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IWD Tweaks v5


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Guest grogerson

Downloaded from G3. I downloaded to my work PC yesterday morning, and to my home PC last night, and both were the same. No Traps or Locks was removed, but Two-Handed Bastard Swords and Use Scrolls and Wands at Character Level were still there. I looked in the .tp2 yesterday at work and noticed the two were there and the other wasn't, which was in line with the readme file.


Considering your RL absence and the other things we've been discussing, you may have forgotten about them. But I thought I'd best let you know...

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Guest grogerson

Well, I've just re-downloaded the file, as well as looked at yesterday's download. I may have been premature in my assessment :) . Two-Handed Bastard Swords is the only one still in the readme, though all three appear in the .tp2. Use Scrolls and Wands at Character Level and No Locks or Traps have a "/*" at the beginning of the component, which I'll assume is a way to comment them out. I'll install the new tweakpack in my HoW game tonight and verify only the first appears in the options.

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The Black Dragon Scale, despite its name, is apparently being handled as leather or studded leather. This is trumped in the nonsensical department by the Winter King's Plate, which is being handled as a robe. Both of these, IMO, should be treated as their name implies and should not allow spellcasting or thieving.


I think that Black Dragon Scale is not a bug. Beside allowing thieving, it can be worn by a thief. This makes me believe that Scale refers to the source of the material for the armor (a black dragon scale) and not scale mail armor.


In the end it seems, my mod and yours will complement each other. :) I'll just have to be certain I'm not including anything you already included in your tweaks.

Btw, is tp2cg a good tool to use if I want to write the codes for the tp2?

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In the end it seems, my mod and yours will complement each other. :) I'll just have to be certain I'm not including anything you already included in your tweaks.

Btw, is tp2cg a good tool to use if I want to write the codes for the tp2?

Never used tp2cg--in fact, never heard of it--so can't help you there. I just use ConTEXT plus the WeiDU highlighters from Idobek/cmorgan.


As for complimenting each other, nah. You're free to take whatever you wish from the fixes component and use it in your own mod. :) It's a bit silly to say someone will need to install fixes from Grog, then from IWD Tweaks, and then from your mod as well. Consolidate all of them into yours and everyone will be much happier. (There was a similar discussion for BG2 Fixpack--about whether we'd aim to supplement or replace Baldurdash--and the consensus from modders and players was overwhelmingly for replace.)


The only reason I still have them included is because I don't know how long it'll take for you to incorporate them into your next release, and because it seems you're not going to be supporting HoW-less games.

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Well, I've just re-downloaded the file, as well as looked at yesterday's download. I may have been premature in my assessment :) . Two-Handed Bastard Swords is the only one still in the readme, though all three appear in the .tp2. Use Scrolls and Wands at Character Level and No Locks or Traps have a "/*" at the beginning of the component, which I'll assume is a way to comment them out. I'll install the new tweakpack in my HoW game tonight and verify only the first appears in the options.

Yes. Anything surrounded by /* */ is ignored (this works over multiple lines). You can also comment with // which means to ignore everything on the line after it. With a good text editor (i.e. ConTEXT), it will usually highlight sections that have been commented away so you can see very quickly if a chunk of code is active or not.

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I checked the Winter Plate and there are actually 2 of them. The one you mentioned, CISPGRD.itm (which is not used) and another one KING.itm (which is in fact used).

The second disables spellcasting and thieving as it is suppose to.


Also, keep in mind, that many items in the game have 2 versions and only one is used. Kresselack's sword, for example. I've seen that you fixed it so that it allows 10% cold resistance. In fact you managed to fix an unused file. The real one found in the game, provides the bonus of 10%.

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Guest grogerson

Ran into a problem, and it appears to be IWD only since TotL worked fine.


Returning to Easthaven, I talked to Everard then entered the Crystal Tower. The cut-scene ran normally, but it returned control to me only for a moment then after a moment it acted as if I'd talked to Everard again. I hadn't. I couldn't get out of the temple, either up the stairs or out the door before it did it again... and again... and again... There was barely enough time to pause the game. I even used MoveToArea("ar1102"), but the characters moved to positions as if in the cut-scene and the game locked up.


I uninstalled the fixes component and had no trouble. If you'd e-mail me with the list of fixes added between the beta and final release, I'll comment them out one at a time as see which one's hosing my basic IWD install.

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Returning to Easthaven, I talked to Everard then entered the Crystal Tower. The cut-scene ran normally, but it returned control to me only for a moment then after a moment it acted as if I'd talked to Everard again. I hadn't. I couldn't get out of the temple, either up the stairs or out the door before it did it again... and again... and again... There was barely enough time to pause the game. I even used MoveToArea("ar1102"), but the characters moved to positions as if in the cut-scene and the game locked up.

Found it. When altering scripts I would have to recompile them, but WeiDU would often corrupt any BitGlobal calls in the script. So, I worked around it and asked the bigg to fix it on WeiDU's end. He did--which now causes a few of these (now redundant) workarounds to cause issues. In this case, it's basically stripping the scope of the variable in eeevetpl.bcs, causing the cutscene to loop repeatedly.


It's game-breaking, so expect v6 out real soon.

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Guest grogerson

Sorry about that :) . But why not a v4.1 instead for these two small fixes (this and Two Handed Bastard Swords removal). Besides, I haven't checked out the Change Store Prices component yet. At least let me find out if that works before a v5... :)

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Guest grogerson

Nope. It has four options - low reputation, fixed 100%, fixed 80% and fixed 60%. It's the only component I haven't checked.


By the way, Cam, did you rework sellable items to work with things other than staves and slings?

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Nope. It has four options - low reputation, fixed 100%, fixed 80% and fixed 60%. It's the only component I haven't checked.

That does seem odd for IWD, since there is no reputation that can be seen or influence the prices. The prices are influenced by Cha. Of course, many of those components are legacy from BG2 versions and they should be removed. Like Force all dialogue to pause. That's one useless component in IWD.

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By the way, Cam, did you rework sellable items to work with things other than staves and slings?

It should also be adjusting maces and books as well. If there's anything you're unable to sell, let me know.

I'd like to be able to sell the darts that I run across, some are not sellable.


Can you add darts to the slings and staffs are sellable component? And can you add them to the BG2 version of the tweak pack as well?


Thank you so very much.

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