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My kitten has a new toy - the computer


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I have a three-month old kitten, Puck, who has an assortment of amusing quirks. One might say he *is* an assortment of amusing quirks.


The latest is that he has discovered that if he bats the mouse on my boyfriend's computer when it is on, but in sleep mode, it makes a funny noise ("Now it is time to play".) Mine doesn't do that, it just fires up the monitor with a pop (wich Puck doesn't like), and that's it, so he never does this to my computer.


He's also discovered that if he steps on the keyboard of my computer, he can make the screen fill up with characters. So he'll sit there on the pull-out keyboard shelf, batting at the keys and watching the screen. He's also figured out how to pull out the shelf if I'm not there, so I can't leave anything open any more while I get coffee.


You know, it might be possible to teach this cat to code, after all.

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I have a three-month old kitten, Puck, who has an assortment of amusing quirks. One might say he *is* an assortment of amusing quirks.


That's cats for you. Ours is about 5 yo, and still acts like she is a kitten :) Oh, believe it or not, but there is actually software available that detects that the keys are pressed by a cat (ie in a random fashion) and prevents the silly stuff being typed into your documents. My hubby once told me about it, though our kitty luckily never developped taste for typing (has periods of loving the mouse though). :)

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