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Everything posted by berelinde

  1. v5 is uploaded. It fixes BG1 Gavin's portrait assignment.
  2. Thanks for reporting that. It would probably help if i looked up the correct portrait name for BG1. In BG1, the root portrait name is bgavin, not b!gavin.
  3. Not exactly, though it does point out the need to clarify something in talk 5. *Clerics* of Lathander are not usually raised/resurrected/Harpers' Called, but they have free access to the spell to use it on others. They went and changed the Forgotten Realms Wiki when 4E came out, but the Wikipedia reference still contains the info. Unless somebody else writes a dawnbringer NPC, or unless Kit(Player2-6,GODLATHANDER), this isn't going to come up. That said, I probably should add something to the PID about that...
  4. Heh. I never assumed that I could just stick it in the mod without testing it. Regardless, it's a lot better than anything I'd ever cook up. I'm gearing up for an SoA testing run to check out an Alternatives recode and the SoA portion of a new mod beginning today, so I'll test the code you posted on a bare install to make sure the stat/state.ids match up. I know that most of us use the BG2 Fixpack, but other players don't. I can patch in stat.ids/state.ids entries that are absent in a vanilla install, but I never would have thought to check for them myself. It's a perspective thing. I can think of hundreds of conditions to check in dialogue, but when it comes to script checks, I take way too much for granted. Thanks for your help!
  5. Holy working code, that's awesome! Thanks much!
  6. I don't think a See() is enough to handle improved invisibility; use See() and !StateCheck(Player1,STATE_IMPROVEDINVISIBILITY). And possibly a !StateCheck(Player1,STATE_INVISIBLE), too, to catch potion use or whatever. In case it isn't painfully obvious, I've still got a hell of a lot to learn about scripting. But each mod gets a bit better, mostly thanks to people like you that take the trouble to report stuff that doesn't work the way it should.
  7. Yeah, gotta put a See(Player1) in both BG1 and BG2 He's got an area comment, IIRC. I seem to remember looking into giving him a Pai'Na I_C_T reaction, but wound up scrapping it because it was mucking up Quest Pack stuff. I'll have to check my notes on that one. Never even thought of the spider figurine. Good idea!
  8. Probably worth mentioning in the readme, at least.
  9. Adding usability flags for kits should do it. That would cover kensai-to-mage dual classes and everything else. I didn't really want to make it usable by fighters, paladins or thieves because I didn't think these classes went in for herb lore. Including bards was a bit of a stretch, but in the end, I decided to go with that one because PnP bards can learn to do just about anything lore-related. Thieves and poison making go hand in glove, but none of the recipes are for poisons. Antidotes/poison resistance boosters, yes. Poisons themselves, no. If I ever added any poisons to the recipe list (and I might, if I can get the existing items sorted), I'd add thieves to the usability chart. If I ever add poultices (junior strength elixers of health), I would add fighters, too. But then I'd go and add intelligence and wisdom requirements, so people would still hate me.
  10. The mortar is Usable By: Bards Clerics Druids Mages Monks Rangers So Anomen, Cernd, Edwin, Haer Dalis, Imoen, Jaheira, Jan, Minsc, Nalia, Valygar, Viconia, and all mod NPCs who fit into one of those classes can do herbalism. The dialogue switches to Player1 because I had to spawn an invisible CRE to handle the crafting aspects. LastTalkedToBy() didn't work because a newly spawned CRE doesn't have a LastTalkedToBy(), so Player1 was the best solution I could think of at the time. If I had thought it through a little more, I might have realized that I could do an item check and have the invisible CRE talk to whoever was holding the mortar instead, but I didn't think of it. Orignally, I did have it set up to craft more than one item at a time, but I ran into issues because of the dialogue-pause effect on actions. Some actions are executed after a 3-state delay even with the dialogue-pause in effect, but the take/destroy/give item actions don't happen until the dialogue actually ends. You could start out with one set of reagents and brew infinite potions because the actions would never be completed until the dialogue ended. Maybe I'll play with it some more, using variables to track crafting actions instead of a simple item check. I'll have to see how that goes. And good suggestion about adding that as a PID option. I'll see if I can implement it. This whole section needs more polish. For example, consuming prickly tea does not make the item disappear from inventory, nor does it work quite the way I thought it should. It removes the portrait icon, but the character still complains about being tired. I'm using OpCode 93, Stat: Fatigue Modifier, but it's possible that I'm not using it properly. Either that or the -2 modifier that I'm applying here isn't enough to completely remove fatigue effects. Edit: The reason you can put the mortar and pestle in scroll cases is because I screwed up. I meant to make it a potion so that it could go in potion cases. I didn't really think that you should be able to put a heavy stone item in a sack with a lot of glass bottles, but some of the playtesters thought it was inconvenient to have it taking up inventory space. And all of the potions should be identified when you brew them. I'll have to check to make sure that I've got the lore value set to 0. (I see that Purebalm is 40. Got to change that.)
  11. If it's in b!getting_rid_of_gavin.baf, you're missing the LeaveParty() - that might be the cause of the problem Yes, but that isn't the only problem with it. If you had to edit the value in the area AR0002 rather than AR0602, the area for level one of CI is different between BGT/non BGT. I was using the ToW as an example of thing that didn't get carried over. NPCs like Minsc or Edwin solve the issue by having both the BG1 and the BG2 creature have the same death variable, meaning that you can use MoveGlobal() to have the 'old' Gavin move to his starting BG2 area (rather than creating a new one). I'm sure that if you ask over at the BGT fora they should be able to give you more specific tips. Of course, changing death variable would require a rewrite of non-trivial portions of the scripts, so I'll understand if you don't want to do it (or want to ask Lollorian to do it) I knew how to do the transition using MoveGlobal() or MoveBetweenAreas() already, so that was not a factor in my decision to use new CRE/DV/dialogues/scripts. Recoding BG2 Gavin and everything Gavin-related in CBP *is* trivial compared to the other two factors that affected my decision. I did not want to force players to replay BG1 to set the character up they want it. I already explained that, so there's no need to do it again. The other two reasons are more practical. If I keep the same CRE, I would have to use the same scripts and dialogue files for both creatures. AFAIK, there is no way to change interdia.2da assignments between games. For NPCs like Minsc and Edwin, this isn't really a big deal. Neither one of them has much in the way of script/PID in either game, even with BG1 NPC installed. Most of their content is banter. Considering how dialogue and script-heavy both BG1 and BG2 Gavin are, it would be a nightmare. The BG1 scripts and PID menu are both so bloated they barely run on older machines. A lot of that was my fault because I did not script as efficiently as I could have done, but it was my first mod. BG2 Gavin's scripts and PID are more streamlined, but they're still a lot bigger than most NPC mod scripts/PID. Using the same dialogue files and scripts would force me to re-write and recode all of BG1 Gavin as well as big chunks of BG2 Gavin (and parts of CBP), and that's something I really don't want to do. The third reason is the PID menu itself. Besides being big for both games, they're also very different. It would be messier than I really want to deal with. Thus, the need to find a workaround. It isn't perfect, but it does work. The scripts and dialogue files are smaller, they don't get bogged down, etc. What else is there, really? The only things that get imported between BG1 and BG2 are stats, proficiencies, spell memorization, and *maybe* items, if you get the NPC out of there before the DestroyAllEquipment() is executed. I'd rather look into solutions for these than deal with script bloat and unworkable PID. I know this answer isn't going to make everyone happy, but it is still better than the altenative, IMO. Edit: Good catch on the typo. Fixing it now!
  12. I'll probably provide alternatives for some of these, but others are a design choice. This one is a design choice. I did not want to force the player to download a massive mod when they might only be using one part of it. Some players do not play BGT/Tutu, and others have dial-up connections or download limits imposed by their service providers. Oh, crud. I thought I had a workaround for that. I put something in his script that would destroy his CRE if AreaCheck("AR0602"). That doesn't seem to have worked as intended. The best compromise I can come up with is to use the BG2 transition variable instead (I'll look it up in), have him do a LeaveParty() and DestroySelf() if that variable comes back as true. The reason that I did it this way is that I wanted to give players the option to configure the character differently for an SoA-only game. Maybe they were engaged at the end of BG1 but wanted to start over in BG2 as if they never met. I didn't want to force them to play through BG1 twice to set things up the way they wanted it. This is something that I've been agonizing over forever. I wanted players to have customization options, but I wasn't happy that the Tome of Wisdom would be wasted. Maybe the best solution is to leave things as they are and try to find some workaround that doesn't break the fourth wall too badly. Maybe an option on installation that would put one of each tome in Gavin's inventory after he joins in BG2? I don't like it because it breaks immersion, but even some BGT players might appreciate the chance to regain those books if they're starting an SoA-only game. I seem to remember book07 working in BG1 but not in BG2. Am I imagining things? Would it be less immersion-breaking to just assume that the player gave Gavin the tome and give him an automatic wisdom boost if the player says that the PC knew him in BG1? Naturally, if the PC didn't know him in BG1, he wouldn't have received the tome. I suck at spell modding in a big way, but maybe somebody somewhere might be willing to help me out. Or would it be better just to let the player decide how it all gets handled? That seems the best solution to me. Default option: No books, no stat boosts. Option 1: Gavin spawns with one of each tome in his inventory. Option 2: Gavin gets an automatic wisdom boost if he was in the party in BG1. I've been playing with proficiency-altering mods so long that I've forgotten how many points clerics are even supposed to have. Well, I was going to make up a new set of CREs for him anyway based on the effect offset issues Taimon's CRE checker turned up. Maybe I'll move that warhammer point over to flails/morning stars. The BG1/BG2 transition issue is a major issue so I'd probably better fix it soon. Item four on your list is easily fixed, but it isn't breaking anything major, so it can wait a little while. I'm hoping to hold off on a full version-up until ToB is out, so I can include it then. Item three is something that I'd like to think about for a while. I'd also like to hear what players think before committing to one course or another. I'll probably fix the BG1/BG2 transition issue as a BGT-specific hotfix rather than as a full version-up. I don't have BGT installed and my game disks are out on loan, so I would rather have the fix be something small and easily tested.
  13. Most of the scripts are going to use EquipMostDamaging(), I'm afraid. The only one that doesn't is the first script on the list, but if you choose that one, he's just going to pound away at enemies without casting any spells at all. He'll still heal the PC because that's part of his override script, but if you want him to cast flame strike or anything, he will probably ignore your commands.
  14. Yeah, that would do it. You could try another script, but it's probable that they're all going to do that to some extent.
  15. I didn't want to trap the player into using a lame combat script of my own invention, so I never wrote one. There's nothing in the mod that relates to his behavior in combat at all. Since Gavin has no combat AI script whatsoever, if he is changing weapons, it's another mod that's doing it. What's your weidu.log look like? At Amaurea's suggestion, I was trying eScript with Gavin for a preliminary ToB testing run. He had an inventory full of nice items, but he always seemed to choose the one I didn't want him to use. I finally had to unequip all weapons except the one I wanted him to use. This is a problem with eScript, though, not with Gavin. Hope this explanation helps.
  16. What an ironic typo. Thank you.
  17. Wow, thanks! I had a rather vague report of a flirt-related NVROL years ago, but I was never able to find it. I'm going to have some modding time tomorrow, so I'll get a fixed version up then.
  18. Heh. Yeah, know how that goes. If the face starts to look red, time for a spell.
  19. If you have already stayed for the entire dialogue between Miranda and Gavin, there is no need to install v14, nor would you need it if you never went to the temple district with him, but sent him alone. The only time that you would need it would be if decided to stay for part of the conversation and then leave. So if you have already dealt with Miranda, and had your first night talk with Gavin, you're fine. Just to summarize: If you go to the temple district and stay for the whole conversation, you don't need v14. If you send Gavin to the temple district alone, you don't need v14. If you plan to stay for part of the conversation but not the whole thing, you need v14. The easiest way to change Gavin's portraits in a game already in progress is to use ShadowKeeper. I would not recommnd reinstalling the mod just to change a portrait because every time you reinstall, you risk corrupting the scripts. If you are unable to use ShadowKeeper because you're on a Mac or for some other reason, I could put together a portrait-changing mod for you, but I would need to have the portraits that you would like to use to replace the one you already have installed.
  20. Thanks. Glad you're enjoying the mod... apart from incidental frustrations... I know that it's more fun for players to have lots of options when deciding which route to take in a given situation, but there are definitely times I wish I'd kept it simpler. Much simpler. Ah, well. ToB is turning out to be a bit of a relief, at least. No family drama, no multiple romance paths. You're in a committed romance or you aren't.
  21. OK. I'll put up a fixed v14, which will solve the problem for players who haven't had this issue yet, but it won't get Gavin back in the party for you. What you need to do is type in: CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("B!GavLanie","GLOBAL",4) CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("B!GavJoin","GLOBAL",0) That should give you Gavin's general rejoining dialogue and get him back in the party. You won't need to wait for v14 to do that.
  22. OK, I see what is going wrong. Can you go back to a save before he left the party for the second time? If so, I can have a new version up that will address the problem shortly. If not, you're going to have to set a variable or two using the console before you talk to him at the Temple of Oghma.
  23. Dang it, I had that issue in testing and got it all sorted out. Could I have a direct quote from the first line of dialogue where he says that he's got to enroll Lanie? That whole segment is really complicated, so I really do need an exact quote to be able to find what's going on. Did he actually leave the party and go back to the temple, or did he just say that he was going to go? Also, are you sure that he didn't just say that he needed to visit her there every once in a while?
  24. It turned out to be a typo in a trigger, as expected. It's fixed now, and I've incorporated the eScript compatibility patch in v13 as well. If you have v12 already installed, I wouldn't bother versioning up if I were you, but if you're installing for the first time or rebuilding your installation for whatever reason, v13 is available now.
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