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Want to start again, what do I need?

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10 hours ago, jastey said:

@Toad Oh, but you will not be able to use savegames from this install in a different install anyway, and you never do mod updates on a running install. Balduran's Seatower will be expanded eventually, but what is there will most probebly stay and is closed quest-wise (no lose ends). Not trying to persuade you or anything (just trying to prove you wrong muahaha - kidding).

Lure of Sirine's Call is listed as "The Lure of the Sirine's Call" (Link).

Maybe The Grey Clan would be interesting, too. It reuses the Friendly Arm's Inn areas (because it happens at the FAI) but it's a nice quest with tough battles. There is definitely less big quest mods for BG1 than there are for BG2, and the biggest is the oldest with all its flaws (DSotSC).

No, I was fully aware that applying mods to any installation usually results in non-functional save games. I have never been able to understand people who apply this mod and that, removing mods and so on. I don't want to spend my life testing. I want to spend it playing. That's why I want the largest collection of compatible mods from the beginning.

I should have checked for the "The " in front of the mod you recommended. Found it, added it to my list.

Added Seatower to my list, since you say it's closed in. At least if it changes, it shouldn't corrupt the overall installation, even if it does wipe out saved games.

Added TGC to my list on your recommendation. When I was playing before, I noted that most mod authors were working on BG2 mods, not BG1. I see that hasn't changed much, at least for the larger quest-type mods that are most interesting to me.

Thanks again!

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55 minutes ago, Toad said:

At least if it changes, it shouldn't corrupt the overall installation, even if it does wipe out saved games

I'm not sure what you mean by that. The full version of BST will have another travel point in one of the mod areas, for example. All savegames where you already entered the area will not have it because it won't be added to the area files in the savegame. Do you mean, uninstalling the current version and installing the then full version - and reinstalling all mods aftrwards like weidu works - will still give you a functioning install you can play a new game with? Even that, I am afraid, might not be the case depending on what mod updates (for other mods too) are changing. That goes for all mods, though. Personally, I would never trust an install where a mod was updated that was not the last one in install order tbh.

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I am also working on a "big" EET install. Below is the beginning of my load order and notes. This part is pretty solid (from my point of view but i am not an experienced modder).

I recommend almost all the BG1 mods included in the following list and i won't go without a GUI like LeUI.

Mods Installed in BGEE prior to EET Core


DlcMerger:1;DLC Merger - Merge "Siege of Dragonspear" DLC

BG1 Unfinished Business

(1) NtotSC and Jarl's Adventure Pack contain alternate restorations of Nim Furlwing and Svlast. For both i decide to go with BG1 UB versions (because this mod is updated more often!)

(2) BG1 NPC Sarevok's Extended Diary (by Sixofspades) is more extended than the one from BG1 UB version.

(3) Most of the non selected components have been included in the latest versions of BGEE.


0: Ice Island Level Two Restoration

11: Scar abd the Sashenstar's Daughter

12: Quoningar, the Cleric

13: Shilo Chen and the Ogre-Magi

14: Edie, the Merchant League Applicant

16: Creature Corrections

17: Creature Restorations

18: Creature Name Restorations

19: Minor Dialogue Restorations

21: Store, Tavern and Inn Fixes and Restorations - Most of it is already included in BGEE

22: Item Corrections and Restorations

29: Duke Eltan in the Harbor Master's Building

30: Nim Furlwing Encounter

32: Svlast, the Fallen Paladin Encounter

33: Mal-Kalen, the Ulcaster Ghost

34: Chapter 6 Dialogue Restorations

The Stone of Askavar

(1) From EET compatibility list: select default option during installation (despite the name it's compatible with both EET Worldmap and BP-BGT Worldmap)

0: Default version: areas connected by travel triggers

Dark Horizons for BGEE

Not selected

T'was a Slow Boat from Kara-Tur

Not selected

Tenya Thermidor

(1) Potential issues with "Garrick: Tales of a Troubadour". Not confirmed ?

(3) From Caedwyr: "..make some modifications to tone down the bowl of elemental summoning you get. There were a few issues with Sirene for some of the dialogue, but nothing game-breaking…" What modifications ?

Sirene NPC

(1) Choose a portrait for Sirene: I like [2] and [5]

(2) Don’t select Divine Champion as an alternative kit as it will be skipped during the installation because this kit is not installed.

0 - Sirene NPC for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition

2 - Cavalier

Drake NPC

(1) Option: Install Universal Crossbows, Crossbow Proficiency for Drake? [2]=No

Because Caedwyr reported potential issue with EET. Just in case i removed this component.

(2) Choose a portrait for Drake (check mod folder for portraits): [3] Original BG1 Default


Verr'Sza NPC BG1EE

EET Core

Enhanced Edition Trilogy (EET)

1: EET Core (resource importation)

Atypical Content Mods

Atypical Content Mods = "...There are some mods that don't really interact much with other mods (e.g. Ace's Alternate Soundtrack) or which are designed to only alter original game files (e.g. Improved BAMs) without worrying about modded content. Because of how WeiDU handles and preserves installation order, the earlier you can place mods like this the easier it will make any future mod updates to your installation. This is also a pretty good place for item/store mods, especially if they're stable and unlikely to be updated often. "



(1) From Bubb :"EEex can go anywhere, I'd put it right after EET."

(2) The green bar is part of the "Enable timer module" component of EEex — specifically, it's showing a contingency interval. You can uninstall the component to remove the bars.


High Quality soundclips for BG2EE extended content

Almateria's Restoration Project

(1) I use Almateria's Restoration Project V8.4a from the mod forum.

(2) Install order suggested by BWP: arestorationp -> ub -> d0questpack ?

(3) From Jastey:ARP goes early, albeit I am not sure how early so I'm no help, and the 8.4a is probably better than the current 8.4.


0 - Restored Locations

1 - Restored Characters and Dialogs

2 - Restored Sounds

3 - Restored Items

4 - Restored Wish Options

5 - Restored XP for Minor Things

6 - Lich Deril

7 - Restored Random Encounters

8 - Minor Restorations

10;arestorationp - Better Item Import

SKIPPING: [Better Item Import]. Not needed in BG2EE following patch 1.3.

11 - Restored Final Slayer Dream

12 - Alternate Slayer Change

13 - Restored Waukeen's Promenade Cutscene


UI related mods

lefreut’s enhanced UI (BG2EE Skin)

(0) For EE version 2.6, use the v4.4.4 version of this mod (or above)

(1) Not compatible with other mods which overhaul the UI such as Dragonspear UI++...

(2) From EET Readme: You can make an exception for GUI mods (including setup-EET_gui) and install them at the very end, even after setup-EET_end

(3) Installed early to be sure that it is installed before any mod that could patch the UI (EEUITweaks, SCS, Tome & Blood, Might & Guile, Shadow Magic, Deities of Faerun, or Faiths & Powers, ...).


0 - Core component

1 - BG2 vanilla bams for spells - I prefer BG2EE vanilla bams for spells

2 - BG2 vanilla fonts for descriptions


Lefreut's Enhanced UI In-game options (Graphics menu):

1° Show Sidebar toggle button

2° Show Quicksave button

3° Show Highlight button

4° Small right sidebar buttons

5° Left click on portrait to level up

6° Reverse +/- buttons position

7° Single Click to Map Travel

8° Quests in journal collapsed by default


EEUITweaks User Interface Mods Collection

(1) Reveal Hidden Gameplay Options mod and "1010 - Hidden Game Options" from EEUITweaks are not compatible => Chosse one.

(2) "2030 - Adul's Better Quick Loot" can be opened and closed via a hotkey (default: E)

(3) Select components according to the GUI installed before.


The selection below is set specifically for LeUI:

1000 - Mods Options

1010 - Hidden Game Options - OR Reveal Hidden Gameplay Options

Portait Selectors

1030 - BillyYan's Multi-Portrait Mod

For me it’s broken: impossible to select the gender, you get directly to the portrait selection screen; and the back button doesn’t work

1040 - Mr2150's Portrait Picker (Scaleable UI) - For me, not compatible with v4.4.4

1070 - Faydark's Abilities Auto-Roller/GrimLefourbe's BG2 UI

1100 - Display max proficiency limits

2000 - Transparent Sidebars

2010 - Feedback Message Box Buttons Hack

2050 - Simple Centered Dialog - I don’t like

2070 - Dee's Permanent Thieving Button - The button is inactive for me

2120 - CLUAConsole for mobile - Not really useful on a PC

3000 - Leveling Progress Bars Tweaks

5020 - lefreut's Box 5 (Dialog Box) Override - Very tiny esthetic changes

EET Tweaks 1/2 : Replace classic BG1 movies with BG:EE

4081 - Also disable BG1 movies that don't have BG:EE variants

BG:EE Classic Movies

(0) This mod restores the 'classic' movies from the original Baldur's Gate and select movies from BG2 to BGEE, SoD, and EET. It also re-enables the Beregost movie when you first travel to the area and restores a movie to the Elfsong Tavern that was cut from the original game.

(1) From K4thos EET compatibility list: install after EEUITweaks

(2) Synergy with EET:

- By default EET imports all classic BG1 movies rather than using EE variants

- EET Tweak Replace classic BG1 movies with BG:EE comes with 2 options:

4080 - Replace movies

4081 - Also disable BG1 movies that don't have BG:EE variants

- The last versions of BGEE Classic movies comes with higher quality movies than the classic

=> It’s almost irrelevant to install "1 - Add missing movies" or "3 - BG1 Chapter and Dream Screens" if you don't install first the component from EET Tweak that replaces classic BG1 movies with BG:EE ones.


0 - Replace all movies

1 - Add missing movies

2 - Show all movies in options without need to unlock them in game

3 - Restore BG1 Chapter and Dream Screens

Bubb's Spell Menu Extended

From Forum Bubb's Spell Menu Extended

(1) From the author: "The only requirement is that you put it after EEex and UI bases, (like EET, LeUI, Dragonspear UI++)"

(2) From the author :"I've released v4.2 which adds options to disable the control bar / search bar. The level indicator is too fundamental to the menu to remove..."

Early mods


(0) UB has also its own version of Restored Bhaalspawn Powers

(1) The Picture Standard also proposes portraits for Bodhi, Abazigal...

0 - Rewritten Final Chapter of Throne of Bhaal

10 - Balthazar can be redeemed

20 - Improved Sarevok-Player Interactions

30 - Improved Imoen-Player Interactions in Throne of Bhaal

40 - Restored Bhaalspawn Powers - Or the one from UB

50 - Improved Slayer Transformation

Expanded Epilogues for Bioware NPCs

60 - David Gaider's expanded epilogues for Bioware NPCs

61 - Alternate epilogues by Shawne

1000 - Tougher Abazigal

1100 - Tougher Balthazar

1200 - Tougher Demogorgon

1300 - Tougher Gromnir

1400 - Tougher Illasera

1500 - Tougher Yaga-Shura

2000 - Full-body portrait for Bodhi - (1) Or Picture Standard

2100 - Alternate Balthazar portrait, by Cuv

2200 - Extended Epilogues for additional Beamdog NPCs, by shawne

2300 - Sharper portraits of Abazigal and Gromnir for the EES… - (1) Idem

2400 - Slightly improved cutscenes, by DavidW

Quest mods with BG1 and/or SoD content

Dark Side of the Sword Coast (version of NtotSC for EET)

0: Dark Side of the Sword Coast (DSotSC)

1: DSotSC Wizard spells

2: DSotSC Priest spells

3: More common encounters in vanilla areas

4: Distribute DSotSC items also in vanilla content -

Northern Tales of the Sword Coast

0: Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (NTotSC) for BGT-WeiDu, BG:EE, and EET

1: Spawn Less Monsters Depending on Game Difficulty

2: Keelor the Dwarf

3: Lindellyn's Lucky Arrow

4 - Nim Furlwing's Hunting Hounds - Or BG1 UB

5: Pilar and Gheldehar

6: Svlast's Tornment - Or BG1 UB
7 - Will O'Hara NPC

8 - Will O'Hara: Install English Soundset

9: Fighting Encounters

The Grey Clan Episode 1

0 - Normal edition

BG1 Mini Quests & Encounters

0: Slime Quest

1: Beregost Family Quest

2: Babysitting Quest, including the Carnival Encounter

3: Nashkel Monster Quest

4: Fallen Paladin Quest

5: Undying Love Quest

6: Lovesick Half-Orc

7: Unexpected Help Quest

8: Many Little Paws

9: Drunk near Beregost Temple

10: A Warm Place for Noober

11: Brage's Sword

12: Legal Sea Charts Sources

13: Additions to the Lady's Hall and the Bitch Queen's Temple

14: A Worried Farmer

15: Bodies for a Good Cause

Ascalon's Questpack

(1) For compatibility with Glam's NPC Pack, install the "Beregost" install choice for the component "Of Wolves and Men".

1: A Job Well-Paid

2: A Feast for the Gnolls

3: Jumper

4: The Lost Son

5: Of Wolves and Men

6: The Great Carlini

7: A Home for the Gibberlings

8: Fangirls

9: The Serpents of Abbathor

10: A Halfling among the Eyeless Who will help Mrs Lawner to find her missing son?

BS Balduran Seatower

0 - The BS Company presents Balduran's Seatower

The Lure of Sirine's Call

(0) Install before Brandock for the crossmod

0: The Lure of the Sirine's Call

1: Extended Lighthouse area

Endless BG1

0: Endless BG1: Main Component

1: More Flavor to Hero of Baldur's Gate (includes PC's Residence inside Palace)

2: Short Public Hero Tribute

3: Sarevok's Unique Items

4: Sarevok's Sword

5: Imoen and Duke Jannath (Imoen gets Residence inside Palace)

6: Duke Eltan is in the Palace - compatible with bg1re's "Scar's Return" ?

7: Flaming Fist Healer come into Undercity Temple

8: Elminster makes an Appearance (jastey's version)

10: First Refugees come to Baldur's Gate

11: Ophyllis the Treasurer is inside Palace Dungeon

12: Denkod in Thieves Guild comments on Sarevok's Death

13. Skip Thieves Maze once after Sarevok's Death

14 Korlasz' Dungeon is in BG1

15 Fenster the Palace Healer Is in the Palace

16 Captain Corwin Is in the Palace

BG1 Romantic Encounters

100: Main Component: Teen version and Skip Components with Warnings

2: Scar's Spare Time

6: Duke Eltan's Spare Minute

9: Bartus' Seduction

14: No Regrets

17: Late Night with Jaheira

18: Sil's Blessing

19: Melicamp; The Poultry Boy

22: Mourning of Centeol

25: The Great Zudini

26: The Messenger

27: Ender Sai

28: The Novelists

29: The Honest Liest of Two Riversides

30: Necromancer's Trouble

31: Dinner with Talanthyr

32: Girdle of Gender Reactions

34: All That Left Was

35: A Childhood friend

41: The Messenger 2: Rain or Snow or Gloom of Night

42: Camryn and Tamah

43: Minor Disclosures

44: Cloakwood Lovers

Extra Expanded Enhanced Encounters


(1) From @Graion Dilach:The Xan's New Grove component provides a fair amount of specialized gear for Xan which I have not prepared with BG2 Xan mods and I am not sure if they work together. Since this was a mod which I added the EET compatibility, this issue didn't came up in the original version before I started maintaining it. I don't really play with BG2 Xan mods myself to know how much would those mods act on if I'd give their Xan additional stuff and I can't even promise that if the player somehow pass over these additional gear to BG2 (via stripping Xan off in BG1 at one point, stashing away these new items in a container then returning to it after irenicus's dungeon) then the gear would be compatible with the BG2 Xan counterparts.

0: Melia Quicknight, Crossroads

1: Bimmy's Badgering Bandits

2: Reinforced Gnoll Stronghold

3: Bear Encounter near the Gnoll Stronghold

4: Xan's New Grove (new items in Mulahey's cave)

5: Daenni's Bridge Bandits

6: The Fire Drake in the Wyvern Cave

7: Undercity Magma Bulwark Encounter; Red Skeleton-(U.M.B.E.R.S.)

Shades of the Sword Coast

0 - Shades of the Sword Coast - Expansion Pack for BGEE

EET Quests with BG2 and/or ToB content

BG2 Unfinished Business

(1) It comes with some additional components Kalah :Andyr's Kalah expansion component for Unfinished Business

(2) From @Cahir :

"0: The Kidnapping of Boo by Cliffette" - logical incompatibility with Minsc Friendship ?

"3: "Cat and Mouse" (Bodhi hunts you in Spellhold) by Ghreyfain" -> According to BWP Guide it's for experienced players. I fear that with SCS installed this could prove too much.

"20: Extended ToB Item Descriptions" -> from Cahir: according to BWP Guide it's not needed with Item Revistions installed, because most of those restorations are covered by IR.

"24: Sarevok's Remorse" -> according to BWP Guide it's not compatible with Ascension

0 - The Kidnapping of Boo by Cliffette
1 - The Suna Seni/Valygar Relationship
2 - Kalah and What He Was Promised

3 - "Cat and Mouse" (Bodhi hunts you in Spellhold) by Ghreyfain

According to BWP Guide it's for experienced players.
4 - Gorje Hilldark and the Extended Illithium Quest
5 - The Pai'Na/Spider's Bane Quest
6 - Restored Crooked Crane Inn
7 - Restored Encounters
8 - Artemis Entreri in Bodhi's Lair

It has now been split into an optional component as some people would prefer Artemis to stay out of the game. Furtheremore, there are other mods that restore this scenario. ????

9 - Corrected "Xzar's Creations"
10 - Restored Hell Minions, by SimDing0
12 - Item Restorations
13 - Yoshimo's Original Portrait
14 - Anomen's Original Portrait
15 - NPC Portrait Restorations

This component restores the portraits to the various NPCs found throughout the game. Specifically, character portraits have now been restored to Coran, Safana, Faldorn, Garrick, Xzar, Tiax, and Quayle.

17 - Corrected Character Names and Biographies
18 - Restored Minor Dialogs
19 - Restored Bhaalspawn Powers, by David Gaider
Or Ascension version of it
20 - Extended ToB Item Descriptions

According to BWP and IR it's not needed with Item Revistions installed, because most of those restorations are covered by IR. Is it confirmed ?

21 - Throne of Bhaal Minor Restorations
22 - Justifier Kit
23 - Feralan Kit
24 - Sarevok's Remorse
- This is also one facet of the upcoming Sarevok Relationship mod

- According to BWP Guide it's not compatible with Ascension ?

25 - The Murder of Acton Balthis, by Kulyo

0 - Andyr's Kalah expansion component for Unfinished Business

\ub-v28\ub\kalah\kalah.tp2 (in the same folder with setup_kalah_what_he_was_promised.tpa)


Edited by Mordekaie
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1 hour ago, Mordekaie said:

6: Duke Eltan is in the Palace - compatible with bg1re's "Scar's Return" ?

Yes, if installed in that order like you have it (bg1re after EndlessBG1).

bgqe has a 17. (in your list 16.) component - not sure whether you want to leave it out or missed it: "Finish Cordyr's Quest without killing Sil, by Lumorus".


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35 minutes ago, jastey said:

Yes, if installed in that order like you have it (bg1re after EndlessBG1).

bgqe has a 17. (in your list 16.) component - not sure whether you want to leave it out or missed it: "Finish Cordyr's Quest without killing Sil, by Lumorus".


I just checked, this component is part of my install order. Thanks !

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9 hours ago, jastey said:

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

I mean the same thing you do, i.e. that if you install, uninstall, or otherwise change the overall package, you should expect any save games to be non-functional. Yes, there are caveats and exceptions, like if you add a mod and the save game hasn't gotten to that area, it MAY still work. I'd rather assume that it won't. Don't take the risk and you won't be disappointed.

Again, it's why I want to add as much as possible, because I hate the idea of finding out about some super colossal mod that I want, but I'm right in the middle of a game I've been playing for a month or two.

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9 hours ago, Mordekaie said:

I am also working on a "big" EET install. Below is the beginning of my load order and notes. This part is pretty solid (from my point of view but i am not an experienced modder).

I like your list, especially since Jastey apparently thinks it is correct. I wish I understood all of what appear to be comments, but I gather that if it doesn't have a strikethrough, you are installing it.

There are things I'm not interested in, but I think I'll use yours as a beginning for my own install.

I would like to know why you struck through

Dark Horizons for 

T'was a Slow Boat from Kara-Tur

Are there conflicts I should be aware of, or do you just not like the content?


Edited by Toad
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3 hours ago, Toad said:

since Jastey apparently thinks it is correct

Please keep in mind that all i can judge is my own mods and quest/npc stuff. I have no idea where to place some of the ui, rebalancing and tweak mods (except for a general "ui overhaul soon, tweaks late").

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7 hours ago, jastey said:

Please keep in mind that all i can judge is my own mods and quest/npc stuff. I have no idea where to place some of the ui, rebalancing and tweak mods (except for a general "ui overhaul soon, tweaks late").

Unless I want to spend the rest of my life tinkering with the load order, I have to accept whatever opinions there are, and especially from those with more experience. Even "UI soon, tweaks late" is useful when setting up the initial order of application. (It's pretty obvious that a tweak has to be installed after the thing being tweaked.) I am fully aware that I need to read whatever documentation there is on each mod as well as reasonably informed opinions, make the best decision I can, test the result, and modify from there.


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12 hours ago, Toad said:

I like your list, especially since Jastey apparently thinks it is correct. I wish I understood all of what appear to be comments, but I gather that if it doesn't have a strikethrough, you are installing it.

There are things I'm not interested in, but I think I'll use yours as a beginning for my own install.

I would like to know why you struck through

Dark Horizons for 

T'was a Slow Boat from Kara-Tur

Are there conflicts I should be aware of, or do you just not like the content?


I haven't been playing both of them so i have no personal opinion about those two. I went into the forums to look for feedbacks... Dark Horizon is a megamod from the old schooll. I was quite tempted by T'was a Slow Boat from Kara-Tur but maybe lacks some "polish"...

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