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Adding new NPC mods after EET install

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After so many misfires, I finally got EET working with all my chosen mods.  I'm already well into BG1, but I realized that I did not install the "BG2 NPCs in BG1 mod", which I really would like to add. 

Would it simply be a matter of uninstalling EET_End, installing the NPC mod, and reinstalling EET_End again?  Or would I have to uninstall all the mods I installed after the NPC mods in my original installation first, and then reinstall them afterwards?  I'm worried I'll screw up the whole thing if I choose the faster option, but uninstalling/reinstalling so many prior mods is going to take forever.  Any help would really be appreciated--thanks in advance!

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If the mod in question and your other mods allow to install it last, then doing what you suggested - uninstalling EET_End, install the mod, reinstall EET_End would be possible and you would be able to continue your save (as long you didn't reach areas in your save the mods makes changes to).

Possible problems could be: the mod introduces items that will not be tweaked by kit or tweak mods; the mod has a dependency to another mod you installed where it is supposed to go earlier, there is another mod that needs to be installed after the mod you want to add, etc.

That said, I never heard of an "BG2 NPCs in BG1 mod". Which one would that be?


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Thanks for the reply.  The mod is found here:  https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/82463/mod-bg1-npcs-for-soa-tob

It basically allows BG1 companions to continue into BG2, and also introduces new quests and banters.  To my knowledge, it doesn't affect anything like stats, items, or kits at all.  It allows you to "find" your old companions in various locations in SoA and gives them new dialogues, banters, and quests.  I've grown pretty attached to some of the BG1 companions and want to continue with them if possible, and I'm kicking myself that I missed it in my original install.

Based on what you've told me, it seems that installing the mod will be okay.  I'm still in BG1, so I haven't encountered anything that the mod would affect yet.  And again there are no changes to kits, stats, or anything like that.  I'm just worried that installing an NPC mod this late in the install order will ruin EET unless I go through the arduous task of removing mods in my list, especially since typically NPCs are really early in the install order.    My EET install with SCS and all the other goodies was a hairpulling experience that I definitely don't want to repeat if I can help it.  


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Would you perhaps recommend uninstalling all tweak packs (EET Tweaks, Tweaks Anthology - the last mods in my install order), then installing the NPC mod, reinstalling the tweak packs, then EET?  I mostly just want to avoid having to reinstall SCS, since that was the mod I installed just before the tweak packs.  Getting SCS to install properly was a nightmare I'd rather not repeat!

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8 minutes ago, Holden said:

Would you perhaps recommend uninstalling all tweak packs (EET Tweaks, Tweaks Anthology - the last mods in my install order), then installing the NPC mod, reinstalling the tweak packs,

No. Chances that this will scramble your save is too high.

I would try to install it like you said, only deinstall EET_End, install the mod, then reinstall EET_End. Maybe @Austin could also give a recommendation. It would be helpful if you would post the contents of your weidu.log to see what you have installed.

And ah, BG1 NPCs in BGII (SoA&ToB) mod, yes, I know that one.^^

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That mod adds a bunch of quest content so installing it after SCS and tweaks might cause issues? More pertinently, do you have overlapping NPC mods installed? The mod you are interested in searches to see if you have installed eg jastey's Ajantis mod or Lava's Quayle mod to avoid creating two copies of the same character.

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Just now, megrimlock said:

so installing it after SCS and tweaks might cause issues?

I think the main issue would be characters added by the mod not using SCS's improved scripts and items not patched to be useable by new kits and things like that.

For what you wrote the install sequence would be ok, since the other stand alone NPC mods would be detected.

But like I said, if we see the weidu.log and maybe Austin can have a look himself.

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18 hours ago, jastey said:

I think the main issue would be characters added by the mod not using SCS's improved scripts and items not patched to be useable by new kits and things like that.

For what you wrote the install sequence would be ok, since the other stand alone NPC mods would be detected.

Jastey wrote everything correctly.  For my part, I see no reason for any other problems due to the installation order in this case (if EET-End is then installed on top again)

Edited by Austin
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Sorry, I'm confused.  So if I do the short method, I can still use the mod but items and enemies in quests won't be subject to tweaks or SCS?  Or should I uninstall everything up to the npc mods and then reinstall everything after?  And if I do that, I'd probably have to start a new game, correct?  

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If you want to put BG1NPCs for SoA&ToB into the "NPC mod" section you best start with a fresh install and start a new game, yes.

If you want to risk putting it right before EET_End to keep your current game, items from the mod will not be tweaked. Meaning, maybe a weapon can't be used by an NPC although you installed a kit that would allow them to, maybe you have a tweak that makes bags of holding bottomless but if there comes one with the mod it will have the usual limit, etc.

But it should work, all in all. - There is always a risk, but then, modding the game always come with the risk of encountering issues.


-There is one thing though that could be a problem. Usually, changes to teh worldmap will not show in a running game. @Austin does BG1NPCs in SoA&ToB add areas to the EET worldmap?

- If yes, then I'd not add the mod to a running game.

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