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ToB-Style NPCs for Tutu


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I've been dicking about with Tutu recently, and was trying out the new locations for NPCs in the BG1 NPC Project.


It seems that the lowest version of Alora I can get is level 4, but at that point she already has loads of points in Pick Pockets, but I'd rather they were distributed elsewhere. A level 1 version of Alora, ready to be levelled-up, would be great.


Same goes for all the other NPCs. Could such a component be a possibility for the future?


I have been drinking (alone ??? ) so sorry if this post makes little sense.

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That was quick!


I have tried it (briefly) but there's something, I dunno, jarring about having a level 0 NPC and a floating message with three brackets above their head. I like the idea behind it and the mod as a whole, but I don't really like the way the component works.


Sorry to sound so ungrateful. I was just wondering if there was an alternative to the SCS way.

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The one from SCS is better than the one from Tweaks. If nothing else, you get to pick the proficiencies.

I know, it just seems strange to me when a NPC starts with nothing. *non-existant shrug smiley*


Do you (or anyone else) know how to stop the overhead message appearing each time a NPC joins your group? That would help remove some of the jarring aspect for me. ???

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A level 1 version of Alora, ready to be levelled-up, would be great.


Yep, that'd be great. And currently, as far as I remember, there was a bug with Imoen becoming a mage after installing this Tweaks component, too - so I'm a little wary of installing it now.


I have tried it (briefly) but there's something, I dunno, jarring about having a level 0 NPC and a floating message with three brackets above their head. I like the idea behind it and the mod as a whole, but I don't really like the way the component works.


Same here. Maybe I am too sentimental - I always think of an NPC as a real person, and "Please, assign my proficiencies and spells" just sends chills up my spine: "Jaheira, what happened to you?!"

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A level 1 version of Alora, ready to be levelled-up, would be great.


Yep, that'd be great. And currently, as far as I remember, there was a bug with Imoen becoming a mage after installing this Tweaks component, too - so I'm a little wary of installing it now.


I have tried it (briefly) but there's something, I dunno, jarring about having a level 0 NPC and a floating message with three brackets above their head. I like the idea behind it and the mod as a whole, but I don't really like the way the component works.


Same here. Maybe I am too sentimental - I always think of an NPC as a real person, and "Please, assign my proficiencies and spells" just sends chills up my spine: "Jaheira, what happened to you?!"


Would it be more palatable to people if I moved it to the text window? It's certainly not supposed to be the NPC speaking, just an onscreen note.


If you want to get rid of it altogether, find the file scs/tra/english.tra, find the row that begins @501=~[the offending text]~, and replace it with @501=~~.

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A level 1 version of Alora, ready to be levelled-up, would be great.


Yep, that'd be great. And currently, as far as I remember, there was a bug with Imoen becoming a mage after installing this Tweaks component, too - so I'm a little wary of installing it now.


I have tried it (briefly) but there's something, I dunno, jarring about having a level 0 NPC and a floating message with three brackets above their head. I like the idea behind it and the mod as a whole, but I don't really like the way the component works.


Same here. Maybe I am too sentimental - I always think of an NPC as a real person, and "Please, assign my proficiencies and spells" just sends chills up my spine: "Jaheira, what happened to you?!"


Would it be more palatable to people if I moved it to the text window? It's certainly not supposed to be the NPC speaking, just an onscreen note.


If you want to get rid of it altogether, find the file scs/tra/english.tra, find the row that begins @501=~[the offending text]~, and replace it with @501=~~.

Moving it to the text window would be an improvement, I think. I personally dislike anything that stands out as being added by a mod. I'm just curious why it's there at all, since a person would know from the readme what the deal with NPCs was, right? Yeah, like everyone reads the readme!


I'll probably just edit the tra file like you suggest. Should I do this prior to installing the mod? Oh, and did you know that you have three brackets in this part:


'(Until you do this, their hit points and equipment may be a little odd; don't worry about this. Once you level them up, they may gain more levels (depending on your own experience).


Kulyok, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who finds the 'bare' NPCs a little offputting. The idea behind the component is sound, but it's like the iron crisis is secondary to the amnesia epidemic that's sweeping the Sword Coast.


What I'm probably going to do, in the absence of level 1 NPCs, is make a list of proficiencies for each NPC, based on what they had in the original BG/Tutu. I'll then print this out and refer to it as I play the game. This way I'll be able to keep the original flavour of the NPCs.

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I think Nythrun has this one covered - she is moving close to an Alpha of a "L1 NPCs" mod that would allow you to set any joinable NPC to any class and/or kit found available on your install, coming in at L1 with the correct number of xp for each joining level.


DavidW, I am among those who *like* the DisplayStringHead, but it would be just as welcome to me to have it be in the Text box. Unlike canon players, I realy appreciate the ability to tweak the NPCs into the version of them that I have interpreted in my brain. For me, Kivan is a master archer and hunting knife Elf; Imoen si a short sword and knife gal, Jaheira is just not a club kinda gal, but stays with her trusty "walking stick". Unless it is Drizzt (or Wolfgar, if he shows up ??? ), I prefer my own imagined versions to the ingame ones. That may change as I continue to read more FR books, but for right now you provide me with a cool experience that I can tailor how I want :(

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Would it be more palatable to people if I moved it to the text window? It's certainly not supposed to be the NPC speaking, just an onscreen note.


DavidW, I am among those who *like* the DisplayStringHead, but it would be just as welcome to me to have it be in the Text box.


That'd be a cool solution.

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