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Everything posted by Lauriel

  1. No, actually I didn't. I started with the prologue of my previous game. I'll redo... That was it. I restarted the from scratch and the names were fine.
  2. No, actually I didn't. I started with the prologue of my previous game. I'll redo...
  3. I'm afraid I'll never know...I'm a big fat cheater and have already upped his movement rate. LOL
  4. That's all for now. I went through Chapter 1 (quickly) and didn't notice anything hinkey other than what I've posted. I'm eager to return to working on Transitions, so this is it for a while unless there are certain portions you especially want me to test.
  5. I just played through the part where you pick up Grey and try to return him. That was very nice indeed. Just wanted to say, 'Well done!'
  6. @jastey Issues with the Prologue: Initial meeting with Alex has his name replaced with the sentence: Well, lass, turns out there is indeed a solution... if you're interested. Sister Sapientia's name was replaced with the sentence: I... not long ago I had to stalk through the catacombs under my old home, killing beasts with the faces of everyone I ever loved.
  7. @jastey changes to installation that may affect introduced errors in CD Tweaks. I also installed Grey the Dog this time around for the first time. That's the only change to my normal installation. I probably shouldn't have done that, but I want the dog....
  8. @jastey, report #2 on installation: CD Tweaks errors There were 3 CD Tweaks errors during installation. 2 of them I wouldn't know if they were introduced via the new BG1 NPC mod or not because I had never selected those options before. However, the third I know is new. I've selected that option every time I've installed EET previously and never had an issue with it.
  9. @jastey, report #1 on installation: [CLERIC_RESIST_COLD] not found in [Spell.IDS] This isn't a new warning. I've gotten this no matter where/when I installed it, but thought I should report it anyway. It's never affected play as far as I've noticed. EDIT: Found another in the debug log:
  10. @jastey, question #1. Install order? I used to install it first thing in BGEE/SOD then install other mods then install EET. Now I have my SOD set up without BG1NPC installed. To put it into EET, do I still put it before any other mods (other than EET of course)? Until I hear otherwise, this is what I will assume is the correct thing to do.
  11. This sounds really interesting. My first online RP game I played a 'Psion' - or whatever they were called. Bunches of years ago. I always liked the concept. It would be something that I think would lend itself to RP very easily with a Bhaal-spawn. We get all sorts of other powers that we're not sure where they come from, why not a whole class of them? Love it!
  12. I will. That's one of my few must have mods. Give me a couple days, though. I'm going to be out of town for most of today.
  13. Ahh, that's what causes it! Thank you for the tool. Much appreciated! Danke shoen!
  14. I very much appreciate your tutorials and for letting me scoop up your code into my mod. It's going to save me so much coding time since I have a number of houses to convert. Merci Beaucoup!
  15. What I did in my version is set a variable to STRING_LENGTH ~%GW_Name_old%~ and that works great with no spaces.
  16. I use it. Anything to improve ToB is worth it. But seems stable enough to me. I've not had any issues. Still wish I could see Balthazar before going after the other 2. He's ruining the town and that is something the PC can see that's wrong so why would he/she not want to do something about it. But if you do, he goes hostile.
  17. I really do need to become more comfortable with regex. I just never think of it in a pinch. Thank you!
  18. Yes please, even though I'm not starting one now, it's definitely on my list of mods to do. I want my tiger! Actually, I want a panther (and a falcon - I digress), but @Gwendolyne doesn't have one of those. I saw a LOVELY tiger, though!
  19. I just read through part of this, and it has already helped me. That's a lot of work you put into that. Thank you SO much! Well done - so detailed! I don't think I can say enough good things about this.
  20. Ok, I'm trying to write my own based on the function that clones regions that @Gwendolyne wrote. So I can find the region. Awesome! But when I try to update the name, it puts in the name of the variable instead of its value. The line of code is: WRITE_ASCII ("%region_off%" + 0x00 + (0xC4 * i)) ~%new_name%~ It puts in %new_name% for the name of the region. At least it sort of works. LOL I've tried just new_name, I've tried just %new_name%, I even tried EVAL ~%new_name%~ (it didn't like that at all). I've run out of things to try. Help? What's the magic syntax to put in the variable's value versus its name? EDIT: Found it! (WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII for those in the future that will also bash their heads against this)
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