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Enhanced Powergaming Scripts

Guest morpheus562

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Hi @morpheus562 - not sure if I asked this previously but:
(a) with regard to the Girdle of Fortitude (in BG 2 EE) is it feasible to trigger/activate the girdle with buffing (i.e. as a long buff) in terms of the system/scripting mechanics with relation to items, and
(b) would you consider it in terms of it matching your schema for what you want to achieve with your scripts?
Given there are potions, spells, and such that last as long or longer that are part of buffing, curious if it might be an opportunity for a future update if you thought it worthwhile?

(It's incredibly annoying that they chose to make ONLY this one belt/girdle require manual activation for 8 hours benefit, whereas every other belt & girdle (and gauntlet/glove) is permanently active all the time (giant strength, dexterity, defence boosts, belt of the blade, etc, etc). Not sure how they thought having CON 18 permanently was so unbalanced but apparently having STR 19 or DEX 18 and lots of other similar benefits continuously in comparison isn't overpowered?)

Anyway thought I'd ask before looking to see if anyone might have done a '1-off' item upgrade of the ITM file for this to change it to a permanent effect... 😀

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On 12/30/2023 at 9:15 PM, Mycenius said:

...(a) with regard to the Girdle of Fortitude (in BG 2 EE) is it feasible to trigger/activate the girdle with buffing (i.e. as a long buff)...


On 12/31/2023 at 2:07 PM, morpheus562 said:

I'll take a look and it should be easy enough to add.

Hi @morpheus562 I've just noticed in last 24 hours (real time) that in my latest play through it does look like this girdle is activating via the scripts, however its doing so like Stoneskin/Iron Skins, and healing, etc, as soon as you complete a rest, rather than when buffing is initiated. So that looks good enough 🙂 - although I can see an argument both for having it initiate as a conscious buff (N or B hotkey) and/or as current behaviour (i.e. automatically as soon as able/available like stoneskin). Is this maybe a side effect of another change you made for something else or perhaps you have in fact actioned it already in a recent change (I do have a feeling we may have briefly discussed this a while ago so maybe you did consciously incorporate it into some work and have since forgotten about it)?

This is my first playthrough with your latest update v12.5 (my prior playthrough back about November was still with v12.1 and I didn't consciously notice this behaviour at that time), just FWIW.

Anyway just wanted to update you so you didn't waste time redoing something you might have already addressed.

Edited by Mycenius
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15 hours ago, morpheus562 said:

Do you have a weidu log you can post?

Yes, here you go. I must've made a mistake in the mod install order somehow, still new to modding the games.

Just noticed another thingy, Baeloth is casting haste twice for some reason when buffing


Edited by dispenseri
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14 hours ago, morpheus562 said:

No worries. Right now all focus is on the Crucible, but I'd have checked to ensure it wasn't already added. Sounds about right that I added the belt in that way since it is a really long lasting use item.

Awesome! Always appreciate all your work! Arguably the best mod overall of all the mods I've tried for BG1/BG2.

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This mod/script is not usable in BG:EE.

After I had selected a character's [Record] → [Customize] → [Script] → [Enhanced Powergaming Scripts],  the [Customize Script] menu did not respond to the [Done] confirmation at all.  The Enhanced Powergaming Script was stuck at the [Customize Script] menu and could not be selected for any character.  The only way I could exit the menu was by pressing the [ESC] key, which cancelled the selection, and the character's script remained unchanged. 

The Enhanced Powergaming Script overrode the default custom script.  That means I no longer had an option to customize the AI for any character at all, and I could only use preset scripts.

EDIT: The problem still persisted after I had uninstalled your script, but I found another way to overcome the problem.  I had to select another script first and press [Done] to accept, went back out to the character's [Record] screen, and THEN returned to [Script] to select the [Enhanced Powergaming Scripts] and press [Done] for it to be accepted.  Basically, select another script first, and then select Enhanced Powergaming Scripts. That was the only way it would take.



Edited by ktchong
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