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Morpheus562's Kitpack

Guest morpheus562

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No, not really. This is just how the game engine works. (Kjeron's mod erases your first kit when you dual from kit to kit, just as becoming an Archmage would erase your specialist kit. There's simply no way to avoid it.)

Well, the only way would be to implement the Archmage not as a kit, but as a separate characteristic applied on top of your kit. This is what I do with paladins in the latest version of Faiths & Powers: your kit decides which deity you follow, and then we have three archetypes for what kind of paladin abilities you get on top of that. It's working... but it's pretty annoying to make it work. Not sure if it makes sense for something like this.

EDIT - ninja'd!

Edited by subtledoctor
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7 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

You mean an "evil" paladin kit ;). I'm gonna mull that over because I can see it too.

Yeah precisely. They are easy to make nowadays, and it would be nice for more evil paladin options than just the janky Blackguard. (I still think of fighters as guys without magic, and paladins - of any alignment - as fighters with access to some magical powers. That said, I did just make a Samurai kit with some pseudo-magical powers...)

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I'm installing the kitpack (version 1.1) on BGEE, and I get some weird behaviour. When Weidu got to the Rashemaar Berserker kit, I chose to assign the kit to Minsc, and it seemed to do that, but then after it says "SKIPPING: [Install Rashemaar Berserker Kit] Component required BG: EE, BGII: EE, IWDEE, or EET.

Which is weird, both because it already installed it, as well as the fact that I'm installing it on BG: EE? When I get to actually playing, I'll grab Minsc and see if it actually updated him or not. It also auto skipped the other prestige classes like Archmage, even though it also lists BG: EE as an option. But of course, you won't normally get to the required level before BG2, so I could see why it isn't included? 

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A Final Fantasy flavored Dragoon? Now I know what I'm trying in my next game. If it had some sort of connection to dragons somehow it'd be golden.

A minor doubt I have about the Deathbringer and Archmage kits. I might be wrong, but I remember reading somewhere that when importing a savefile/character between games, one should install the same kits in the same order in both installations (something about kits IDs at the time of installation?). If true, wouldn't those kits being BG2 only cause problems for non-EET playthroughs?


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