy (EET) : EET core 13.4
Atypical Content Mods  
High Quality soundclips for BG2EE extended content 1.2
Almateria's Restoration Project 8.4a
UI related mods  
EeeX 0.9.4
lefreut’s enhanced UI (BG2EE Skin) 4.4.4
EEUITweaks User Interface Mods Collection 3.8
BG:EE Classic Movies 2.3.1
Bubb's Spell Menu Extended 4.1
"Sensitive" mods  
Ascension 2.0.23
Imoen 4 Ever 10
EET Quest mods with BG1 and/or SoD content  
Dark Side of the Sword Coast EET edition (DSotSC) 4.1
Northern Tales of the Sword Coast for BGEE (NtotSC) 4.2.0
The Grey Clan Episode 1 1.9
Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters (Bgqe) 25.2
Ascalon's Quest Pack 4.2
Balduran's Seatower EAOB.7
The Lure of the Sirine’s Call 16.2
Endless BG1 (EBG1) 9
Transitions 2.4
Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Modification (BG1RE) 9
Extra Expanded Enhanced Encounters 3
Shades of the Sword Coast 6.6

Nb: i should probably open a new topic because i am starting to be a little bit too "talkative", and also because  it could benefit other "beginners" in modding Baldur's.







Edited by Mordekaie
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Guest morpheus562

Any of the armor overhaul mods can easily allow Yaga-Shura to reach complete damage immunity to physical damage. These include the armor overhaul found in Item Revisions, Scales of Balances' YARAS, Skills and Abilities proficiency overhaul, and my armor overhaul within Forgotten Armament. My recommendation is to move Shuruppak's plate to Yaga's inventory for both his Siege Camp and Final 5 fights. I have created a pull request in github that you are welcome to look at that corrects only for his siege camp version.

Edited by morpheus562
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I don't think this is the right way to think about the logic of it.

Yaga-Shura is perfectly legally wearing Shurrupak's Plate; he benefits from a number of its effects. By default, an item mod that tweaks Shurrupak's plate ought to affect Yaga-Shura. If a mod changes Shurrupak's Plate but the mod author actively doesn't want that change to affect the original wearer, it's their responsibility to enforce that, not Ascension's. (There are lots of ways in which changing an item might give Ascension creatures powers that break game balance; Ascension can't be expected to preemptively address all of them by making every item an undroppable clone.) The item mod ought to clone the original Shurrupak's plate to an undroppable copy, give that copy to Yaga-Shura, and then put the original item in his inventory. Something like:

DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION undroppable_item_clone
	// make an undroppable clone of the item
	COPY_EXISTING "%item%.itm" "override/%clone%.itm"
	// edit the creature
	COPY_EXISTING "%cre%.cre" override
		// swap out the original item
		REPLACE_TEXTUALLY "%item%" "%clone%" (8)
		// regrant the new item in inventory
		ADD_CRE_ITEM "%item%" #0 #0 #0 UNSTEALABLE INV

LAF undroppable_item_clone STR_VAR cre=yaga01 item=plat22 clone=dw_plat22 END


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Guest morpheus562

If a mod iterates through all armors and provides x% DR bonus to all armors, then it can apply to Yaga before your mod is introduced. Multiple mods iterate like this and don't specifically call out Shuruppak's armor as you imply. The common denominator though is Ascension flat assigning Yaga 99% DR that can cause complete invulnerability if any of the other mods are installed.

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I take the point (though Ascension has been working this way since 2002, so I am only semi-sympathetic).

I'm unclear how the actual pull request you have done is supposed to work, though. (Incidentally, it affects both versions: you are editing the yagashura_cre_patch function, which is shared.) You do

ADD_CRE_ITEM plat22 #0 #0 #0 NONE ARMOR // shuruppak's armor moves to inventory (avoids complete damage immunity)

That creates a new copy of plat22 and puts it in the ARMOR slot. The original copy of plat22 gets bounced to inventory, but the new version is still in the ARMOR slot and still affecting Yaga. (Also, the new copy can now be pickpocketed.) Don't you need to create an undroppable copy of plat22, strip the DR effect from it, overwrite it in the armor slot, and then put a copy of plat22 in inventory and mark it as unstealable? (Just removing plat22 entirely denies Yaga its other effects, e.g. various AC bonuses.)

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Guest morpheus562
1 minute ago, DavidW said:

I take the point (though Ascension has been working this way since 2002, so I am only semi-sympathetic).

I'm unclear how the actual pull request you have done is supposed to work, though. (Incidentally, it affects both versions: you are editing the yagashura_cre_patch function, which is shared.) You do

ADD_CRE_ITEM plat22 #0 #0 #0 NONE ARMOR // shuruppak's armor moves to inventory (avoids complete damage immunity)

That creates a new copy of plat22 and puts it in the ARMOR slot. The original copy of plat22 gets bounced to inventory, but the new version is still in the ARMOR slot and still affecting Yaga. (Also, the new copy can now be pickpocketed.) Don't you need to create an undroppable copy of plat22, strip the DR effect from it, overwrite it in the armor slot, and then put a copy of plat22 in inventory and mark it as unstealable? (Just removing plat22 entirely denies Yaga its other effects, e.g. various AC bonuses.)

I modeled it off how you handle the shield bouncing it to inventory as it's not actually equipping the armor.

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That's not quite how ADD_CRE_ITEM works. What my code does is put HAMM10 in the shield slot. The existing item in the shield slot (SHLD32) then gets bounced to inventory (it's stealable, but that's okay, since Yaga isn't actually wielding it). Your code puts PLAT22 in the armor slot. That bounces the existing copy of PLAT22 to inventory (well, there's no real sense in which the game tracks which is which, but effectively that's what happens), but now you've still got PLAT22 in the armor slot, and so the problem remains. (There's no notion of 'equipping' the armor - it's equipped provided it's in an armor slot, or indeed in any worn-item slot. The EQUIP flag in ADD_CRE_ITEM is only for weapons, where the cre file keeps track of which weapon is actually equipped.)

The right code for what you want to do is


although as I say above, I don't think that's completely optimal since it deprives Yaga of all the armor effects, not just the DR, and the right fix involves an undroppable copy.

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2 minutes ago, DavidW said:

...although as I say above, I don't think that's completely optimal since it deprives Yaga of all the armor effects, not just the DR...

Specifically, it deprives him of the fire resistance. Why is that important? Because Ascension Yaga casts Aura of Flaming Death, which sets (lowers) his base fire resistance to 90%. With the armor on, he's still immune at 110%. Without it, he's vulnerable to fire - more vulnerable than to most other elements if it happens in the first few rounds of the fight.

(Possible alternative: an AoFD clone without that pesky resistance-setting effect)

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Guest morpheus562
12 minutes ago, jmerry said:

Specifically, it deprives him of the fire resistance. Why is that important? Because Ascension Yaga casts Aura of Flaming Death, which sets (lowers) his base fire resistance to 90%. With the armor on, he's still immune at 110%. Without it, he's vulnerable to fire - more vulnerable than to most other elements if it happens in the first few rounds of the fight.

(Possible alternative: an AoFD clone without that pesky resistance-setting effect)

I thought an equipped armor's effects applies first and the setting from Aura of Flaming death would apply over it resulting in it still being 90% FR?

Edited by morpheus562
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