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Hey folks,


The IESDP has just been updated, with the recent (and not so recent) findings.

However, I usually forget to include something, or add it incorrectly.


If you find anything I've missed, or spot an error, post it here and I'll make a note of it.

I'm also (finally) fixing the bad links and I'm even going to make a start on the terrible grammer featured on some pages.

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CHR header quick slot masks (weapons 4x2 and qitems 3x2).


ARE animations, use self-lighting or not = colored by LUM map or not


BG2 effects, "NB. This effect will cancel out the slow opcode." + and vice-versa.


#18 heal -> type 2 can only increase HP


#78 disease -> type 3 "restore 1HP" to "cause 1HP"


#105 gold -> can only ever remove gold?


#132 Raise Strength, Constitution, & Dexterity -> finally rename Draw Upon Holy Might, prettyprettyplease?


#176 move mod2 -> I think the "Not affected by Free Action" was my speculation, not fact; based on what Avenger said about FA, it doesn't really jive (and since I couldn't confirm that FA does anything at all, couldn't really test).


#182 Apply effect item -> doesn't work, but it's known what it should do if it did (regardless of however they were supposed to specify 2 resrefs).


#194 Ignore dlg pause -> dialogue must be non-pausing (obviously); all dialogues "pause" PC action.


#196 Familiar -> CRE doesn't have to be in the GAM, but weird things happen if it isn't (Find Familiar will be prevented/allowed depending on what the game happens to have in memory at the time).


#198 Bounce effect -> Avenger said crash if tries to bounce back and forth (two creatures with same effect reflected)?


#234 Create contingency -> first/low word is #spells, second/upper word is type.


#283 Use EFF curse -> not sure "only removed" by remove curse opcode; probably could be dispelled with right effect settings, no? Just "can be" removed by remove curse eff?


#306 Main hand THAC0 -> tested. Works.


BG2 script actions 113+ have bad format.


#277 EscapeAreaObject() -> tells the calling actor to EscapeArea(), heading toward the specified object (may disappear sooner as per normal EscapeArea() behavior, but always walks off in the right direction).

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#105 gold - yeah, we found no way to add gold with this


#132 - why don't you like the technical name? who knows what 'draw upon holy might' do? It is an extra dereference :) I would add, however that the spell called 'duhm' is employing this effect.


#198 - yeah, this happens


#283 - could be dispelled, or removed by school, etc. If those are properly enabled. This is simply an additional possibility to use remove curse.

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#132 - why don't you like the technical name? who knows what 'draw upon holy might' do? It is an extra dereference  I would add, however that the spell called 'duhm' is employing this effect.
Give. Me. A. Break. :) The effect description is not a technical name. "Turn feet circle yellow and cause target to run around" is not the technical name for panic, so why so for draw upon holy might?


Why negative chant and not "AC & THAC0 penalty (non-cumulative)" or not "Bonus to Saving Throws, THAC0, & HP (non-cumulative)" instead of aid?

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I still don't know what bonuses aid/prayer/bless etc give.
That's why the effects have descriptions.


Panic is ok, though i would name it morale failure. Or morale break, whatever.
Excepting that panic and true morale failure are very different.
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In BG1, Panic is caused by Horror or some other artificial way and displays 'Panic', while Morale Failure: Panic is related with the creature's relevant stats and can occur e.g. when the creature has low HP or lots of its companions are killed.


#132 Raise Strength, Constitution, & Dexterity -> finally rename Draw Upon Holy Might, prettyprettyplease?

I'm not an expert in the question of effects, but I think Draw Upon Holy Might means the lighting effect* & the colour changes as well, while #132 is purely the stats change, so in this concrete case I'm definitely with Avenger.


*At least I also imagine the holy light as well. (Practically the Spell.) Most if not all modders know that the lighting effect is produced by the spell and not by this effect, and that the colour changes are via Change Colour RGB (or something like this), but I still believe that the explicit version would be better for the title of this effect.

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No wonder, as my previous post is slightly misunderstandable. I'll try to clarify it again.


I meant that "Draw Upon Holy Might" is a much less suitable name for the effect than its current one, because the expression "Draw Upon Holy Might" reminds to the whole spell (which consists of more effects than just the stats change). Consequently, using the explicit name for the effect is not an overkill here IMO.

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