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Hello -


I'm working on integrating BG2FP into EasyTutu, and fixing some things along the way. I'll document anything I'm doing here. Some of these "issues" might not have practical consequences in game...you'd know better than me.


spcl233b.spl (Inquisitor immunities): lacks disable display string effects for: held, charmed, dire charmed, dominated. Lacks immunity to effect hold creature 2.


spcl242.spl (Undead Hunter immunities): lacks remove portrait icon for level drain, disable display string for held.


spcl521.spl (Blade offensive spin): lacks remove portrait icon for hasted, disable display string for hasted.

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spcl233b.spl (Inquisitor immunities): lacks disable display string effects for: held, charmed, dire charmed, dominated. Lacks immunity to effect hold creature 2.
I think we purposely removed hold 2 immunity from the fix; if not, I'll fight against adding it.


BioWare didn't really pay attention (some things do give hold 2 immunity), but it's really a special hack whose only purpose is to bypass hold-immune creatures. It's a special opcode used in very rare circumstances (IIRC, hold undead and the hell hold spell); nothing should be immune to it, and we certainly shouldn't be adding immunity where it doesn't already exist.


IIRC, diseased feedback never runs, but the contagion spell runs the "Stricken by a Foul Disease" string; if monks are immune to it, they should disable that string (not that any enemy anywhere in the game casts it or anything).

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I think we purposely removed hold 2 immunity from the fix; if not, I'll fight against adding it.

Yes, that's correct--hold 2 immunity is not added anywhere.


I went ahead and generalized these fixes into our usual effects batches. The patch list:


level drain immunities (prevent level drain icon, X levels drained messages, display NPP icon):

balth02.spl, bhaal3a.spl, spcl152.spl, spcl242.spl, spcl321.spl, spcl415.spl, spcl741.spl, spcl917.spl, spin117.spl, spin783.spl, spin852.spl, spin853.spl, sppr413.spl, spwi853.spl


hold immunities (prevent hold icon, held message, spinny animation):

spcl233b.spl, spcl242.spl, spin117.spl, spin872.spl, spin906.spl, sppr508.spl


charm immunities (prevent charm/dire charm/domination icons, 'charmed' and 'dire charmed' messages, prevent spwnchrm animation):

spcl152.spl, spcl221.spl, spcl233b.spl, spcl321.spl, spcl817.spl, spin117.spl, spin121.spl, spin632.spl, spin783.spl, spin823.spl, spin852.spl, spin872.spl, spin906.spl, sppr508.spl


haste immunities (prevent haste icon, hasted message, explicit protection from spin572, spin828, spra301, spwi305 to prevent fatigue):

spcl521.spl, spcl814.spl, sppr403.spl


disease immunity (prevent nauseated icon, prevent 'stricken by a foul disease' and 'diseased' messages:



confusion immunity (prevents confused/rigid thinking/chaos icons, prevents 'confused' and 'rigid thinking' messages, prevents spconfus animation):

spcl152.spl, spcl321.spl, spcl542a.spl, spcl920a.spl, spin117.spl, spin632.spl, spin783.spl, spin823.spl, spin852.spl, spin872.spl, spin906.spl, sppr508.spl


Since many of these batches are new, I'll check if any creatures or items need these as well.

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charm immunities (prevent charm/dire charm/domination icons, 'charmed' and 'dire charmed' messages, prevent spwnchrm animation):
That's spNWchrm (not 'wn'). :(


Nythrun's spell protections for SPPR725d aren't setting the protection string to -1. This can have monumentally stupid results.

		PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_7_2%" = 0) BEGIN
	  INSERT_BYTES   ("%fx_off%"							   + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%"))
		WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%"							   + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template7%" // clones immunity effect
		WRITE_SHORT  ("%fx_off%"		+ (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 206		  // protection from spell
		WRITE_ASCII  ("%fx_off%" + 0x14 + (0x14 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) ~sppr725d~ #8 // resref
	  SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1)
	  SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1)

EDIT: you know what? I'm just gonna leave that like it is. Send comments and criticisms to IPS, Inc., thanks.

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charm immunities (prevent charm/dire charm/domination icons, 'charmed' and 'dire charmed' messages, prevent spwnchrm animation):
That's spNWchrm (not 'wn'). :)

The files actually have this correct (typo is just in the post). String for sppr725d immunity has been added.

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Uh, the v6 TP2 I've been working from has the typo (I'm certainly not trolling through past posts; this is all from the current TP2 as I "incorporate" and sync all the latest stuff with my own work)?

Oh, I was thinking the elven sleep/charm resistance effs. Yeah, it's wrong in the tp2; fixed for v7.

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Nythrun's spell protections for SPPR725d


I'm far too lazy to be %evaluating% integers, heh.


Speaking of miscellany, what are we doing with the second patch to achk.2da? By the capitalized OVERRIDE I'm guessing it's a devSin adapation, but why all the mushroom sounds?

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