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Baldur's Gate Install Order List Repository

Guest morpheus562

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Guest Advocate

@morpheus562 Thank you for the youtube guide, I'm following your latest WeiDU log from 2022-07-09 and cannot seem to find the mod for these two lines.

  • ~HOUSERULES\SETUP-HOUSERULES.TP2~ #0 #3 // Give Sarevok a Proper Deathbringer Kit: v1.0
  • ~HOUSERULES\SETUP-HOUSERULES.TP2~ #0 #14 // Allow Kensai to Use Bracers: v1.0

I thought they may have been part of Artemius House Rule Tweaks but the exe and TP2 file names don't match and I don't see mention of the above settings.

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Guest Adocate
1 hour ago, morpheus562 said:

Those are internal to me and not something publicly available. 

That certainly explains it! I deleted those lines from the the WeiDU log. After importing the log into Project Infinity(ver 0.10.2), Start-installation throws an error about incorrect install order, it appears to be ignoring the install sequence e.g. showing a number of mods that need to be AFTER EET, bottom right pane clearly shows EET:0 as the first item.


Project Infinity Ignoring Imported WeiDU log - Imgur

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Importing weidu.log only checks mod checkboxes, it doesn't re-arrange mod at the mod list. You have to do this by yourself or use an alternative solution: after importing weidu.log, you need to copy/export the install sequence, and uncheck all mods using 'X' button at the left-bottom, then import the install sequence again and immediately start the installation.

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Guest Advocate


Exported the install-sequence then attempted to uncheck the selected mods, Project Inifinity seems to hang indefinitely (20+min.) almost at 5GB of Mem. consumed when I force closed the task.

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Guest Morgoth
On 7/17/2022 at 9:44 PM, AL|EN said:


Importing weidu.log only checks mod checkboxes, it doesn't re-arrange mod at the mod list. 

Will the second thing be added ?

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@morpheus562 I was just looking at your EET install order. I have an old version of Bubb' Revert Pathfinding not working with 2.6.6. It seems you use a more recent version. Do you have a link ? Did you see any benefit using it ?

By the way, why putting SoD2BG2 IU so early in your install order ? (and not in the item section for example) ?

Edited by Mordekaie
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