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SPECIFIC.IDS parse error


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Also found a small mistake in following code:

// familiar attacks lack icons
COPY_EXISTING ~imp.itm~	  ~override~ // imp soa
		  ~impclaw.itm~  ~override~ // imp tob
		  ~impqua.itm~   ~override~ // quasit soa
		  ~meplig.itm~   ~override~ // will be cloned into new fixpack item
		  ~mepfir.itm~   ~override~ // will be cloned into new fixpack item
		  ~cdmeplig.itm~ ~override~ // new fixpack item
		  ~cdmepfir.itm~ ~override~ // new fixpack item
		  ~quasclaw.itm~ ~override~ // quasit tob
WRITE_ASCII 0x3a ~iwolf~ #8
READ_SHORT  0x64 "abil_off"
READ_SHORT  0x68 "abil_num"
FOR (index = 0; index < abil_num; index = index + 1) BEGIN
  WRITE_ASCII ("%abil_off%" + 0x04) ~iwolf~ #8


The abilities offset field is 4 bytes long, so:

READ_SHORT  0x64 "abil_off"

should be

READ_LONG  0x64 "abil_off"

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Argh. The specifics.ids can be avoided for now by not installing the Modder component and may not affect players at all. I installed several mods on my current Fixpacked game with the flawed specifics.ids and no complaints which is definitely why I didn't notice the error. However, it's more likely to cause issues with AI mods, of which I have none installed.


The latter error is in the beta fixes and, while it should be fixed, the patch will still work unless those items have more than 65,536 abilities.

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I don't see the point of filling out SPECIFIC either, ELFVES or no.


The latter error is in the beta fixes and, while it should be fixed, the patch will still work unless those items have more than 65,536 abilities.
It won't ever fail. Count is always 2 bytes, and the offset won't ever be anything but 0x72 in the real world (it's the abilities offset, not effects, so the number of abilities doesn't matter).
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It would be an odd ids file that took umbrage at having more than one ascii string associated to a number - this is quite harmless ;)

I was thinking of the decompile-replace-compile style patches, where decompiling with an invalid entry would cause issues when it tries to recompile the script.

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