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[MOD] Dark Tidings - a quest mod for BG2

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26 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

Weird, I just installed v1.4 on my Mac a couple days ago. (Might be to do with using an older OS?)

Thanks for your feedback, that's good to know. The problem was that due to some backslashes in the setup.tp2 the tool iconv did not start properly to convert the tra files for UTF-8. This could cause the game to crash on macOS. I hope you don't run into this, but it would be safer to install the latest version.

27 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

At any rate cheers, we minority appreciate you supporting us!

With joy!

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Giving this a try, currently at the first map and it looks impressive already.

Your Protection from Poison scroll (AC#SCRL2) has the frames reversed and the extended header icon (when using it in inventory) is that of Protection from Fire.


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8 minutes ago, Daulmakan said:

Your Protection from Poison scroll (AC#SCRL2) has the frames reversed and the extended header icon (when using it in inventory) is that of Protection from Fire.

Oh, shame.🙄 I'll fix that for the next update, thanks!

9 minutes ago, Daulmakan said:

Giving this a try, currently at the first map and it looks impressive already.

Thank you!

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2 minutes ago, RoyalProtector said:

There seems to be a small graphical issue next to Black Molly. I edited the picture so the issue can be seen more clearly, but it's fairly easy to spot

Yes, this is unfortunately a known issue with doors in the Enhanced Edition, as the graphics are no longer present as tiles, but as compressed pvrz files. I tried for a long time to overcome these glitches, but unfortunately there is no way to avoid them completely. It is caused by the character of the graphics rendering. There have been suggestions in other threads on how to fix these glitches, but it will take a while to figure out a good solution for all my areas. The only good news is that it only affects closed doors; once the doors are open the graphics will look correct.

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4 minutes ago, RoyalProtector said:

Hopefully some clever cookie will untangle this problem at some point

Yes, there is a very recent approach to fixing these glitches, but I haven't been able to take a look at it yet because I'm busy finalising my next mod. Here is the relevant post:


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2 hours ago, fantasy.disconnects said:

The creatures from this mod didn't get patched by SCS so they all have their original AI.

Yes, that is correct. SCS does not (yet) affect the mod.

2 hours ago, fantasy.disconnects said:

Also, the bowl of water elemental control summons the elemental, but it's permanently neutral and also falls unconscious hahah.

This is a weird bug that could indeed be related to the script being affected by another mod. Thanks for reporting!

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That's awesome! Thank you very much!
I will update the mod with the French version  - along with the Polish translation made by Aristo, and proofread by @Roberciiik - as soon as possible! I'm currently busy preparing another mod announcement, but as soon as that's done I'll update Dark Tidings.

Many thanks to you dedicated translators!

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Great! Thank you very much! I will update the mod with all new translations as soon as I have released my Call of the Lost Goddess mod. That will most likely happen within the next two weeks.

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