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Problems installing BG1 NPC project on EasyTuTu


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Hi All!


I've installed the latest version of EasyTuTu and Tututweaks ver. 19 (I think). Trying to install BG1 NPC project usually don't give me problems, but this time when it's unpacked to the Tutu directory, and the autoexecutor is starting. It gives me the "wrong command or filename" message. It creates a setup file, wich I try to run then and it comes with a message telling me that it has been installed wrongly or some such.


Now I never experienced troubles before with BG1 NPC project, can it be due to EasyTuTu? Or is it a known bug?

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You are most probably downloading/extracting BG1NPC in the wrong folder. Easy TUTU creates its own one, so putting BG1NPC into BG2 main as for TUTU vanilla will give you an error. please, check Easy TUTU ReadMe/webpage for details :)

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I think Cmorgan plays on Easy TUTU, including the newest. Maybe try redownloading, checking that it's not something silly like Mac version/incomplete dl, and if it's not working page MacReady/Cmorgan? It is not something I can remember hearing about.

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Hello -


I've installed the latest version of EasyTuTu and Tututweaks ver. 19 (I think). Trying to install BG1 NPC project usually don't give me problems, but this time when it's unpacked to the Tutu directory, and the autoexecutor is starting. It gives me the "wrong command or filename" message. It creates a setup file, wich I try to run then and it comes with a message telling me that it has been installed wrongly or some such.


Now I never experienced troubles before with BG1 NPC project, can it be due to EasyTuTu? Or is it a known bug?


The latest version of EasyTutu really doesn't change anything that would result in installation problems for BG1NPC -- it was mostly released to address a crash bug for no-TotSC people. When the rest of the journal work is done and a whole mess of dialogs have been edited, then I will sweat a little bit. :)


What version of BG1NPC are you installing (v11, or a v12 alpha)? And what is the exact message you get when you manually execute the BG1NPC setup program?


As an aside, it would be better practice to install BG1NPC prior to Tweaks.

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It says:

"press any key to install BG1 NPC Project"


"wrong command or filename"

and then nothing...


Returning to the Tutu dir.

pressing the new setup file it says:

"** ERROR ** [setup-~6.tp2] not found.

Make sure that you have unpacked the archive correctly and that you are not trying to run this file from inside an archive. [c:\programmer\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate TuTu\setup-~6.exe] Using scripting style "BG"


I've DLed the BG1 NPC Project ver 11 again (not using mac version :) )nothing seems to work. The only difference from last time is the newer version of EasyTuTu. I allways have installed BG1 Npc last

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I can confirm that the latest version of EasyTutu is stable and clear of conflicts with every alpha version of v12 floating through playtest-land; I use it as the testing platform (if fact, I throw strange things at it for fun, just to see if I can mess it up with combinations like SCS/BG1NPC/NPCmods in different orders, etc. Kind of like throwing paint into a jet engine, only more fun and less messy :)). I will not be able to check today (big list of stuff to follow up on today), but can try a troubleshooting install of v11 on latest EasyTutu tommorrow am if it is not resolved by then.


Macready is a one-person wrecking crew for bugs, plus has the fastest tech support short of Alienware (and he costs a heckuvu lot less). Just to get my word in, my bet is

1. an accidental install into the SoA folder of BG1NPC instead of into BaldursGateTutu folder. Even though I know what to do, and give the installer a real weekly (right now sometimes bi-daily) workout, I have browsed/clicked to the wrong directory accidentally on more than one occasion. This leads to mild oaths, some dogs perking up and waiting for me to get up and go get a cup of coffee while the reinstallation goes through its paces, and a yet another chalkmark of thanks for ETT ('cause I would not be doing this if I had to deal with all the old steps for converting BG2 to Tutu).

2. a corrupted download is dropping a required file; as far as I know, the trigger on v11 and greater is the pair of files:

data/AREA000A.bif should not be present; override/FW0100.are should be present.

  ACTION_IF	 FILE_EXISTS ~data/AREA000A.bif~   THEN BEGIN FAIL ~This mod should be installed in your BG2, Tutu, or EasyTutu folder, after the Tutu conversion.~ END
 ACTION_IF NOT FILE_EXISTS ~override/FW0100.are~ THEN BEGIN FAIL ~This mod should be installed in your BG2, Tutu, or EasyTutu folder, after the Tutu conversion.~ END

As a side note, Macready, if you have alternate suggestions for more targeted files (especially ones that drop a FAIL on anyone trying to install this on BGT instead of using the converted version), it would be greatly appreciated!

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Hello -



"wrong command or filename"

and then nothing...


"** ERROR ** [setup-~6.tp2] not found.


OK, you seem to be having an issue with long filenames. Can you please confirm that the setup program is called Setup-BG1NPC.exe, and not Setup-~6.exe? Alternately, you could just put a copy of weidu.exe in your EasyTutu folder, and execute this command from that folder:


weidu.exe --game .\ BG1NPC.tp2



What version of Windows are you using?


I allways have installed BG1 Npc last


I suggest rethinking that plan in the future. Tweaks should come after.

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damn.... win98. I knew I should have kept a dual/boot system; I was just so sick of the 98 errors.


Someone's got to write a shell that allows the longer filenames to be referenced correctly. Wait a minute, they did... it's called WinXP.


(That dig was not at you, Shaitan, but at myself; I spent a number of years frustrated with Win98 and the Blue Screen of Death).

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Hello -


As a side note, Macready, if you have alternate suggestions for more targeted files (especially ones that drop a FAIL on anyone trying to install this on BGT instead of using the converted version), it would be greatly appreciated!


I know nothing about BGT, aside from the fact that I'm not really interested in it. I would imagine Cam knows enough about it to suggest a good fail condition.

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