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Morpheus562's Mods Removed?

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26 minutes ago, Delior said:

I don't think you were on Discord yet, and that's where most of what I described played out. This was months ago - I am not sure what happened in the interim, but Cam is unlikely to spell out everything that happened privately (rightly so). 

If it was months ago, was this about Made in Heaven Quests and Encounters versus Tactics Remix? Because that did spill into the forums. Very much so.

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42 minutes ago, megrimlock said:

If it was months ago, was this about Made in Heaven Quests and Encounters versus Tactics Remix? Because that did spill into the forums. Very much so.

Yes, that is what I was referring to, as well as disputes over translations of some of Morpheus's mods. 

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Guest Thetruthisoutthere

who made the decision? Him or Camdawg banned him? Because Morpheus came, had a clash with at least three modders (three that i am aware of) made them leave the community then now if he leaves on his own it would be genius stuff

He made graion leave that was a shit exchange

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58 minutes ago, Guest Thetruthisoutthere said:

who made the decision? Him or Camdawg banned him? Because Morpheus came, had a clash with at least three modders (three that i am aware of) made them leave the community then now if he leaves on his own it would be genius stuff

He made graion leave that was a shit exchange

I don't ever recall Cam banning someone, on the contrary, he's extremely tolerant (which might be good or bad, depending on your preference).

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3 hours ago, Guest Thetruthisoutthere said:

who made the decision? Him or Camdawg banned him? Because Morpheus came, had a clash with at least three modders (three that i am aware of) made them leave the community then now if he leaves on his own it would be genius stuff

He made graion leave that was a shit exchange

No one made anyone leave. Morpheus said things that irked people enough that they chose to leave. Now, Morpheus has become irked enough to choose to leave. All of these decisions were voluntarily made by the community members, not the admins.  

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Guest Graion@Work


I was notified of the recent events and I'd only like to clarify some of the statements discussed to prevent misconceptions, provide some final closure and some further context on my part.

In my case, the moment stuff started going sour was months before the event already cited in this topic. During the discussions regarding the state of the Wiki last August (where the admins preferring to proliferate BG3 content added to the wiki over cleaning it up against Roxanne's legacy/PPE/stuff) it was discovered that Tactics Remix's wiki page was an 1:1 copy of the readme back then. His response to that - besides the takedown request of course - was to add a paragraph into Tactics Remix's readme to harass the Wiki custodians, updating it on-the-go as became aware of additional people. This block thankfully was dropped before it managed to reach a tagged release, but only after I failed to explain to him why this doesn't help his case. I've told him back then the act was beyond my values and I'd like to drop my cooperation with him. That's why my install order disappeared from his collection around September.

Additionally, the reason I left is due to a single post where he cites one of my previous project's assessment as a justification to his views on me. It is true that such an assessment was written. However, that statement was adjusted after I pointed out to the person who wrote those words that it can be interpreted as a very heavy accusation with a mental disorder and he immediately realized how much he overstepped the line with his original wording. (His intended point was - which I cannot argue with - that I can be perceived as inconsistent because I'm willing to put aside my view on people in favor of a particular topic regardless how drastic that view would be. This is fair and something I was also criticized on these boards as well already. My then-manager forced me to work on this trait of mine back around 2020-21, but I still have a lot to improve on this front.)

I can't tell if he intentionally aimed to cut me as deeply as possible or just looked for a reason to justify his views for himself and accidentally managed to resurface one of my deepest cuts, but the end result ended up the same. I just couldn't stay here with that post up. I've lost a job offer a decade ago only due to a recruiter citing similarly negative perceptions and I knew I had to distance myself away from that post as far as possible to prevent the reoccurance of that event.

I'd also point out that both of these events happened while he was a G3 affiliate. He was speaking under the G3 umbrella and his views were basically endorsed by inaction. I knew from our discussion regarding the Wiki fiasco that it's impossible for me to get him understand how deeply his citation hurt me without an arbiter but I didn't really knew whom to trust with this. I also felt that if I'd publicly argue forward, I'd just counterproductively justify him at keeping it up.

So excluding a few isolated cases, I picked up radio silence after that particular post. During the situation in the TGP thread, I PMed Cam about a brief summary of my status to provide some additional context.

On Day 45 after The Post, I decided to take some action and used the "Report the moderation" feature detailing all the above to attempt blackmailing the moderation team into a takedown by Day 90. (In hindsight, this was too desperate, and turned out wrong and stupid with me jumping into a hyperbole. I'm not proud of it, I'd like to apologize for that attempt, however I fully understand that noone who seen that text would treat me respectfully after that. I'm fully aware that such an attempt brought me down to his level if not beyond and in fact pulling that off is why I'm too shameful to consider returning.)

I received an acknowledgment of the message long days later and on Day 90, I gave up on all this and did close my G3 PRs and prepared to leave the scene. I didn't felt I can maintain an image strong enough to counterprove this assessment incase it'd surface up without context while I already compromised my own integrity with being a massive jerk behind the curtains. (I did put my account under termination. I don't know if that has been processed yet.)

With the thread being closed after most of his posts removed from it prior excluding the assessment which scared me off, I think my case is closed by now. I understand integrity is a core value at G3 and that is a justification to leave it there. (Especially after my hyperbole reaction.)

Again, I was frustrated, desperate and that brought out the worst of me and I'd apologize for that. I can't simply look past what I've done two-three months ago and I can fully understand why people would point towards that for a bleaker light. I'm sorry for my behaviour back then.

I just couldn't really explain that I was open for mediation and didn't really knew how to present my case in a way which wouldn't prevent undermining it. I did feel the endorsement-by-inaction back then encouraged him to go on further and discouraged me to attempt fighting it. (And due to this, I kinda do disagree with Delior here... while my leave was voluntary, the responsibility might not be such clean-cut.)

As we all know by now, it was all for naught, ultimately.

I'm also sad about last week's events. While I did expect this to happen sooner-or-later, since his headfirst mindset combined with him never doing any retrospectives implied to me that he'd pull this off the moment he gets into a conflict against someone who has more influence upon G3, I estimated that such an event wouldn't happen before next year at least due to the board's overall leniency. (I mean, he did made implicit threats regularly that he'd drop the ball when modding "stops being fun", whatever that meant to him.)

What really sucks to me is that Wes's legacy is used for and cheapened by all this.

C'est la vie.

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Adjusting jastey's signature:


Alignment system in IE modding: Reporting bugs - LG. Telling on Discord a mod is buggy - CE.



Alignment system in IE modding:
Reporting bugs on the forum - LG.
Self quoting posts from 13 years ago on another forum, in discord - NG
Posting a lot on the forum and then to be never heard again - CG

Forgetting what happened 20 post ago in Discord - LN
Not participating in Discord - TN
Truly being an %%#¤& from time to time, basically trolling - CN

Killing the player character if your party member is installed but not in party - LE
Telling on Discord a mod is buggy - CE.


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Graion, we barely interacted, but I commend your capacity for self-reflection even in such painful circumstances. That's how you make progress; I would award you XP if I could. :)

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5 hours ago, Guest Graion@Work said:

 I've lost a job offer a decade ago only due to a recruiter citing similarly negative perceptions and I knew I had to distance myself away from that post as far as possible to prevent the reoccurance of that event.

This seems like a perfectly valid reason to leave a forum.

5 hours ago, Guest Graion@Work said:

is why I'm too shameful to consider returning.)

This, however, is not, and suggests to me you'd like to return (provided people "agreed" or some such). I can assure you, people don't/won't care. Have you actually seen the more inflammatory threads in the IE forums? Even modding legends and seemingly pals have thrown barbs at each other or worse and no one thinks any less of them for that, nor their work. If openly useless trolls aren't banned (not trying to critique the site's policy at all, just making a point), what makes you think you're somehow unworthy of posting  in a modding forum of a 24-year old game, after having contributed to the modding scene, even.

So, TLDR, if you're looking for the universe to give you a sign that you can return, this is it.

If not, 🖖.

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1 hour ago, Daulmakan said:

suggests to me you'd like to return (provided people "agreed" or some such). I can assure you, people don't/won't care. Have you actually seen the more inflammatory threads in the IE forums? Even modding legends and seemingly pals have thrown barbs at each other or worse and no one thinks any less of them for that, nor their work. If openly useless trolls aren't banned (not trying to critique the site's policy at all, just making a point), what makes you think you're somehow unworthy of posting  in a modding forum of a 24-year old game

I second this. Well put.

1 hour ago, lynx said:

I commend your capacity for self-reflection even in such painful circumstances.

That, too.

To me, it's not a heated reaction in a dispute (unless you stab someone, obviously). It's about how you react afterwards, with regard to self-refelection and reaction if confronted with criticism.

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46 minutes ago, Morgoth said:

Personally I care that he returns. But that's me. 

You mean you don't want him to return?

I meant don't care as in about him having said regrettable stuff in the past.

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